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Originally Posted by pton View Post
6. freemind: it works! but very slow (slower than iceweasel browser).
I didn't know that was possible

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Originally Posted by qole View Post
I would love to know some Java applets that people really wish they could run on the tablets, I'd like to see how they run in Kazehakase.
Hallo or "Moin Moin" from the North of Germany.

I dont't need it. But as an example. This is a very big JAVA-Applet for the videotext of the german TV-Station n-tv:

I try it on both Browsers in the Easy-Debian-package. Kazehakase seems a little bit faster. The Applet open - but can't work out to the end. I really think it's a powerfull applet.
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Helmuti: The applet you suggest is running out of memory. I went to a Java diagnostic page, it looks like, by default, there's only ~6 MB of memory available for Java.

I'll do some research and figure out what's going on, but I think you need to increase the /tmp file size in the ~/.chroot file. The 6MB reported size is with a 10MB /tmp dir.

EDIT: Yes, this is where Java is getting its Max Mem value from; I changed TMPSIZE to 20M and now the same page is printing ">17M"

EDIT2: Looks like that's only PART of what's going on; I boosted the tmp dir to 40MB (and the swap file size to 300+MB), and the max mem is staying at the 17M limit...

EDIT3: It looks like I need to figure out a way to run the applet viewer with the parameter -Xmx48m (or some other big number). Java for windows has a config tool; where is it for Linux?

EDIT4: Interesting; running "free -m " in Debian tells me that I only have 24M of "real" memory available. I wonder if that's part of the problem? Java won't run in swap memory?
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Last edited by qole; 2008-10-22 at 06:02.

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Anybody know how to clear out the package manager?; if that's the right phrase to use. I was trying to install Amarok so I could use my MTP device (Creative Zen). However, I was downloading via my cell phone and somewhere along the line, the whole thing just hung. The manager still works, but I can't download anything anymore --- even if I use my broadband connection at home; just tells me all the packages that failed (some DID download) and shows the download speed as unknown.

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hordeman: get the Debian Chroot prompt and type
apt-get -f install
See if that fixes things. Hopefully, you're not just out of space. If so, you're most likely hosed, and you'll have to start again with a fresh file system.
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Here's one for the mythical "Debian Apps that Run Like Crap On the Tablets" thread:

I notice that "iceape" appears in the repositories. Ignore it! It is a trap! Iceape (Seamonkey) still segfaults, unlike Iceweasel (Firefox). I was hoping for a replacement for the missing Icedove (Thunderbird), which has been removed from the repositories for this exact reason, but somehow Iceape snuck in, even though it doesn't work.

EDIT: Just filed a bug report with Debian. Worse than a wisdom tooth extraction.
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Last edited by qole; 2008-10-22 at 23:31.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Just found lxlauncher in the repositories. It gives an EEE-like tabbed launcher which is actually the kind of thing I've envisioned for the tablets. Can anyone tell me how to autostart it when I start LXDE? Man, this is what the tablets should've been all along - a full Debian overlayed with a finger-friendly UI!
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Can you get lxlauncher to work properly for you? I wasn't able to...
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It seems to work, but I just installed it. Couldn't find a menu entry, so started it from a terminal. It came up fine, and I switched between tabs and launched a few programs from it. Will try to play more when I get off work, get kids in bed, please wife, etc.
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Originally Posted by hordeman View Post
Anybody know how to clear out the package manager?; if that's the right phrase to use. I was trying to install Amarok so I could use my MTP device (Creative Zen). However, I was downloading via my cell phone and somewhere along the line, the whole thing just hung. The manager still works, but I can't download anything anymore --- even if I use my broadband connection at home; just tells me all the packages that failed (some DID download) and shows the download speed as unknown.

Man, I couldn't get Amarok to work on my tablet. It hangs with 100% cpu usage immediately after opening. If I remember correctly, the terminal traceback was something like shm.c open() failed. A Google search of that error didn't help...

Author of TouchSearch -- web searching software for Maemo 5.

Mobile Device lineage: Palm Z22 -> Palm TX -> Nokia N800 -> Nokia N900

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