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I didn't see a link to this anywhere on the site, so I wanted to add it.
I found a Bluetooth GPS receiver here for 60 bucks!

Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2007
I still have a lot of pbm with my GPS bluetooth receiver : maemo lost its signal but doesn't notice it to me, so my position don't move on the GPS and makes me think i am somewhere i am not anymore.
That is really really annoying... For example when that make me miss exit on the highway (and when the next exit to run back is very far...) : 6 days ago It makes me drive 100 kms more than expected as there was 50 kms to reach next exit after the bug makes me miss my correct exit.

But i am not here to complain, but just to give u a short command to update your downloaded maps :
I have noticed that maps that was in my cache (since about 7 months) was much less detailled than news maps those could be downloaded today.
As I wanted to update all the maps in my cache (which correspond to place were I was or which interested me and so may interest me again in the futur), i have write this very short script, those could be executed directly on the Nokia if u have installed some of the usefull tools like wget and Xterminal :

First go in the maemo cache directory :

cd /media/mmc1/mt-cache
Then run that command :
for png in $(find . -name "*.jpg") ; do set $(echo $png | tr './' '  ') ; wget -O ${png} "$2&y=$3&zoom=$1" ; done
If you dont have installed the required tools on your Nokia, u will have to copy the cache on a machine with bash and wget softwares (almost all Linux distribution for example). To run the command in the cache directory on this machine.

Note: in the command I call the variable "png", because downloaded files seems to be png (if using the file command). And i like to now why maemo use the .jpg extension with the files on his cache instead of the .png ! ?

Last edited by jbar; 2007-01-06 at 13:34. Reason: Forget the title : Updating the maps cache
ReinhardE's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jbar View Post
I still have a lot of pbm with my GPS bluetooth receiver : maemo lost its signal but doesn't notice it to me, ... ?
Have you upgraded to Version 2.2006.39-14? After upgrading I didn't have any more problems with my GPS bluetooth receiver (Nokia LD-3W).
Posts: 112 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2006
John, great job on the updates!

MM loads faster now, remembers my last entered route which I love.... and you even implemented the larger fonts option so I can finally read the turn by turns safely while driving w/o having to squint.

Thank you very much, sir, once again you are the MAN!

1 Gig Generic MMC, Sprint EV-DO for data(25-45 Kb/s d/l speeds), & Samsung A940: one GREAT phone!
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2006
Very slick package. Thanks

I'm now considering my options for a GPS receiver and was wondering if it is possible to use a GPS enabled cell phone. It would obviously need to have a bluetooth interface with the appropriate protocol for sending the RMC sentence. This is just an initial thought without much research into available cell phone features.
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Originally Posted by woz View Post
Very slick package. Thanks

I'm now considering my options for a GPS receiver and was wondering if it is possible to use a GPS enabled cell phone. It would obviously need to have a bluetooth interface with the appropriate protocol for sending the RMC sentence. This is just an initial thought without much research into available cell phone features.
I don't know anything about GPS-enabled cell phones, but assuming it has a bluetooth interface (to the GPS functionality itself), and assuming that interface emits NMEA, then Maemo Mapper should work with it. It might be more complex to pair it, but it should be possible.
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Has anyone seen any strange problems with flite/route while in route. It has only happened one time, although I have only used it one time since getting my n800. It was 1.3.3 and I was alsmot home, and following my route and the last message was flite trying to say about 15 lines of gibberish

Each line in the information box was like this (example below) Flite then proceeded to try to say all that, which was almost kinda humorous.

ewqjcqoifwhec9mdshf ls

It was connected to the cell phone with auto recalc, but I was on track so I assume it must have gotten the garbage at the beginning of my route.
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Ye I had that problem with 770. Haven't tried it again since though.
dcarter's Avatar
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on May 2006
Are you kidding penguinbait???

The jibberish at the end of the journey is my favorite part!!!

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Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by dcarter View Post
Are you kidding penguinbait???

The jibberish at the end of the journey is my favorite part!!!


I think I too would find that amusing!

Is this a problem with recently downloaded (i.e. within the last week) routes? Because I know this used to be a problem with the GPX Driving Directions web service (which Maemo Mapper uses), but I fixed that problem at least a couple weeks ago.

If it's still a problem, can you post a pair of source/destination that I can use to reproduce it?

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