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Originally Posted by clovis86 View Post
only early
So we have to wait another month/s its hilloriious.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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hhm - if they release an update with bugs they get damned about the bugs - if they do a public beta to avoid to many bugs in the release the get damned about testing to long and delaying the release - if they do a new release every month they get damned about to less new features - if they do less releases with more features in one they get damned about the long time between the releases .... just thinking in public ... ;-)

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Dave999's Avatar
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Originally Posted by elastic View Post
hhm - if they release an update with bugs they get damned about the bugs - if they do a public beta to avoid to many bugs in the release the get damned about testing to long and delaying the release - if they do a new release every month they get damned about to less new features - if they do less releases with more features in one they get damned about the long time between the releases .... just thinking in public ... ;-)
Welcome to the world of expectations from customer...king

One of the reason I don't opt in or change my Jolla is because I want to be able to judge Jolla from what and how they deliver to the customers.

On a side note...Also it doesn't really matter how often, how well Jolla deliver and build the OS. What all oses needs is services. Jolla should probably get happier/more customers if they scrapped os dev completely for a year and created native apps for streaming, communication and web and cloud services for sailfish.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2015-02-25 at 22:09.

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Posts: 951 | Thanked: 2,344 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ UK
Kind of agree with Dave their current stock apps just bad. Calendar is useless might as well not be there at all, I can't rely on it.
Data counter for 3G or WiFi connection might as well be a random number generator.
Still no GUI ability to connect to eduroam wifi or even my connection at home without writing a WPA_supplicant config file.

BUT then again I knew exactly what I was buying. I know the team is making progress on all of these things. If I look back at first android release or iOS even Windows phone 7 they were just awful.

So everyone has to start somewhere but at least Jolla with their updates are moving forwards and not backwards.

The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to mariusmssj For This Useful Post:
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 308 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ UK
Quick two questions, with latest updates:

1) Do we need to remove the openrepos repos? The together entry says only if upgrading from earlier than 10, so I'm guessing not.

2) Can we just unapply any patches before upgrade, then reapply?

Just want to make sure, for everyone's benefit, obviously.
pichlo's Avatar
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1) No.
2) Yes. Some patches will fail to re-apply after the upgrade. See the Patchmanager thread.
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I have the same issue with web pirate as I do with the jolla browser, I can't leave a video playing and go to another tab while that video is playing in the background.

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Just updated to

Fairly large update as patches go;

The following packages are going to be upgraded:
apkd as-daemon buteo-syncfw-qt5 buteo-syncfw-qt5-msyncd buteo-sync-plugins-qt5 connectionagent-qt5
connectionagent-qt5-declarative contactsd declarative-transferengine-qt5 feature-xt9 jolla-gallery
jolla-settings-transferui-qt5 libqmfclient1-qt5 libqmfmessageserver1-qt5 lipstick-jolla-home-qt5
lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-components lipstick-qt5 nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5 ofono preinit-plugin-sbj
qt5-qtdeclarative-systeminfo qt5-qtserviceframework qt5-qtsysteminfo sailfish-components-accounts-qt5
sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-tools sailfish-maps sailfish-version sailfish-weather-all-translations-pack sbj-configs
sbj-policy-settings sbj-pulseaudio-settings sbj-version ssu ssu-network-proxy-plugin ssu-vendor-data-jolla

35 packages to upgrade.
Overall download size: 5.0 MiB. After the operation, 3.0 KiB will be freed.

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pichlo's Avatar
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
35 packages to upgrade.
Overall download size: 5.0 MiB. After the operation, 3.0 KiB will be freed.
Interesting. Mine was 2.9 MB. I don't know how many packages because I did it the "official" way, through the UI. It still managed to reinstall the tutorial and startup wizard. I should probably give up and stop uninstalling them, at least until Jolla stops stubbornly putting them back.

BTW, it is apparent that Jolla's approach to many things mirrors that of Nokia (R.I.P.). Not just customer relations, but also e.g. the fact that some apps' icons do not come in the apps' installers but presumably in some global "here be icons" package. So Jolla keeps reinstalling Tutorial on my phone but not the Tutorial icon
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!

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Posts: 285 | Thanked: 1,900 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Welcome to the world of expectations from customer...king
Just remembered a lecture on University... The lecturer was quite frank about it: customer is not always right, most of the time customer is dead wrong. He just doesn't know it yet, so worst thing to do is to assume customer actually knows what he needs... :P

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bada rocks, not again!, tags suck!, yes again!

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