, 09:33
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@ Gdynia, Poland
, 12:08
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, 20:01
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So far I have a working debian image, a working openbox and a wallpaper.
qchroot /home/user/MyDocs/squeeze_arm.img /mnt/deb
su root
Now to work on getting the keyboard working, then organising the theme/menus, then installing stuff.
Keyboard working.
I would do all of this for the bt5 image, but I think its pretty borked in general. I cant even stay chrooted into it for more than 10 seconds without the ssh/putty connection getting disconnected.
Now to theme/menu/install.
What should I install on it?
Anyway, should be awake in about 12 hours. Hold out until then and ill post my current image. Uploading it before I leave.
The image will be available at http://www.azkay.com/squeeze_arm.rar in about 15 minutes from this last edit.
It currently has openbox, firefox, scite and working keyboard.Code:CRC32: A453F8E5 MD5: 2948B696B30902343DAD4B03158DBBF5 SHA-1: 104741B7F426B9475EBC891EB7466BABBAD520E1
Tomorrow ill work on it more, adding the backtrack repos etc.
to use:
Click anywhere on the wallpaper to bring up the menu. Terminal/Browser works, rest ill have to add in as I install.Code:sudo gainroot cd /home/user/MyDocs wget http://www.azkay.com/squeeze_arm.rar unrar(?) - Forgot the command to unrar under linux, uploaded it from my Windows install- my bad. mkdir /mnt/bt5 qchroot squeeze_arm.img /mnt/bt5 su root ./startbt5
Have fun.
, 00:19
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Joined on May 2011
So far I have a working debian image, a working openbox and a wallpaper.
qchroot /home/user/MyDocs/squeeze_arm.img /mnt/deb
su root
Now to work on getting the keyboard working, then organising the theme/menus, then installing stuff.
Keyboard working.
I would do all of this for the bt5 image, but I think its pretty borked in general. I cant even stay chrooted into it for more than 10 seconds without the ssh/putty connection getting disconnected.
Now to theme/menu/install.
What should I install on it?
Anyway, should be awake in about 12 hours. Hold out until then and ill post my current image. Uploading it before I leave.
The image will be available at http://www.azkay.com/squeeze_arm.rar in about 15 minutes from this last edit.
It currently has openbox, firefox, scite and working keyboard.Code:CRC32: A453F8E5 MD5: 2948B696B30902343DAD4B03158DBBF5 SHA-1: 104741B7F426B9475EBC891EB7466BABBAD520E1
Tomorrow ill work on it more, adding the backtrack repos etc.
to use:
Click anywhere on the wallpaper to bring up the menu. Terminal/Browser works, rest ill have to add in as I install.Code:sudo gainroot cd /home/user/MyDocs wget http://www.azkay.com/squeeze_arm.rar unrar(?) - Forgot the command to unrar under linux, uploaded it from my Windows install- my bad. mkdir /mnt/bt5 qchroot squeeze_arm.img /mnt/bt5 su root ./startbt5
Have fun.
, 01:19
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, 02:39
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, 02:18
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@ spain-aragon-zaragoza
sudo gainroot mkdir /mnt/bt5 qchroot /home/user/MyDocs/bt5/bt5.img /mnt/bt5/ export USER=root vncpasswd (Needs to be done once for setting up a password) vncserver -geometry 800x470 startvnc
, 03:25
Posts: 72 |
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Joined on Sep 2010
Instructions :
(Be sure you have rootsh & easy-chroot)
Put the bt5.img anywhere (eg: /home/user/Mydocs/bt5 )
you can download the image here
open Terminal
Code:sudo gainroot mkdir /mnt/bt5 qchroot /home/user/MyDocs/bt5/bt5.img /mnt/bt5/ export USER=root vncpasswd (Needs to be done once for setting up a password) vncserver -geometry 800x470 startvnc
ok but in this second part ,
first terminal running background
open other terminal:
sudo gainroot
cd /
cd mnt/bt5/
startvnc for example
my password
and for exit
qumount /mnt/bt5
but this steps for shutdown in first or second terminal ?
all correct?
very thanks
i have wifi apps:
faircrack 0.3
thomshonkeys ui
and with backtrack 5 , n900 complete