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Originally Posted by iliaden View Post
problem: mmc boot, no applets, no programs open works perfectly.

As soon as I insert a media card that has
1) ~2000 ID3-tagged mp3 files
2) 128Mb swap created when it was used as internal mmc
3) that's it

at this point, the cpu jumps to 100% for at least 30min (I'll leave it overnight; tell you the results in a few hours)
As far as I see it- the use of the information stored on this sd card is not available while booting from mmc.
Any reasons why and what I might do to solve this?

Thank you


UPDATE: only 7 hours! after this the CPU went back to normal, and the card was recognized correctly.
If anyone wants to try workaround for this 'metalayer-crawler is slow' issue, check this

It may even help when booting from internal flash. Currently I don't know how much.

Package is best to be installed via dpkg -i command as root.
Newbies click here before posting. Thanks.

If you really need to PM me with troubleshooting question please consider posting it to the forum instead. It is OK to PM me a link to such post then. Thank you.

Last edited by fanoush; 2008-04-01 at 15:10.
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mount -t ext2 /dev/mmcblk0p2/opt
./mkfs.jffs2 -r /opt -o /media/mmc1/rootfs.jffs2 -e 128 -l -n
umount /opt

./flash_eraseall -j /dev/mmcblk0p2
./nandwrite -a -p /dev/mtd4 /media/mmc1/rootfs.jffs2
will the nandwrite successfully flash the memory card image onto another memory card (partition 2 for both)?
I presume I'll need to format the second partition before starting. Would Milhouse's script work if I go through all the steps until it flashes? I cannot do this operation through the device memory since the boot partition I have right now is running low on space, and I need to expand it from 450MB to ~1.3 GB
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I don't know the answer for doing it in Linux. (Doubtless you'll hear from some Linux heavyweight here soon.)

But if you can't do it in Linux and have access to Windows, Acronis True Image can back up a Linux partition to another MMC, and you can tell it to make the partition on the new MMC as large as you want. That is, it can accomplish exactly what you want. They offer a free 15-day trial if you don't want to buy it, and you only need to have it for a little time to accomplish your task. (Maybe there is an Acronis True Image for Linux, I don't know.)
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Posts: 267 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Montreal, Canada
thanks... will try this soon.
small question though - since 16gb SDHC cards require low-level formatting, will Acronis True Image negate those effects and make the card unreadable in my n800, or will it work as promised?
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I don't know, but I don't see why you would need to low-level format it again. As I recall, it insists on building the partitions and formatting them from scratch (which Acronis does -- you just say OK), but I don't see how that's a problem.

(You'll also have a choice as to whether you're using its backup function or its clone-new-disk function -- I used the latter.)
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Grrr! I should learn to control myself better when EVERYTHING goes wrong:

1- in Acronis, I couldn't find the option to resize the partitions - where do I look
2- I discovered than insmod mbcache.ko must be entered BEFORE insmod ext2.ko.
3- creating a fs backup using the method described here. If by tomorrow, I will not have found the correct option in acronis, i'll just use nandwrite, no matter the consequences
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hi again,

my goal: copy a bootable partition from one sd card onto another one, enlarging it. original: 1gb mmc: mmcblk0p1: 500mb, fat16. mmcblk0p2: 450mb, ext2, bootable
destination: 16gb mmc (15gb actual): mmcblk0p1: 13500mb, fatXX. mmcblk0p2: 1500mb, ext2, bootable.

The loss of information from the fat16 partition is not a problem. I just need to keep the bootable partition as is, just adding free space.
Any solution is more than welcome.

1- Acronis true image: did not find any corresponding option. was able to copy the partitions without changing their size (Not what I need)
2- successfully created a jffs2 image of the original. still unable to copy it onto another SD card.
the original size is 396mb. when I created a jffs2, it was only 210mb. I am a bit reluctant to flash it onto the internal memory in case it would be too large.

Any suggestions? thank you.
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Acronis will change the partition sizes. I've changed my partition sizes when copying from one SD to another. Did you use Clone Disk in Hard Disk Utilities? Did you select "manual" or "custom" (or whatever Acronis calls it) instead of automatic?
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yes, I did all of this.

and I was able to flash correctly! I just mounted both the original (mmcblk0p2) and the destination (mmcblk1p2) on /opt and /floppy, and used ./tar cf - -C /floppy . | ./tar xvf - -C /opt. worked like a bliss!
I did format the card using sfdisk beforehand, and formatted mmcblk1p2 to ext2 before copying.

after this, I just switched cards, and all was perfect. I still didn't figure out how acronis worked... oh well!

thanks for assistance though.
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Originally Posted by iliaden View Post
yes, I did all of this.

and I was able to flash correctly! I just mounted both the original (mmcblk0p2) and the destination (mmcblk1p2) on /opt and /floppy, and used ./tar cf - -C /floppy . | ./tar xvf - -C /opt. worked like a bliss!
I did format the card using sfdisk beforehand, and formatted mmcblk1p2 to ext2 before copying.

after this, I just switched cards, and all was perfect. I still didn't figure out how acronis worked... oh well!

thanks for assistance though.
Hey, if I could have figured out how to do that in Linux and, better yet, within the NIT, I wouldn't have bothered figuring out how Acronis worked. I'll have to give your method a try later. Thank you!
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