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pocale's Avatar
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MeeGo hardware development platform
From the bug reports, patch information, the exposed source code and log files of the OS can MeeGo are always new technical details of the currently used development platforms for MeeGo tease out. The details contained conclusions to be integrated hardware and revisions that could be used in future devices, or be found.

For the latest finds for MeeGo platform, here is a detailed list of hardware from a recent MeeGo development platform based on Intel's Atom.

Details of the MeeGo Device Development, known under the code name * CDK.

CPU - Intel 1,6 GHz

RAM - 1 GB
- High Level Memory: 117MB
- Low Level Memory: 889MB

- Reference/System Clock: 19,2MHz
- DSP Clock: 440MHz
- Memory Clock: 26MHz
- Grapcics clock (LNC core): 200MHz

- Graphics Memory: 512MB
- Display: 480 x 854 Pixel

GPS - Broadcom BCM4751
- Single chip GSM

NFC - NPX Semiconductors PN544 NFC Controller
- HT80C51MX Core processor
- up 424kBit/s
- all NFC standards
- NFC-WI Secure interface
- RAM: 5K; ROM: 128K; EEPROM: 52K
- 10cm oprating distance

UART - Maxim MAX3110
- RS232
- 300baud - 230kbaud max
- Freq: 3.125MHz

Audio - Intel HD Audio - ALSA

- Intel PRO/1000 - 1 GBit Ethernet
- Intel PRO/100 - 100 MBit Ethernet
- IPv4 / IPv6

- USB 1.1 (OHCI)
- USB 2.0 (EHCI)
- USB Mass Storage
- USB On-The-Go (penwell_otg)

Mass Memory Interfaces
- MMC1
- MMC2
- MMC3
- MMC4
- SDHC Interface (ADMA)

- Cypress True Touch Controller
- Atmel maXTouch Touchscreen/Controller (MXT224?)

I/O Expander - Toshiba TC35894XBG
- up to 24 GenIO ports
- support for 26 keys

RF - Infineon XMM 6260 3G modem (???)

Texas Instruments WiLink 6.0 (WL1271)
- Bluetooth v2.1 + EDR
- FM Radio (Transmitter/Receiver)

- Core Version: 2.15

- Standards: a (54MBit/s) / b (12MBit/s) / g (54MBit/s), n (300MBit/s)

Camera Interfaces: 2
- Camera 1 @ I2C
- Camera 2 @ I2C


Avago APDS980x series
- Ambient Light Sensor APDS9802als (analogue)
- Proximity Sensor APDS9802ps (digital)

Accelerometer - STMicroelectronics LIS3LV02DL
- MEMS inetrial sensor, 3-axis
- Measurement range: +2g/-2g + +6g/-6g
- 16 Bit

Magnetometer - AKM Semiconductors AK8974
- 3-axis electronic ompass

Thermal zone 1, 2, 3
Lunix media interface
Linux video capture interface
PCI SSP Controller

Filesystem - EXT3

Last edited by pocale; 2011-02-02 at 15:54.
Helmuth's Avatar
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MeeGo is not only the Handset part... The upper specs could also be from a Intel MeeGo Tablet.

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Originally Posted by maluka View Post
I read that as: People who have bet against Nokia/MeeGo are getting nervous weeks before MeeGo is due to be made public.

It's the dumbest idea ever and it will never happen. The drumbeat of desperation is getting louder.
Givve me ONE GOOD reason why it cannot happen! :-(

Everything is ****ing busssines and even my VERY small stock got up today and if this rumors about Microsoft was the reason then I am very angry, if they go Microsoft I will sell even if i loose, but still most stockholders and real bussinespeople/investors are stupid IDIOTS imho.

They prefer big money in first place and dont give a **** about if you and me prefer Meego/Open source whatever... They probadly had loosed alot in Nokia atm and are very angry and want fast responses back == WP7 less engineers needed== kick alot of enginners == stock raise :-(

we are seen as a very "small group of geeks that wants Meego" until Nokia really can prove theyr wrong but atm. this is not the case! They are loosing in bussines atm. and in short run people may think Microsoft **** WP7 is the best way to go (I dont :-(

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2011-02-02 at 20:57.

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automagic68's Avatar
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If Nokia goes WP7 I will cry REAL tears.

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I really don't see them replacing MeeGo (or Symbian) with WP7. Seriously, there's absolutely nothing but a name and snappy UI. No multitasking, other features missing, localization only half way done... no, it's completely different product for different type of device. It cannot be integrated to Nokia's ecosystem, so either there is some very deep going cooperation between Nokia and MS (which could also mean end to Nokia-Intel cooperation, I think is unlikely) or all of this is just empty talks and fancy dreams of some idiot analyst.

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Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
I really don't see them replacing MeeGo (or Symbian) with WP7. Seriously, there's absolutely nothing but a name and snappy UI. No multitasking, other features missing, localization only half way done... no, it's completely different product for different type of device. It cannot be integrated to Nokia's ecosystem, so either there is some very deep going cooperation between Nokia and MS (which could also mean end to Nokia-Intel cooperation, I think is unlikely) or all of this is just empty talks and fancy dreams of some idiot analyst.
DO you think the stockholders give a **** about technical issues?

Did the Iphone 3 have multitasking ? No, still people buys it cause its hyped sames probadly goes for Nokia+Microsoft merge on OS! Again the stock raised == money mathers...

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Well, I do.

Ok, some give, some don't. It depends on how much they know and care to know about the business they are placing their bets on. Even with iphoney lack of multitasking was an annoyance and that's why it was implemented. To put out a high end device without one is really a big no-no, it would be just devastating, no matter if it comes with MS brand or anything else. It will get compared against Android and iPhone, just being cute and having snappy UI (which by the way is not customizable at all in WP7) will not be enough and any sane stockholder ought to know that.

There are rumors that market "will not accept any more bad news", so in any case I'll have somewhat bad day in 11th. Either Elop will destroy Nokia in long term by making it nothing more than bulk producer with low margins and complete inability to change it's own fate in exchange for short term boost in stock rates, or he is wise enough to actually make his own judgment about long term viability of Nokia and suffer short term drop. I really prefer the latter option but it remains to be seen.
Posts: 3,464 | Thanked: 5,107 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gothenburg in Sweden
Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
Well, I do.
well then I hope you do the same as me and sell if they go wp7 I will for ssure even if I would loose cause it raise.
Posts: 196 | Thanked: 224 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Africa
I am surprised no "analysts" have called for Nokia to produce CDMA smartphones.

There is no way to "compete" on numbers in the US purely on GSM. Apple knows this.

IMHO, Android's fast growth has been because of a CDMA smartphone vacuum.

Nokia switching to a different OS will not help it reach the 100 million US subscribers on CDMA.

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Originally Posted by pocale View Post
CPU - Intel 1,6 GHz

Display: 480 x 854 Pixel
If either of these are true this Meego fan is going to be buying a HTC pyramid in May.

Using an intel CPU is a stupid way for Nokia to try and differentiate themselves from the competition, as the mobile ecosystem is ARM based, and would indicate that they don't have confidence that the OS alone can provide the necessary differentiation.

Using an 854x480 screen when everyone else is shifting over to qHD (960x540) is just effing lazy!

The Following User Says Thank You to Jedibeeftrix For This Useful Post:

bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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