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Poll: Ovi Store on N900 - what do you think of it?
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Ovi Store on N900 - what do you think of it?

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fnordianslip's Avatar
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I'm not a fan of the green colour, personally.
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It usually doesn't let me use it, so I don't bother trying anymore.
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There should be a native application for it (included in the app manager), not just a web page. Right now it does not really matter because there are not many applications in it, but that will change.

Don't know though why every poll has to result in some stupid rant.
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It's ok..(for now) due to the lack in number of apps.

But one thing they should implement right now is remembering a user's setting. If I set it to show new stuff then it shouldn't default to the other categories next time I use Ovi Store.
Originally Posted by ysss View Post
They're maemo and MeeGo...

"Meamo!" sounds like what Zorro would say to catherine zeta jones... after she slaps him for looking at her dirtily...
HellFlyer's Avatar
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Very good title for this thread I dont like using it but I use it anyway
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Nathraiben's Avatar
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I chose the first option, even though I would go for the 1.5th option that is missing: It's awful, I'm NOT persevering and thus not buying - but I might change my mind once they choose to upload a version that:

  • Doesn't take up to ten attempts before it installs any software. While it's "only" annoying with free software, I'm not going to risk the same with paid software - if I'm lucky, they'll just charge me for every attempt. Wouldn't be the first time I'd experience multiple instances of charging with my N900 *cough*cherry*cough*.

  • Offers alternative payment options. I'm rather reluctant to give away my credit card number online, and much more so to a "beta" store that doesn't even manage to keep basic functionality working. No giving away sensitive data to potentially unsafe websites. Unless I AT LEAST get the chance to pay by Paypal my money's staying right here with me.

  • Has a working country restriction - or gets rid of it altogether. I never understood the esoteric legal reasons behind limiting ones own market, but other than that I can see both the benefit of local applications (someone from NY is probably not going to need a pub planner for Vienna - though a way to still get it for a trip to Vienna would be nice) and providing different versions of the same application based on the buyer's location, so I can live with it. I can NOT live with being "recommended" an application just to then be told that "Whoops, wrong country. No app for your".

  • Is more or less bug-free. I don't care whether other companies' stores are even worse. What's with that "Checking the colour of the grass on the other side" mentality? I don't care whether the grass over there is greener or not, all that I'm interested in is the grass that I'm fed - and the Android grass being dried up straw doesn't make the yellow Nokia grass taste any better, right...?

As soon as all of those apply, I'll shop like crazy (Zeeeeeeeen Bound! ), but until at least the first two are fixed, it's a definite no-go for me.
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Pretty crap experience IMO, certainly on the phone. I second Rugoz about a dedicated application, if only to see things seem to be snappier, and for OTA purchases to be quicker due to less in the way of human-formatted info coming down the line.

However I don't see much chance of a sudden improvement either. A shame.
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Originally Posted by Nathraiben View Post
[*]Offers alternative payment options. I'm rather reluctant to give away my credit card number online, and much more so to a "beta" store that doesn't even manage to keep basic functionality working. No giving away sensitive data to potentially unsafe websites. Unless I AT LEAST get the chance to pay by Paypal my money's staying right here with me.
Doesn't Paypal give you an option to get a one time use credit card number. Though I guess that would be a hassle to keep changing your credit card info on Ovi Store.
Originally Posted by ysss View Post
They're maemo and MeeGo...

"Meamo!" sounds like what Zorro would say to catherine zeta jones... after she slaps him for looking at her dirtily...
ndi's Avatar
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It stinks.

It's slow, cumbersome, beta, and FFS they don't support Visa Electronic nor PayPal (which does). Heck, it's not available in US and unpopular in UK, so, you know, *k'em.

Additionally, feedback is user-only, no review, they have an imbecilic admission system when the darned thing is empty, and, to boot, don't remove low download or poorly commented apps. One star, does-not-work comments and you feature the darn thing?

So, it's slow, cumbersome, flimsy, empty and with a scary amount of foul smelling biological substance. One expects an app store with 100.000 apps to have some one-stars, but when you have 15, either kick them out and maintain quality, or allow everything in and import some of the nicer extras for exposure.

Poor on all accounts. And late, did I mention late? 9 months later, it's still beta. That really shows how much of a * you give on that project, Nokia.

Oh, and, where's that Nokia labs projects you promised? Weren't some ultra nice games and apps in the vat?
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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Nathraiben's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Laughing Man View Post
Doesn't Paypal give you an option to get a one time use credit card number. Though I guess that would be a hassle to keep changing your credit card info on Ovi Store.
Sadly, it doesn't seem so. I've spent half an hour on trying to find an option like that, but to no avail. But features tend to differ from Paypal website to Paypal website, so I guess I'm just living in the wrong part of the world again.
(See, one of the reasons I really don't like country restrictions... )

And, like you said, it would be pretty annoying to do it that way, too. Especially on the N900 itself, for no matter how much I love it's internet capabilities, filling out forms is still quite the hassle.

Also, I really don't get why they're shunning Paypal, anyway. From a friend who owns a webshop I know that offering credit card payment is by far MORE expensive than accepting payment by Paypal, so I'm not sure why they rather go with the former...

iphone, ovi sucks

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