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clort's Avatar
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Originally Posted by biketool View Post
We got'chu bro!

Still pre-release though, I hope they are adding the i2c multiplexer so we can cram more stuff inside it.
That's not for me, since it's not a slider landscape keyboard with thumb-typing haptics.

I've used such devices in the form of the Psion 5 and Psion Netbook. Switching my touch typing between those and a fullsize keyboard crossed the streams in the muscle-memory in my brain. Blue smoke flowed out of my of ears and frazzling noises were audible... There was no way to keep the muscle memory seperate, for me.

A thumb keyboard trains a seperate part of my memory, and thus doesn't trigger associative cross-signaling.

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Originally Posted by clort View Post
That's not for me, since it's not a slider landscape keyboard with thumb-typing haptics.
I like the hardware keyboards, too. are the digital ones cheaper? Is that the reason everything's made with those? or is it a marketing thing?

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clort's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bradvesp View Post
I like the hardware keyboards, too. are the digital ones cheaper? Is that the reason everything's made with those? or is it a marketing thing?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'digital'.

If you mean typical 'slab' phones where typing is done on-screen versus phones with a slider mechanism, it seems obvious that there are additional engineering and manufacturing costs with the slider + hardware keyboard.

I don't know how high those are, perhaps someone from fxtec could tell us.

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nonsuch's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bradvesp View Post
I like the hardware keyboards, too. are the digital ones cheaper? Is that the reason everything's made with those? or is it a marketing thing?
Every moving part, every mechanical switch, every mechanical connector, these are the parts that are the most expensive to build, esp. if you want to make them last (more than a couple of years). Countless are the "smart" phones that, after the warranty runs out, are perfectly fine except for the power switch, or the USB connector (charger).
N900 in 2020
SFOS in 2021

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Hi everyone,

I'm a former N900 user and I wish to make it work again after a few years of retirement.
Before my beloved N900 I've never had any PDA, it was my first one in 2010.
Furthermore I'm a Linux user since the twentieth century, and I found it incredible to get it in my pocket !

I hope I will fix the few problems on my device with a little help.

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Welcome petitevieille!
You are aware of Maemo Leste?
N900 in 2020
SFOS in 2021

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Posts: 330 | Thanked: 860 times | Joined on May 2011
Hi petitevieille,

Feel free to ask!
By curiosity, what did you use since you stopped using your N900?
Toshiba Libretto 70ct -> Psion -> Palm -> Openmoko Freerunner -> gta02 -> gta04 -> n900 n900 n900 n900
...recycled devices, hack, arduino...

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I discovered Leste here, but I've just begun by restoring Maemo 5 for now.

After my N900 I used a Nexus 4, then I tried Ubuntu Touch on a BQ phone for a while. When the phone broke, I used CyanogenMod on a ZUK. The next one, and the current one, is a Xiaomi Note 4 running /e/ OS. I think I'll keep this one as long as the hardware works well.

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Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2023
i joined because the nokia n9 looks ****ing amazing and i wanted to ask some questions about it lol

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Welcome! The best way to find info here is to use some search engine and add "maemo talk" on the search. Works better than the search on this site. N9 info you can find by choosing the device from the main menu's device list. There is also an active group on telegram if you happen to use it.
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