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Originally Posted by jstokes View Post
The GUID is returned
Oh well, new test build adds a long press tap marker on the fullscreen clock and displays IP address in the wifi widget.
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this app interferes with my wifi connection-do not trust any app that has control of my wifi connection-report back to base agent asui
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Originally Posted by auouymous View Post
Can you install the debug binary as service and then send me the log file after it happens?
will do.
And will the hardware lock button remove the blank window when it happens?
no such thing on the n800.
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ok, i think i have a log where i got a stuck asui net window. Problem is that the forum refuses me to attach it.
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tso, use Pastebin
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oh duh, i keep forgetting about that...

meh, i already pasted it all into the forums email interface...
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
ok, i think i have a log where i got a stuck asui net window.
I found it!

There is absolutely no dbus thread activity after it opens the blank window for the last time. I'm guessing it never receives the MapNotify for the blank window so it spins forever waiting for the blank window to map. It would be possible for the main thread to steal away the MapNotify event if the scheduler switches threads but none of the events received by main (in your log) are the MapNotify. Luckily, the first test I ran showed the main loop waking up and grabbing that map event.

I've added a hack in the test/debug builds that suspends event processing in the main loop while waiting for the MapNotify on the blank window. When I feel better I'll add a separate event processing loop for the blank window. Let me know if it still gets stuck open.
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Originally Posted by auouymous View Post
To anyone who sees a GUID instead of wifi connection name:

Please enable wifi and run
Code: dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/icd
Does the first string contain your connection name?
The GUID is returned for me. This thread seems to indicate that the connection name was used prior to Diablo and also gives some examples for getting the ESSID:

Alternatively, you can get the ESSID from "iwconfig wlan0|grep ESSID".
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iwconfig wlan0 | grep ESSID: | awk -F '"' '{print $2}'

FYI: That awk field separator is:
single-quote, double-quote, single-quote

Last edited by linuxeventually; 2010-12-23 at 06:56.
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Originally Posted by auouymous View Post
I've added a hack in the test/debug builds that suspends event processing in the main loop while waiting for the MapNotify on the blank window. When I feel better I'll add a separate event processing loop for the blank window. Let me know if it still gets stuck open.
Not entirely sure, but i get the feeling that it has gotten "worse". That is, i no longer need to mess with the power button to get the asui net window to eat all screen taps.

btw, this seems easier to provoke when having the screen black set to say 30 seconds then 2 minutes (my preferred as it rarely gets in the way of reading a longer text).
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bada blows, bada rox

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