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Poll: How much apps do you typically keep open on your N900?
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How much apps do you typically keep open on your N900?

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Posts: 242 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Sep 2009
logged into gtalk and skype through "Availability",
browsers multiple (many windows and that can be like maybe 5 or 7 or 10 or more),
media player (usually i dont use it as much as when browsing and chatting a lot bcuz it slows down n900 and i hate it when it happens so i'm forced to close it. I wud LOVE to have it running and never giving me any lag),
xterminal (not a heavy user of it, just playing with it usually learning linux)

I dont ever use any email application (not on my laptop or any mobile device), i'm just a browser gmail user (love n900's browser but i just hope the swap stuff or internal ram worked very very very very very very very fast !!! plz give the next meego device a 768mb ram, plz take an initiative and dont wait for apple or someone to tell u that its ok now to have 768mb on mobiles .. plz plz plz *lead* the market .. and we r not getting device for free right? we are paying a lot of dollars, so let us have it .. )

btw, i love <3 the ctrl + backspace !!!

LOVE gPodder since i have started using it.

So all these apps just go on opening and closing on demand and i'm not concerned that bcuz "that one app" is running so i cannot open the other one (except for media player) .. I LOVE this freedom that n900 gives me.

Something I'm concerned about: I was reading at few places about what Apple has done to multitasking, and android too. I'm not so technically aware of android and apple, but about maemo i consider n900's multitasking as "pure" imo. I know that n900 is not at all as smooth as iphone 4 in UI XP, but i DONT want Nokia to give me iphone 4's smoothness by killing n900's kind of multitasking in the next high end MEEGO device. I'm saying this bcuz when one company has earned a lot of dollars on a product X, other companies try to follow it in a way that seems a blind-following, and may end up copying/following things/features that were NOT the real cause contributing to the success of the lead company's Product X and in turn hurting themselves. Also plz do not make a decision on the next devices based on avrg users using only 4 or 5 apps.

so i guess the the lesson learned is: "if you want a thing done well, do it yourself"
Posts: 59 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Ireland
gPodder and Mauku are my faves

(Yes I am aware there are other Twitter apps that do more but I cant really dig how they look.......Mauku just looks best to me.. BTW when will it be fixed?, Got two updates about the widget but the main app is still not working)
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Originally Posted by abubakar View Post
btw, i love <3 the ctrl + backspace !!!
As always, Nokia has NO idea of what makes a good UI, how come it isn't possible to use the KEYBOARD to select the app/window to switch to? There is a friggin keyboard on the N900, why isn't the UI making good use of it
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modified-hildon-desktop has this feature. Details here:
My repository

"N900 community support for the MeeGo-Harmattan" Is the new "Mer is Fremantle for N810".

No more Nokia devices for me.
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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
why was the poll closed so fast?
You should be multitasking with one browser window open to here at all times, man!

Or Peter wanted to wrap this up with plenty of time left for him to generate pretty graphs for a presentation he was giving at the end of last week.
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1-3 apps. Just my way. More could be open, but I have a habit of closing open doors behind and in front of me
N900 as day to day phone
N770 for childrens music
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2010
I use multitasking quite a bit, though not terribly heavily. Maybe 2-4 apps at a time. Email, a web browser, media player, weather report, things like that.

After the Debian-ness of the n900's OS, being able to run multiple apps at once was the reason I got an n900. I can't imagine using a phone (or any type of computer!) without multitasking!
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Posts: 187 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ London, UK
I always use multitasking, when I'm browsing the web, especially on this forum, when I'm messing around on my N900 file manager, mc/xterm open and 2-3 web pages for reference. I love multitasking and after 1.3 + swappolube and a bit of OC is working nicely. More memory and processing power would be handy with extended battery life of course.... or at least a solar powered charger

multitasking, research, reserach, survey

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