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Posts: 248 | Thanked: 240 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Wiltshire, UK
Originally Posted by junooni View Post
For crying out loud everyone knows even here at this very forum that how disappointed the users are specialy for N900,
I think that could be because N900 has been too successful and is now in the hands of Users as opposed to Developers or 'Early Adopters' (whatever they are...) - people who are more demanding, far less forgiving and, of course far less creative at understanding and overcoming such problems.

As a User myself I can understand much of this disapointment and suggest that this forum is not the best place for Users.

In these dim first light for Maemo/Meego is a shining light that attracts Users like moths to a flame. Perhaps it's time to segregate the Users and Developers to the benefit of all?
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Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
Seriously, the only thing N900 has shown the non-developer/geek world is:
- Nokia can make the thickest smartphone on the market and give it a poor battery life and average keyboard (E71 KB being the benchmark)
- they are willing to push out software which is not quite ready
- They put little effort in making sure the entire phone experience is consistent (both in quality and UI design)
- provide no decent development platform tools/documentation for developers to write apps with. Great for hardcore linux developers, screw everyone else
- Nokia's pride "OVI" is not even fully supported on n900. OVI sync doesn't work.

The only thing they actually showed with the n900 is they can make an awesome phone for developers and linux geeks
Finally someone has the ballzz to speak the truth, oh wait a min now lets watch the game u'll be bombarded with allthese linux lovers.
Anyways thanks for uncovering the truth at this very
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Originally Posted by NokTokDaddy View Post
Perhaps it's time to segregate the Users and Developers to the benefit of all?
Perhaps, if the ignorant and panicky posts regarding PR updates and MeeGo are any indication. They're seeing things normally hidden from them and, failing to understand it, panic.

But at the same time, completely ignoring user input (which is really what happens when you separate users from developers) gives you the terrible user experience that left an opening for Apple to lunge in.

Originally Posted by junooni View Post
Finally someone has the ballzz to speak the truth, oh wait a min now lets watch the game u'll be bombarded with allthese linux lovers.
Anyways thanks for uncovering the truth at this very
I know, how dare we enjoy our phone and not demand locked-down mass market fodder.
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Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
Seriously, the only thing N900 has shown the non-developer/geek world is:
- Nokia can make the thickest smartphone on the market and give it a poor battery life and average keyboard (E71 KB being the benchmark)
- they are willing to push out software which is not quite ready
- They put little effort in making sure the entire phone experience is consistent (both in quality and UI design)
- provide no decent development platform tools/documentation for developers to write apps with. Great for hardcore linux developers, screw everyone else
- Nokia's pride "OVI" is not even fully supported on n900. OVI sync doesn't work.

The only thing they actually showed with the n900 is they can make an awesome phone for developers and linux geeks
The points you mention are hopefully taken care of. Thats why I said end of the year. N900 just showed they are on the right track.
Other smartphone platforms have their faults too by the way.
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From an user standpoint, the "locked down" phones are getting updates regularly, as well as more apps, games, and their eco-system is updated a bit more in terms of content moreso than the opened up policy with the N900.

Think of it this way. The biggest way a consumer can get confused is if the manufacturer remains quiet. Nokia has remained a tad bit too quiet and people have panicked. Can't blame the consumer 100% in that situation. It starts with Nokia.

Want clarification and calm... Nokia needs to provide it. Not bits and pieces embedded so deeply in this forum that I have to pull well crafted queries based on usernames that provide the truth as soon as they are allowed to speak on it.

Nokia hasn't been left behind. They're just not letting the users know the direction they're going in at all times.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
From an user standpoint, the "locked down" phones are getting updates regularly, as well as more apps, games, and their eco-system is updated a bit more in terms of content moreso than the opened up policy with the N900. they'll pay for the monster they're creating, too. Maybe even drag the rest of us in with them eventually... kicking and screaming.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post they'll pay for the monster they're creating, too. Maybe even drag the rest of us in with them eventually... kicking and screaming.
By now, it's a known fact that (some) people will pay for what they think is quality software, games and functionality. Whether or not it's "quality" is up to each user; but they will pay.

I mean, I'd love to see somebody tack on forward-camera usability into Skype. Won't happen... why? Ironically the most open source platform has an app that's closed source and can't be appended upon. And if I'm wrong, which when I talk is always a possibility, why hasn't it happened yet?

Because it's not desirable? Pfft. Apple's 4G prototype has a forward facing camera. As do the Dell Mini 5/7 inch tablets. I bet they'll use it.

Bring on the functionality. I've donated time, testing and even money before. But not to a platform that I'm this uncertain of its future though.

Thus... the communication from Nokia. Still lacking.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Maybe even drag the rest of us in with them eventually... kicking and screaming.
you know, Texrat, that is the point that really buggers me. The way the market is changed is not to the benefit of the consumers.

Unfortunately most people fail to realize that

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They fail to realize... that by paying $1-$2 they can get the app that does what they want?

It seems that at the moment, those commercial app developers (in non-OVI markets) are the only ones aligning their interest with the market at the right price, quality and availability.
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ysss and gerbick: the point I was making has to do with the ultimate consequences of walled gardens for consumers. Sure, cheap apps and high service are seductive... but ultimately unsustainable as a combined business model. That and reduced choice will eventually wear on even the most ardent supporters of such approaches. As history shows, higher costs to consumers will be the ultimate outcome.
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Last edited by Texrat; 2010-04-22 at 16:26.

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