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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Go on xda.
r00t it.
Make a Titanium Backup and a nandroid.
Do a factory reset from the Settings.
Format your SD card.
r00t it again (if lost)
Do a Titanium Restore.
Everything should be iOS smooth, if not, look at the data you backed up.
....when feeling adventurous flash some custom roms
I've tried three factory resets and it keeps locking up.
If I now root it, will that make any difference?
If not, what data files should I look at from the backed up files?
Thanks in advance as this is really pushing me back to my Note 1
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Originally Posted by nokiabot View Post
Okay, and that helps me how exactly. ?.
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^it didnt helpd anyway just bumped tha topic for yr shake
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פתאום לפני כמה ימים אני רואה שסמסונג הוציאו מבצע ממש שווה על ה סמסונג גלקסי אדוונדס שלהם. אבל ממש בא לי את מכשיר הדגל הנוכחי - Galaxy note II . השאלה שלי היא האם המכשיר בעל יכולות טובות? או שעדיף לעשות עוד מאמץ קטן ולקחת מכשיר טיפה יותר יקר כמו הגלקסי 2?
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אני חושב שהכי טוב לשאול את השאלות הללו בפורום סמסונג, כמו אנשי propably יש לו דעה טובה יותר על המכשירים האלו ... האם אי פעם היה לך מכשיר Maemo לפני?

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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
S2 is pretty great. But the NOTE (N7000) gives you a much better screen (720p HD), a much better screen (larger), a slightly better processor (overclocked), a slightly better camera (quality not pixels), and much better battery life (large battery). Oh and the S Pen.

Note 2 is "slightly better" than the N7000 in every way (software is cleaner, processor has more cores, display is better ratio and size and not PenTile, S Pen bigger, battery is larger, camera is slightly clearer, but most of all NOTIFICATION LIGHT).

I hope the next Note comes VERY SOON with a Dual A15-Dual A7 processor (powerful yet nimble), and hopefully has the latest Linux 3.7 Kernel (development sakes).
I got my N7000 a month a go as secondhand black one, and i have to admit that i come out of darkness, sad but it is true, the N9 is beautiful device, but it's like half device and thrown away from it's pyramidal company, i still have it, hoping someday will be fixed the rest of the firmware specially with wi-fi connection, but i will not wast my time waiting for such update, and i em not ewer going back for Nokia again, it was good brand and fun to have it, but things has changed in the past, and i'm changing with it.
Now with android on my Note, i have even built my own room at 240.DPI and wiped out stuff i don't like and put stuff i like to be in room, add air-view and lot of modifications taken from S4 and almost zero lags.
What i em mostly sad about N9 is there was no software or much info about modification of N9 firmware by our self, and the most software from store is childish and nothing serious professional.
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Samsung + android hahahhah
My uncles note 2 and s3 lags too much
2 gb ram!!!!
MeeGo Wont Die
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Originally Posted by zaidk9 View Post
Samsung + android hahahhah
My uncles note 2 and s3 lags too much
2 gb ram!!!!
Well my friend, i don't know about note2 and s3, but i know that they have 4.bones(CPU) each, and i have watch few videos on youtube that i was impressed. but i can't say more sens i don't own them, but i own note the N7000 now, and i can easily upload a videoclip of my note to show you that really hard to catch your eye any lags on it, it's just so smooth that you will not even want to use your laptop ever, as the fixing rooms, kernels modifying and flashing can still be dun on phone without using pc...where sometime a go i hated android, i thought that was crap, and indeed was crap, but there is to much developers and all companies have eye on that os, and really works good, and there is lot of free professional software, otherwise i see as fast and enlarged Symbian OS my android phone, because there is some emotions on GUI that makes me think is like fast Symbian.
The N9 is beautiful device, but the company left MeeGo in darkness, and nothing much we can do about it.

Last edited by An9; 2013-05-05 at 03:46.
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Hello everyone. I know its not correct thread for this question. I don't want to create another thread for my this simple question.

I want to buy a Android device just for playing. My Nokia N900 is my main device and i will continue to use it as my main device.

I have two devices in my mind which i'm interested the most. 1. Galaxy S2 and 2. Sony Xperia SP. I know hardware wise Xperia SP is much better than Galaxy S2. I want to know which devices Community support is larger and better ? i know Xperia SP is still a new device. still want to ask that which device will serve me Another year or two without any pain.

android, note 2, performance, samsung

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