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Kangal's Avatar
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So not only is Tizen a castrated Linux build, it will have sloppy HTML programs and sluggish Java Programs....I only have this response:
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
So not only is Tizen a castrated Linux build, it will have sloppy HTML programs and sluggish Java Programs...
Android phones do not have sluggish Java Programs, so why should Tizen? Bad non optimized VM?

And as it is Linux system, most likely you can install and run Qt/C++ and Qt/Python programs on it also. As they are porting Qt to Android, surely it will be ported (if it even needs porting) to Tizen.

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Okay. Really didn't expect to see hatred for a Linux Foundation hosted mobile OS that's based off of Linux. Quite surprising actually.

I don't see Tizen as being an option until they do something on the hardware side that catches everybody off-guard. Something on the level of Galaxy S3 or something else highly advanced (name your poison).

I don't see open-sourced WebOS being an option because most of those folks have moved on to other, more profitable platforms. Same for Harmattan.

Regardless... I'm waiting to see what happens with Tizen. My hopes are capped to limit and manage my expectations.

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Estel's Avatar
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Okay. Really didn't expect to see hatred for a Linux Foundation hosted mobile OS that's based off of Linux. Quite surprising actually.
Personally, i do not care what is blessed or not by Linux Foundation. I care for meritocratic value of it.

Only and sole point of interest I may have in any Tizen device, is if Mer manage to put 100% working (hardware components, drivers, etc) Mer on it, and Nemo maturates enough. +, if I'll be able to install it whipping Tizen out of device, thus running Mer/Nemo without any speed disadvantage.

for any other purposes, it's a hoax.

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Old farts need to read this paper:

...and understand about runtime optimizations concept:

ON increasing type of family of applications JIT-compiled and interpreted programs are as fast or could be even faster than fully precompiled ones.

Android users do not complain the applications would run slowly, even in low end droids.
Posts: 432 | Thanked: 544 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Personally, i do not care what is blessed or not by Linux Foundation. I care for meritocratic value of it.

Only and sole point of interest I may have in any Tizen device, is if Mer manage to put 100% working (hardware components, drivers, etc) Mer on it, and Nemo maturates enough. +, if I'll be able to install it whipping Tizen out of device, thus running Mer/Nemo without any speed disadvantage.

for any other purposes, it's a hoax.

but what i feel is..
Tizen is a survivor from a great legacy..

and if SAMSUNG is enthusiastic enough to add an ACL(android compatibility layer) to Platform they just came across

IMHO, we(TMO people) too are passionate enough to atleast try to add a MCL(maemo/meego compatibility layer) to Platform which is directly/indirectly derived from Ours..

Last edited by immi.shk; 2012-05-15 at 18:15.
Stskeeps's Avatar
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Okay. Really didn't expect to see hatred for a Linux Foundation hosted mobile OS that's based off of Linux. Quite surprising actually.
Off topic:

Sadly, my experience has been that even if a project is based in the Linux Foundation, it has more to deal with pooling resources in a shared manner than anything remotely dealing with open governance or stated open goals of any projects. Where money interests trumps sane technical arguments.

That said, Tizen may have potential for the simple reason that they actually provide a quite fast web runtime that may be useful across many Linux distributions. Giving Linux the common 'app' story it so desperately needs. Despite all the nay-sayers, this web runtime really runs damn fast.

But I don't believe there'll ever be a proper open governance for that. At least it'll be balanced with W3C interactions. But I don't see anybody sane complaining about their Chrome browser on Linux not being open and democratic..

Last edited by Stskeeps; 2012-05-15 at 05:28.

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Will the parents of Tizen allow Android apps to be run and lose the income from a proprietary app store?
Posts: 273 | Thanked: 463 times | Joined on May 2011 @ Athens
Originally Posted by SamGan View Post
Will the parents of Tizen allow Android apps to be run and lose the income from a proprietary app store?
I was actually thinking something else. How will google see this development, meaning if tizen devices come to the market and can use android apps, will they just stand by or will they start kicking? Even though it will probably depend on the success of tizen.
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clunky, death rules, mike_tizen, titzen, tizen == kebab, tizen rules, tizen_day, tjamtjung, yet still sucks, zen and tizen

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