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#21 works also the version installed through application manager! good!

so the problem was related to contact duplications'?
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Originally Posted by MaRRo81 View Post
Hi! Now it works as normal user (the one you attached) - didn't try as root yet.

The strange thing is that the first time I launched it, it didn't work ..unfortunatelly I didn't write the message down It was always a problem related to name, surname and alias.

Then I checked my address book and I saw that there was a duplication of some contacts..I adjusted them and then the program started working...

I hope it was useful..Now I'm gonna see how it works
Mmmh, interesting, my "contact gathering class" shouldn't worry about duplicate contacts, but maybe python-evolution complains at some point. Could you try to replicate the bug and send me the output?

Originally Posted by MaRRo81 View Post works also the version installed through application manager! good!

so the problem was related to contact duplications'?
I am kinda surprised... I just tried to add a contact without name, surname or alias, and that is not allowed, so my list <-> string mix-up bug should never have been triggered. Please, please try to replicate the bug and see if in the contact selection box a contact appears with "No name available" or if an error rises.

Originally Posted by MaRRo81 View Post
PS: I don't have any particular Desktop enviroment .. I also thought it was a problem related to the theme I use but the problem arises also with the standard ones
Mhh, that's odd. Lets see if we find more users with a encounter of the 4th kind

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#23's not related to duplication...mhh . I'm working on it to replicate the problem
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Hi Bjoern,

I've just emailed you about problems installing www2sms on Maemo with libqt4.5 librarys.

The problem is that, the "Program manager" can't install www2sms because it depends on libqt4-core (>= 4.6.2) and libqt4-gui (>=4.6.2).
An automatic update to libqt4.6 is not possible.

Trying to install www2sms via xterm and 'apt-get install www2sms'
reveals, that is also depends on python2.5-qt4-gui (>=4.6.2) which itself depends on a bunch of libqt4-xxx (>=4.6.2).

So, I tried to manually update the system by installing these libs by downloading them and "dpkg -i" via xterm. Unfortunately, it's not possible to completely resolve all dependencies because the graphical program manager seems to depend on libqt4.5.3. So, I downgraded to libqt4.5 again.

In '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hilden-application-manager.list' are the following 'fremantl"-entries:

deb fremantle free non-free
deb fremantle free non-free

Am I missing something here to upgrade to libqt4.6?
How did you upgraded to libqt4.6 with your N900? :-)
(Or more easy for us dumb users ;-) -- ) Can you provide www2sms for libqt4.5? :-)

Thanks a lot!
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I can't really find the python stuff in the program manager (extras testing and devel activated).

And is it completely free when sending sms with this app ?
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I've just discovered an interesting thing: if you send an email to someone you don't have in your personal address book, the N900 standard email client will add the email address to the address book.: your address book will show something like If you open the contact you will see that only an email address is present (no name, surname or alias present)

If you try to create an email contact directly from your address book, it will ask you to put a name at least...this means is impossible to add only an email address...

Let's go back to our program: If the email address is present in my address book, the program doesn't work and it shows me this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/www2sms/", line 451, in <module>
ui = MainWindow()
File "/opt/www2sms/", line 55, in __init__
self.my_phone_book = self.get_contacts()
File "/opt/www2sms/", line 200, in get_contacts
contact_and_numbers = [item.decode('utf-8')]
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'decode'

If I delete this email contact, the program works fine!

Just one thing: now the problem seems to appear only with the previous version (the one installed through the app. manager). The new one gave me this problem only once!
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@nexus101: If i remember well you have to go to app. manager, disable extra-devel, install pythonfullinstall (I don't remember exactly the name) then re-enable the extra-devel and install www2sms.


PS: It worked for me
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Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by NokiaRocks View Post
I can't really find the python stuff in the program manager (extras testing and devel activated).

And is it completely free when sending sms with this app ?
You must know if it is free for you to send SMS via your providers Website (if your provider is supported yet)

Kind regards
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Germany
PyQt4 full install .. ok, i try that :-)
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I don't know how much the PR1.2 changes affect all these "Can not install" request.

Put it seems to me, that all people who tried this tool before the infrastructure changes for 1.2 were introduced, had no problem to install it.

Any comments on that thought?

DEVEL/TESTING _MUST_ be active when installing www2sms cause python-clientform and python-mechanize are in the DEVEL repository, though promoted to testin... VOTE FOR THEM ;-)

I'll see if I can update mechanize to 2.0.1. It will remove the dependency to python-clientform.

Thanks to all for testing!


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