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Yep, there's that--here, I'll do you a kindness since it appears you've missed it the first time:
Already responded to that post.

Sure--because they CAN legitimately claim to be far more open-source than Apple's iOS. Maemo had great potential to be more open but that was never realized despite the marketing claims of open-source code and development and it's only gotten worse as time went on, instead of better.
I don't care really, I just want to know what works most nicely 'in practice' in-the-end.
And I don't think even you can claim to know that... with there not being a N9 released & all that yet.
Plus it's always going to be different depending on a persons needs/wants/tastes anyway.

Fair enough. I don't have statistical facts about that. Let me know if you find numbers before I do, but it has been shown somewhere in these threads elsewhere that Maemo has been growing increasingly closed-source at an incredible rate even while opening SOME things up.
I'd like to see some detailed analysis of to what degree both platforms are more open/closed than the other.
If only from a curiosity POV, and to point my finger and go "Aha, told you so!"
In practice I don't really agree it has much of a impact for end-users, given the differences aren't huge.
Android benefits from it's massive community far more than being hugely more "open".

Did Nokia come back to support and fund MeeGo after all? If memory serves, they pointed out that they were no longer doing another Maemo or MeeGo device and were severely cutting all finding and ties to Maemo and MeeGo, leaving Intel by itself..
Um nope
Funding not to be cut till mid next yr, but even then it has never been killed outright.
I think a lot of Nokia employees at MeeGo site would disagree with you when you say "leaving Intel by itself" (wrt handset).

Wow.. speaking of flux. That was about as sensible an explanation as I'm sure you could make, but it made no sense at all. Again, I must remind you we're talking bout an open-source OS that should be able to be backported easily had it ACTUALLY been open-source without intentional hobbling to force customers to have to buy the next thing. We didn't buy Maemo for its closed-ness, we were marketed openness.
No need to make a personal attack...

You still haven't pointed-out the main reasons why you don't think a back-port is do-able.
The community hasn't done it, yes, but what are all the technical reasons that lead you to assert that Nokia's preventing it?

Why do you want to be able to back-port Maemo5x to the tablets anyway.
You've always espoused your hatred for most of the developments fremantle represented

PR1-1.3 was a minor update played up as a major one. I started out at Android 2.0, went to Android 2.1.. then 2.1.1. Stock Maemo 5 was the next major upgrade of Maemo, the PR's were minor. Hardly worth mentioning as OS upgrades. CSSU even less so. But let's give you that--how often ARE those security and fixes coming in from CSSU too? N900CE isn't a supported release. I went well into Android 2.2.1 before I jumped into CyanogenMod and bumped up to 2.3.x and we're still going... and it's not been rough at all. Hear that? It's the sound of ongoing support--both from Google/Motorola and from the community with open-source upgrades to the devices. So please... go on. How's MeeGo coming along on the N900 again? Google's been happy to help AND take from CyanogenMod--what's Nokia done for MeeGo lately besides pulling out of it?
Well. You'd have to map the actual dates of releases, & have bug/feature counts connected to each of them.
Before you could make a qualified statement either way. I haven't yet seen you do anything like that...

But once you get into CyanogenMod territory, of course it starts screaming ahead.
That's what happens when you have a vibrant/massive community, hopefully N9 spurs some semblance of that.

Originally Posted by danramos View Post
What choice do I have? I can't even walk TOWARD it if I wanted to. They dropped N8x0 support and I'm not going to waste another penny on Nokia's POTENTIAL anymore after the way they've treated us already.
What handset maker supports handset much longer than Nokia? None do, they're all about the same time-frame.
Now if you're referring to unofficial support...
Yes the community's not there yet for Maemo/MeeGo devices, but that's not to say it can't/wont be LT.

Originally Posted by lma View Post
The "UX", which apparently doesn't just refer to the user interface (window manager, task switcher etc) but everything user-facing, including all the apps.
I realise, but if you read some of Kate Alhola's comments wrt opening up Harmattan's Qt components, I don't think it'll remain a 'biggy'.
It looks like there's moves afoot to open much of it, albeit with strings attached (diff. theming must be used), + it remains proprietary.

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-07-28 at 10:34.
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Originally Posted by praetorian View Post
Also not sure why you meant 313 and not 307. And where on earth do the colours come into it.
i took 313 because one of the dashboard numbers was 314, and x-1 is a common way to get a number. the others primes were too far away from the dashboard numbers imo
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Pune, India
These can be the primes 307, 311, 313, 317, 331.

Color on wall? Hmm.. 58564E...hmm

This is real fun :-)
-- I am just a developer
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Originally Posted by aikipy View Post
The clue says that p > 304, but the algorithm says that p must be a prime number, so we take the first prime number greater than 304. But p must also satisfy the formula p = 2^k * q + 1, where q is also a prime.

My guess is that p = 317, because then you would have

317 = 2^k * q + 1 => 2^k * q = 316 an remember that q must be a prime, so you have 2^2 * 79 => q=79 and 79 is a prime number...
that makes sense
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Romania
Originally Posted by mooglez View Post
i took 313 because one of the dashboard numbers was 314, and x-1 is a common way to get a number. the others primes were too far away from the dashboard numbers imo
it really can't be 313, because you would have 313 = 2^k * q + 1 => 2^k * q = 312 => 2^3 * 39 => q = 39 and 39 is not a prime!
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Romania
Originally Posted by debjitbis08 View Post
These can be the primes 307, 311, 313, 317, 331.

Color on wall? Hmm.. 58564E...hmm

This is real fun :-)
yep, it really is fun!!
Posts: 136 | Thanked: 150 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by aikipy View Post
it really can't be 313, because you would have 313 = 2^k * q + 1 => 2^k * q = 312 => 2^3 * 39 => q = 39 and 39 is not a prime!
true on that front, i guess i was too hasty in choosing the number
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Romania
Originally Posted by mooglez View Post
true on that front, i guess i was too hasty in choosing the number
I am also not very sure about the x... I'm thinking it has to be something lesser than 15, because you have y = g^x mod p => y = 10^15 mod 317... Shouldn't it be something smaller to compute...?
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jul 2011
AFAIK the p itself should NOT be a prime number, see
Posts: 136 | Thanked: 150 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by aikipy View Post
I am also not very sure about the x... I'm thinking it has to be something lesser than 15, because you have y = g^x mod p => y = 10^15 mod 317... Shouldn't it be something smaller to compute...?
there's 2 almost visible on the right side of the dashboard, could be the x value if there indeed is nothing random on the dashboard

disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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