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Originally Posted by sygys View Post
Well why does everyone keep whining about the freakin bug jar. For some one like me (not geek and just a customer) its impossible to understand how its working.
I generate the Bug Jar reports each week, and I'd appreciate your thoughts on how they fail to meet your needs and how I can improve them. That discussion is off-topic for this thread, but if you contact me via private messaging, I'll be happy to work on improvements. Thanks!
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to all of you complaining about device hangs, it was issues with hildon-home/hildon-desktop hogging cpu/mem and battery on my device. these are two different issues and there are plenty of posts about them on this forum. I traced the sources on my device through process of elimination to a couple of widgets I had installed.

custom operator name caused hildon-home to peg cpu/batt at regular intervals (every 5-6s) and hog memory causing device hangs. according to threads others have had this issue with other python widgets as well.

removing catorize remedied hildon-desktop issue, but reading threads revealed bug in hildon-desktop which can be fixed, I just dont use catorize. I rarely venture from the four customizable desktops and they are full of select widgets and shortcuts (even facebook).

uptime: 39d 14hr
avg batt life: 3d
and NO sytem hangs here.

I'm no coder, I just know how to search, learn, and troubleshoot. linux os and open source community makes that easy. in my opinion this device is not for your average windows user. linux assumes the user knows what he/she is doing and this is obviousy not always true.
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anyone heard a rumour about ari jaaksi stealing PR when he left the building? I think it might be true.

Posts: 575 | Thanked: 621 times | Joined on May 2010
we plan to catch him on 10/27
Posts: 376 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I say bring on PR1.4 as no one will be happy with 1.3
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on May 2010
Nokia employs please keep your loyalty aside and leak something like changes log, release date or firmware files it self...
Posts: 427 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by jocefus View Post

removing catorize remedied hildon-desktop issue, but reading threads revealed bug in hildon-desktop which can be fixed, I just dont use catorize. I rarely venture from the four customizable desktops and they are full of select widgets and shortcuts (even facebook).

uptime: 39d 14hr
avg batt life: 3d
and NO sytem hangs here.
i dont use catorize but i dont get near the battery life you do either. can you provide a short whitelist/blacklist of apps you are successfully using and the ones that seemed to be the most problematic?

Please vote for the following bug:
Media player should play audio tracks continuously (gapless playback)
ndi's Avatar
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Catorize and ApMeFo both expose a bug in hildon causing drain.

Python widgets cause a leak that causes heavy swapping in about 48 hours. This is also manifested as high CPU usage when unlocking phone. User tests in bugzilla suggest it also happens with no widgets, only slower.

I reboot every 48 hours. It's not unusable, but noticeably slower than after reboot and has noticeable delays due to swapping.

IIRC, not even 1.3 will fix this.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.
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Originally Posted by clovis86 View Post
we plan to catch him on 10/27
Its easy now when we know what he is up to. He can be found at palm.
Posts: 107 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by b15cu1t View Post
I think that the PR1.3 which will be released following PR1.2 around October time. I hope they put more effort into this release as I think many owners will feel extremely deflated after the anticipation of PR1.2 only to be let down.....
Looks like my prediction may eventually come true.....


early start, firmware, fremantle, future, jump the gun, maemo, maemo 5, myth continued, not again, pr 1.3, pr1.3, product release, some1 shoot him, speculation, update, wait, wait for pr1.4, waiting, waiting more

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