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It's just a speculation (so this might be the right thread), but Fremantle's X server has compositing. Would you need a stylus keyboard if the fullscreen keyboard was translucent?
Technically, it will be possible, so I'm pretty sure Fremantle will have it that way.
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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
It's just a speculation (so this might be the right thread), but Fremantle's X server has compositing. Would you need a stylus keyboard if the fullscreen keyboard was translucent?
Technically, it will be possible, so I'm pretty sure Fremantle will have it that way.
I tried some translucent stuff. I found that small intersections were okay, but large overlays were too distracting.
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allnameswereout's Avatar
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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
Again, I'm not a hardware person, but aren't you combining two issues here?
Yes, they overlapt/interact. You don't have to be a hardware expert either. Just look into the subjects and accept we're here to learn from each other

For example, here you can see the SD card internally
You can see the NAND is only 50% of the total format. The rest is for the SD controller and the connector. The SD controller also has to connect and talk with the tablet. So you can imagine that instead of SD we could use on-board NAND saving more than 100% of the NAND size. This would allow us, for example, to provide 2 on-board NAND, or double storage.

Nokia clearly did not opt for on-board NAND (due to space constraints) in the case of the N800 while they (partly) opted for this on the N810. This is the difference between 2x SD versus 1x 2 GB on-board with 1x miniSD. Such tough design decisions often occur. For example, imagine the N810 hardware designers having to cope with the less space available because of the HW keyboard.

Back to SDIO it exists because there is space available on the SD card because NAND got smaller (I'm not sure how much bandwidth is available for the non-Flash part of the device but IIRC this is where the issue lies). Even then it still would stick out. Where exactly and how how you connect the WiFi chip on the MicroSD card?

So, there's the bus, and then there's the media that uses the bus. My understanding is that what makes SD slow isn't the bus, its the flash memory technology. As an example, I quickly went to newegg and found this microSD card. It quotes a 13MB/sec read rate. So that tells me the microSD bus can handle at least 130Mb/sec. Thus, the bottle neck would be right where it should be: on the transceiver. Works for me.
Heh that is probably a Class 2. The bottleneck is the bus because CF can manage far better I/O than SD. Keep in mind that what you mention is the read speed. What matters is what Class the SD card has e.g. Class 2 is guaranteed 2 MB/sec read/write. And even then, the performance is a joke compared to CompactFlash and stuff like PCI Express x1.

I don't know any Nokia device which has MiniPCI Express and allows the user to replace this. In all their embedded products such is not possible. The modular design is basically 1) replacable battery 2) SD/MiniSD/MicroSD 3) MicroUSB(A/B)/MiniUSD(A/B) 4) 2.5mm or 3.5mm sound I/O 5) proprietary input for juice. So this type of add-on would be a new direction for Nokia. You also need to think of how the user would conveniently access it. Remember, most customers are dumb and easily damage their hardware, and don't possess (small) Torx screwdrivers.

Over the years I more started to believe in modularity between devices. For example you have one device which is (very) good at specific tasks and you are able to combine the strong features of it together with other devices. Think of capabilities. In that sense you'd have for example a digital camera, a packet radio modem, a (foldable) LCD screen which talk to each other over BlueTooth 3.0. Being able to use the LCD screen on the digital camera (well OK for DSLR not useful but still) while also being able to use the LCD screen for MP3 player and using a web browser would be great but I do not believe anymore that it is possible to have 1 device which is good at everything. Sometimes you have to specialize. The fact that iPhone/iPod do not support something as common as BlueTooth absolutely sucks, and I'm glad that will change. Now that the next gen tablet will have its own HSPA you could have your Nokia phone not enable this or have your personal HSPA device with you combined with your work phone which has voice (and maybe its own WWAN). You wouldn't have to use it like you wouldn't have to use the GPS or the WLAN or the USB which is all included. But if instead of the HSPA, you'd want something to provide what exactly? WiMAX?
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Heh that is probably a Class 2. The bottleneck is the bus because CF can manage far better I/O than SD. Keep in mind that what you mention is the read speed. What matters is what Class the SD card has e.g. Class 2 is guaranteed 2 MB/sec read/write. And even then, the performance is a joke compared to CompactFlash and stuff like PCI Express x1.
But... how does a bus problem become a microSD issue ? I happen to use an 8GB microSD that does large file 15-17MB/s constant write throughput when connected via it's own provided USB adaptor to a desktop. (I checked it with sync/umount, this is without buffer/cache influence) So I'm kind of puzzled what people mean when they say microSD is slow, especially in the context of the NIT that tops out at far-far less - what would you win with (mini)PCI-e if your device can't put out enough bytes on the bus to reach the (micro)SD limit ?
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Yes, microSD is probably too small, but SDIO seems to be getting more WiFi traction. So, people are taking it seriously. Here is a linuxdevices article from yesterday.

I would table this whole issue if the cellular radio in my tablet was as universal as my WiFi chip. If HSPA is the answer, great. Sign me up. But if not, I should then only have to remind you of the Nokia n810 WiMAX. Wifi started as modular (I know, because I was the earliest adopter on my block), but now most of us prefer to have it hardwired. I realise that WiFi channels can differ from country to country, but that can be changed in software. When cellular transceivers share those characteristics, I won't care much about this topic.
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OMG, a speculation website around the new tablet
Valério Valério
Bundyo's Avatar
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Verrry good...

"It will be powered by Smart Tablet 2008, based on Maemo."

"As Nokia N800 and Nokia N810 were criticized about the big sizes, it seems the N900 will be a bit smaller, just like iPhone, with a 3.5″ display."

"The web browsing will be done using an Internet Browser from Opera, supporting all common standards."

Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.

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Jaffa's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Bundyo View Post
Verrry good...
Texrat linked to it from his new blog post; unfortunately - like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - "" has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate.
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They should have at least added the text Don't Panic! written in big friendly letters.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.

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Originally Posted by Jaffa View Post
"" has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate.
The owner, Ionel Florin Negru, owns some 250 domains, and the web sites on most of them appear to hold little to no content. However, they all link to one another quite nicely, and by their keywords, they purport to focus upon popular, often searched for, tech products.

Take from that what you will.
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