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that`s just another of UR crappy opinions...
MY crappy opinion is:
totally reliable
absolutely smooth and snappy after PR1.2 (will be even smoother after PR1.3)

Lumia 800
totally unreliable (BT is pain in the ***, camera acts weird, Zune is pain in the ***, etc, etc)
bad battery (still yet to be resolved...when exactly???)

if you really have 2 N9s you gotta be either TOTALLY dumb or totally DUMB to use Lumia instead...
White N9 64gb PR1.3

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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
I have lumia 710 and I agree, the build quality sucks. So I got the 800. Very smooth and responsive. Superb email. Does the basics very well. N9- unreliable, laggy, GPS sucks. Yes, my opinion. And I even bought two N9s, so, yes, I am entitled to my opinion.

N900 is very outdated. Port fell out, but I did like it. In terms of ease of use, lumia 800 beats all of current nokias
I'm sorry, what exactly would the 800 do vs the 710 that would make it more Smooth and Responsive..

Don't they share the same exact CPU/GPU/Mem Specs. After all, MS is doling out the spec requirements in WP's strategy, the I-can't-think-of-anything-new-so-I'll-copy-Apple's-strategy-of-controlling-as-much-as-I-can-of-the-environment-even-though-in-comparison-I-have-5%-of-the-vision-creativity-and-management-skills-of-Apple....

If I was more paranoid I would think MS is buying trolls, which fits in with the scorch-earth, do whatever it takes marketing strategy of late. Lol, $99 for the Lumia 900 in the US... Wow. Still sucks. 16GB internal storage is nothing (including for the N9)

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Originally Posted by SamGan View Post
You mean you didn't have problems like short battery life, wildly variable battery life, cannot charge up when flat, cannot end call, random reboots, atrocious sound quality, volume jumping, etc which many other Lumia 800 users are experiencing? You must have got a very lucky one.
I have experienced all of the above with N9, not Lumia 800.

N9 problems- jerky, laggy, unresponsive at times. Lumia 800 very smooth performance, no lag, no jerkiness

GPS- N9 slow to respond, Lumia 800 much better

NOKIA maps on N9- unreliable in location, Lumia 800 very precise

QWERTY board: tiny, too easy to hit period instead of the space bar, english predictive text worst I ever used. LUmia 800 better than N9, still worse than iphone

EMAIL: jerky, awful search function, cant open files well. Lumia 800 superb, better than iphone.

MULTITASKING: very good on N9 compared to LUMIA800 (definite weakness)

N9: Unresponsive when charging

N9: text messages between different individuals sometimes mixed up in the same thread (even in pr1.2). Never happened on Lumia or iphone

N9 web browser: oh my, oh my, there is nothing worse on the market

N9 call quality: OK, just OK. Lumia 800 and iphone same

In my experience, N9 definitely comes last on basics. And I am just talking about basics and not tinkering possibilities.
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Give it up Lumiaman ;-) It's just getting ridiculous and sad... While two things you wrote about are partially true, others are just so WP-fanboy influenced that a proper answer to your post is not possible.

If you like your Lumia, be happy with that and enjoy it - don't try to write down personal preferences as facts. If others would do that too, preferring the N9, your words would have the impact of a lil wind gust to a twister. We heard you and we know that you love your Lumia - that's it.
AllBoutN9 - Everything about Nokia N9 & Jolla's Sailfish OS

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Originally Posted by almamo View Post
Give it up Lumiaman ;-) It's just getting ridiculous and sad... While two things you wrote about are partially true, others are just so WP-fanboy influenced that a proper answer to your post is not possible.

If you like your Lumia, be happy with that and enjoy it - don't try to write down personal preferences as facts. If others would do that too, preferring the N9, your words would have the impact of a lil wind gust to a twister. We heard you and we know that you love your Lumia - that's it.
Don't be rude! Can't you see we're enjoying watching the funny little man do his dance?

Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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Its real fun watching N9 fan boyism get in the way of objectivity. The beautiful thing is the choice we all have. I enjoy using different platforms and personally think that iPhone is still the best as sales and its popularity show. It is however boring to be me too crowd. So yes, we all want to be a little different and show off something unique and new. I thought N9 was going to be it. Sadly its not.

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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Its real fun watching N9 fan boyism get in the way of objectivity. The beautiful thing is the choice we all have. I enjoy using different platforms and personally think that iPhone is still the best as sales and its popularity show. It is however boring to be me too crowd. So yes, we all want to be a little different and show off something unique and new. I thought N9 was going to be it. Sadly its not.
Are you calling me an N9 fanboy? Heheh Oh PLEASE say that you are. People here will LOVE to hear that.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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wp is b*tches, best nokia product is n9 till date, no wp again for me, this is total downgrade after N9, nokia is stupid!!!

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Are you calling me an N9 fanboy? Heheh Oh PLEASE say that you are. People here will LOVE to hear that.
Nah. I am surprised they tolerate your diatribes. You are just depressed that you don't have N9 in your hands
Posts: 241 | Thanked: 324 times | Joined on Dec 2010
They both have merits and they both have flaws. N9 is way more seems that if you get an OS that's flexible, you sacrifice some smoothness and reliability heh

buysomethinelse, it's undead, maemo's dead, meego's dead, r-d-f, tizen lives, winding down

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