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Just because I haven't used 500mb this month, or last month, does not mean I may not want to be able to in the remainder of my 24 month contract without charge like I originally paid for, putting me at a significant disadvantage and thus giving me the right to terminate my contract.

good point made off eforum
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Originally Posted by sajman View Post
Just because I haven't used 500mb this month, or last month, does not mean I may not want to be able to in the remainder of my 24 month contract without charge like I originally paid for, putting me at a significant disadvantage and thus giving me the right to terminate my contract.

good point made off eforum
It puts me in that category
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i used Vodafone many years ago, i hate it
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mr_bridger's Avatar
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We have unfortunately become the victims of our own undoing.....

If none of these threads and arguments on blogs ect were here, voda would have done the change and we could have cancelled our contracts.

by making them realise how many people would have been aware of cancelling, they are back-pedalling quicktime, and just (re)enforcing the rules that were already here, only not as strict.

oh well.... best wait and see what happens
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masterpin: shotgun
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Hmm Not looking good. This was posted on eforums

The Fair Usage Policy will remain.
No changes to T&Cs
You will get a free text message as you approach your limit
If you use excessive data over a 3month period, ie, 1Gb instead of 3 then they will look to ask you to sign upto a Mobile Broadband Package
This is fairer as apparently now you won't be charged if you go over, you will get a text message
Previously if you did go over apparently you would be billed
No you cannot cancel under the 11d para 4
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Sounds to me like they are still going ahead with the change but not enforcing it at the moment, however when they do we will be well outside our time period for canceling.
If i recieve the proposed text message i will be canceling, its not about weather they will charge me, but that they will have the right to in future if we agree to the new terms by not canceling within 14 days of receiving of the change in the T&C's

We will have to see what the text actualy says
My N900@1Ghz Rocks
I wanted a phone, but i ended up with an all encompasing obsession

Last edited by matts76; 2010-05-11 at 12:48.
Posts: 377 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Dec 2009
sounds as tho vodafone have backed off their plans to change the terms but rather give u 3 months so they can look at your useage, if you continue to use over 500mb after the 3rd month u will get charged, think they know by changing terms it would give us the chance to leave, this i think now closes that chance, i might be wrong but it looks like that way,
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"were changing your contract so we can charge you if you go over your data alowance, but dont worry were only gonna enforce it on the really bad ones who go over on a regular bascis (for now)"

F*ck you vodafone, any attempt to change my T&C's will result in cancelation.

They are trying to take us for fools, any change to the way we are charged for our data is a change to our T&C's, end of
My N900@1Ghz Rocks
I wanted a phone, but i ended up with an all encompasing obsession

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It will be interesting to see at what data usage vf decide to send out the 'slapped wrists' text.

I think they will be on a sticky wicket if its just over the 500meg mark seeing as the majority of us here signed up to 'unlimited' internet.

vodafone con

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