Poll: Delet the values from the speedpatch?
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Delet the values from the speedpatch?

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Posts: 328 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ Venezuela
hi guys, i cant seem to find the speedpatch or batterypatch in the repos using ham or fam, i also did a apt-get install speedpatch batterypatch which came unable to find package, and when i tried aptitude search speedpatch nothing came back, so i did a aptitude search speed and a few packages came back but no speedpatch. do i have the name of the package right? anyone esle having this issue?
Posts: 183 | Thanked: 98 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Brisbane, Australia
I found on my n900 that the speedpatch actually made my device slower. Moving between programs, scrolling lists, etc, all had a slowness about them. uninstalling the speedpatch restored the smoothness that was there. not sure if i was doing something wrong. I have:
Modified hildon desktop
OC'd to 1150/1150
hw revision 2204
corduroysack's Avatar
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i'm now into my third day of use without charging, it will def need charging at some point today though.

completely empty battery icon and no low battery alerts. still going ok been using it as well. best battery life i've had tbh
speedpatch+battery patch+ karams profile.
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage

Last edited by corduroysack; 2011-09-06 at 13:42.
ammyt's Avatar
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I updated my patch with the vfs_cache_pressure script and the usage of process SIGSTOP, you should take a look:
shanttu's Avatar
Posts: 234 | Thanked: 281 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Helsinki
I have used Speedpatch for more than a month now and been very satisfied with. When it was uploaded to repos I removed previous version following instructions on first post and installed again using fam.
Now I have the same problem as corduroysack:
.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/2056/ notify_on_release: nonexistent directory
This message comes twice when I open terminal.

Done so far:
*Rebooted several times after installations
*Purged both Batterypatch (+dbus-scripts) and Speedpatch
*Rebooted twice again

The problem appeared before latest update.
What next?

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my phone was overklocked to 850
I installed the baterypatch with the repos
then I overklocked it to 750
and now I was wondering if everything works fine now?!
is everything good so?
corduroysack's Avatar
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Originally Posted by shanttu View Post
I have used Speedpatch for more than a month now and been very satisfied with. When it was uploaded to repos I removed previous version following instructions on first post and installed again using fam.
Now I have the same problem as corduroysack:
.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/2056/ notify_on_release: nonexistent directory
This message comes twice when I open terminal.

Done so far:
*Rebooted several times after installations
*Purged both Batterypatch (+dbus-scripts) and Speedpatch
*Rebooted twice again

The problem appeared before latest update.
What next?
i got it again today after device froze i ended up uninstalling(purging) speedpatch and used the uninstall script in post1 (clutching at straws)
removed bash and re-installed bash again.
then i looked through using file box and deleted everything speedpatch and deleted bash and bashrc from home/user (had backupmenu installed just in case)
then i reinstalled speedpatch and rebooted twice. device wouldn't reboot first time so removed battery for about 10 seconds
error has gone now.
thought i'd sorted it before but after that freeze and reboot it started again.
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage

Last edited by corduroysack; 2011-09-06 at 22:04.

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Looks like the disease has reached me too, will do as you say cordy.

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corduroysack's Avatar
Posts: 939 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ U.K.
give it a go mines back to normal and no errors but for how long this time i don't know. did your n900 freeze and then reboot prior to this?
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage
ammyt's Avatar
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Originally Posted by corduroysack View Post
give it a go mines back to normal and no errors but for how long this time i don't know. did your n900 freeze and then reboot prior to this?
Not yet. I only get that error when launching xterminal.

The Following User Says Thank You to ammyt For This Useful Post:

autobrick, awesome-script, do no install, f***epitaph, install it now, perfect_ n900, script-a-brick, very safe

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