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Poll: Did you order a Jolla tablet?
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Did you order a Jolla tablet?

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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I think the biggest different is how to get there. You want silance or not repeated messages.
I don't want silence. Not at all. I just want civil discussion. You can show your anger in many different forms. But all caps, fraud, "I'm so angry that I could punch a tree" type of posts rarely conveys what you're probably meaning to convey. It just comes off as something ignorable. A child's tantrum.

I want the user to be able to step in at any time and ask or share his/her opinion. I think it's up to the reader and not the poster to ignore messages(unless going on personal attacks or other forbidden tasks)
It's hard to ask questions, give updates when they're buried under oft repeated "OOOH, I WON'T GET MY TABLET BY CHRISTMAS, SO TO HELL WITH <insert name/company/country/city/norse god or favorite expletive>" just reads the same over and over. I've been getting my updates elsewhere (which... there's really none at the moment).

That's my point. It clouds communication, only incites and perpetuates rage. That's what I find difficult. And to start snapping about who said what and their take is invalid/incredible or whatever invalidates their meaning. But if it's hard to glean the meaning due to aforesaid rant style. That's what I'm addressing.

Wanna stay angry, so be it. Want to hoist torches and pitchforks, so be it. Want to be civil, discuss and update accordingly, so be it.

I'm merely bringing forward my stance. You've had your chance to bring your stance up quite a bit.
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That Christmas threat is one of my favorites.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
That Christmas threat is one of my favorites.
I actually had that as my home page for a bit.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I actually had that as my home page for a bit.
What do you mean?

Anyway hope for some tablet news tomorrow.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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Originally Posted by billranton View Post
When one of the selling points of Jolla is the strength of its community, I think the reactions of that community to a crisis are very important to an investor. Unfortunately, it's part of the nature of the internet that loud minority voices are perceived to be a larger part of the community than they really are.
PR != reality.

If every single one of the tablet backers promised never to use a Jolla product ever again, I doubt it would make a difference. Current Sailfish users are guinea pigs, nothing more. The real Jolla customers (at least according to plan A) are the vendors, and those vendors would be selling devices to an entirely different group of people.

Do you think if Intex (or some other vendor) made a licensing deal contingent on them being able to include intrusive ads and data-mining services, that Jolla would say 'no, we are community focused'?
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
What do you mean?

Anyway hope for some tablet news tomorrow.
Mikecomputing had a countdown link -

The Christmas threats were prior.
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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Do you think if Intex (or some other vendor) made a licensing deal contingent on them being able to include intrusive ads and data-mining services, that Jolla would say 'no, we are community focused'?
Actually, I do. I don't believe Jolla would pursue a deal like that, the same as I don't believe they'd agree to the Google services license. It's their raison d'etre, which is my point. Of course, it's a chilling possibility that the next few months may leave them Jolla only by name, in which case anything could happen...
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Anyone knows the date of restructuring start? Is the public knowledge in Finland?
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here is a thought from somebody that knows plenty of the Jolla folks:

If you are thinking about the continuation of Jolla, then take a look at the facts on who is still around. In reality, all key contributors have left already or will leave in the near future. Here is a list:
Marc Dillon, Co-Founder & COO (former Maemo Variant Manager): Gone
Carsten Munk, Head of R&D (Former MeeGo developer): Gone
Valerio Valerio, Chief Software Engineer (former Maemo contributor): Gone
Souyma Bijjal, Head of SDK (former Maemo SDK program manager): Gone
Stefano Mosconi, Founder&CIO (former Maemo IT Manager): Leaving
Annikka Hautamäki, Chief Products Officer (former Maemo Product Manager): leaving
Pekka Itäpelto, Head of Business Development (former Nokia consultant): Gone
Tim McDonald, Marketing Director (former design lead): Gone
Mikko Pykkö, VP Sales&Marketing (former Nokia sales director): leaving

Does anybody truly believe that Jolla will continue without these guys?

The only two guys "left" are Antti Saarnio and Sami Pienimäki who are already working on their next "adventure".

Jolla was a very ambitious project, maybe too good to be true. I personally believe that something like Sailfish OS will one day happen just like Linux takes over gradually more of the computing world. But Jolla? Well, the last word hasn't been spoken, but it won't be long until then.

Peter (former Head of Maemo Marketing, Host of Maemo Summit Amsterdam)
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Originally Posted by Peter@Maemo Marketing View Post

here is a thought from somebody that knows plenty of the Jolla folks:

If you are thinking about the continuation of Jolla, then take a look at the facts on who is still around. In reality, all key contributors have left already or will leave in the near future. Here is a list:
Marc Dillon, Co-Founder & COO (former Maemo Variant Manager): Gone
Carsten Munk, Head of R&D (Former MeeGo developer): Gone
Valerio Valerio, Chief Software Engineer (former Maemo contributor): Gone
Souyma Bijjal, Head of SDK (former Maemo SDK program manager): Gone
Stefano Mosconi, Founder&CIO (former Maemo IT Manager): Leaving
Annikka Hautamäki, Chief Products Officer (former Maemo Product Manager): leaving
Pekka Itäpelto, Head of Business Development (former Nokia consultant): Gone
Tim McDonald, Marketing Director (former design lead): Gone
Mikko Pykkö, VP Sales&Marketing (former Nokia sales director): leaving

Does anybody truly believe that Jolla will continue without these guys?

The only two guys "left" are Antti Saarnio and Sami Pienimäki who are already working on their next "adventure".

Jolla was a very ambitious project, maybe too good to be true. I personally believe that something like Sailfish OS will one day happen just like Linux takes over gradually more of the computing world. But Jolla? Well, the last word hasn't been spoken, but it won't be long until then.

Peter (former Head of Maemo Marketing, Host of Maemo Summit Amsterdam)
Hi Peter.
Next adventures, I take it as it's not Jolla phone ll

A question?
Why going for restructuring then? Just for fun or to protect assets? Another fake move?
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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