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I tried all apt get u wrote here to uninstall obex files but still can't use my device with PcSuit. What's wrong? I cant update system now cause it needs pcsuit connection
help pls
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Originally Posted by tuxy View Post
Edit: solved the duplicate phonebook issue by returning an empty phonebook when SIM1/telecom/pb is queried. See attachments: obexd binary and the phonebook-ebook.c file containing all changes.
Tuxy, thanks a LOT for the new version and of course again for your efforts here!!!

Tested your file and after checking a couple of entrys it looks very good!

I only found few errors/deviations while browsing through some transfered entrys. I found that most of them were due to bad data quality in my phone book and I was able to fix them easily (e.g. bad formated email, contacts with no first/last name but only company name or false classification of phone numbers).
The only issue I was not able to solve yet is that for some contacts the phone number is still not transfered. What I noted here is that some(all?) of them have ä, ö or ü within the first or last name - is it possible that we have some kind of encoding issue here?

Of course I did not check all of my 300+ contacts (and had to quit testing as it was above 30 degrees celcius in my car ), but from my point of view the result is very good!

Originally Posted by raverpol View Post
I tried all apt get u wrote here to uninstall obex files but still can't use my device with PcSuit. What's wrong? I cant update system now cause it needs pcsuit connection
help pls
Broken PC Suite and Bluetooth connectivity, problems with downgrade to original obex as well as a false Maemo 5 update announcement in App Manager are known issues that occured with the obex files posted in this thread and were also mentioned in this thread before.

I hope that when PBAP works in general some of the genius here find solutions for those bugs and brings PBAP to extras so that every average user can simply download and install PBAP without loosing other features ;-)
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Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke View Post
The only issue I was not able to solve yet is that for some contacts the phone number is still not transfered. What I noted here is that some(all?) of them have ä, ö or ü within the first or last name - is it possible that we have some kind of encoding issue here?

Of course I did not check all of my 300+ contacts (and had to quit testing as it was above 30 degrees celcius in my car ), but from my point of view the result is very good!
The phone number is not transferred, so the contact itself is?
And if so, is the name with ä, ö or ü then displayed correctly?

Just tested with a fake contact with ö and ü in the name, and my carkit displays the contact correctly (names and number). The hcidump shows the N (name) parameter is sent in UTF8 (in a hex editor the ö character is represented by two bytes).

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Originally Posted by tuxy View Post
The phone number is not transferred, so the contact itself is?
And if so, is the name with ä, ö or ü then displayed correctly?
Both, Yes...

Originally Posted by tuxy View Post
Just tested with a fake contact with ö and ü in the name, and my carkit displays the contact correctly (names and number). The hcidump shows the N (name) parameter is sent in UTF8 (in a hex editor the ö character is represented by two bytes).
Ok, thanks for testing! Will have another look at these contacts later and see if I can identifiy another issue with them...
Posts: 356 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Poland
Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke View Post
Broken PC Suite and Bluetooth connectivity, problems with downgrade to original obex as well as a false Maemo 5 update announcement in App Manager are known issues that occured with the obex files posted in this thread and were also mentioned in this thread before.

I hope that when PBAP works in general some of the genius here find solutions for those bugs and brings PBAP to extras so that every average user can simply download and install PBAP without loosing other features ;-)
so no hope for now?
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...I'm so glad to see some movement regarding this topic; also I hoped Nokia would take their "early adaptor customers" (spending quite a bunch of money) a bit more into consideration.
So - waiting this solution going to an "extra deb"; thanks so far!
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Originally Posted by raverpol View Post
so no hope for now?
Reinstalling the original packages that are manually updated in drew's post 70 is worth a try.

But keep in mind that this can cause problems for the phone. Backup your data, backup your config (apps > system > backup) and know how to reflash (

To reinstall the original packages:
- open x-terminal on the N900 and get root privileges
sudo gainroot
ssh root@localhost if openssh-server is installed
- excecute these commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install --reinstall obexd libopenobex1 openobex-apps
- reboot the phone.

Edit: note that this procedure will remove the updated obexd binary, removing the PBAP capability from the N900.

Last edited by tuxy; 2010-07-21 at 22:00.

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Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke View Post
The only issue I was not able to solve yet is that for some contacts the phone number is still not transfered. What I noted here is that some(all?) of them have ä, ö or ü within the first or last name - is it possible that we have some kind of encoding issue here?
Ok,had another sauna-(aka testing-)session in my car

First, what I noted: The contacts I identified take a while longer to show up, even a while after the "transferring data" message disappeared...Don`t know what that means, but something is going on here I guess!?

What I tried first, I created an exact copy of one of the contacts and made small changes to one of the contacts - with no success.
Next I added a fake number to the contact copy I created before - success the contact showed up with both (the real and the fake) number...

So, at the moment I still dont have an idea whats wrong with those contacts. Guess for further investigation I would have to look at a dump of the transfer, but as said before the installation of hcidump fails :-(
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Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke View Post
So, at the moment I still dont have an idea whats wrong with those contacts. Guess for further investigation I would have to look at a dump of the transfer, but as said before the installation of hcidump fails :-(
Cannot find that post just now, but I remember it was because of failing dependencies? Sometimes these dependencies are more of a packaging issue than a real one. Hcidump is a simple binary in bluez-hcidump, chances are it will work if installed manually.

Instructions for manual install:

1 - Download the deb-package.
The package containing hcidump is here:
2 - Unpack it (alien on Linux, 7-zip on Windows)
3 - copy /usr/sbin/hcidump to the N900
4 - on N900: chmod a+x /usr/sbin/hcidump

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== tracker backend ==

Now that I got my carkit working with the e-book backend, I started debugging the tracker backend, as it seems to support more use cases (missed calls, etc).

The tracker backend doesn't work because an expected dbus service: org.freedesktop.Tracker1 is missing on the N900. This service is implemented by the tracker-store daemon:

Tracker-store is not available on maemo's tracker version 0.6. It is available in the debian-testing arm packages: tracker version 0.8. This service is new, and using it will require an upgrade.

That upgrade might wreak havoc on the phone. I don't know what services rely on tracker services, all kinds of apps might break. I'm not ready to risk that as I'll need my phone up and running the upcoming weeks. Any volunteers that have the N900 reflash capability on hot standby?

== extra deb ==

As HugoSon said, it would be nice to make e-book PBAP available for others via an extra-deb. But this package should not break pc-suite / bluetooth ftp functionality as reported in this thread.

Can anyone confirm breakage of pc-suite *and* restore of that feature after rolling back to the original maemo versions of libopenobex1, openobex-apps and obexd?

If so, I can check whether it is doable to implement PBAP starting from maemo source. If pc-suite breaks on the libopenobex upgrade it will be a pain. If it's obexd there is hope.

In any case, I'll need heavy help with testing, as pc-suite is a Windows only app, and I don't have a windows machine available.


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