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Maps upon zoom in and out, the screen works 'funny' in a full screen mode, it continues to work in a 80% screen rather than a full screen. It does NOT bother me that much, just reporting.

Kmenu>Settings>Desktop setting wizard>steps 1, 2 goes fine, on step 3 screen, the shortcut for window moving is NOT working. And when I set to less effect for slow processor, far left, the KDE crashed. Is this a political statement, far left is NOT acceptable ? And when I return, I lost the zelda theme...........
Is it possible to cut down some eye candy to make kde go faster, or it has to be right at 50, like godilock, not 2 fast not 2 sloo, just right.

How can I get Zelda back? I am now using the kde classic, the one with the throbbing red light, I tried to get rid of it by changing the mouse theme, Kcontrol center crashed, and the throbbing red dot persisted..........

Time to go to work



Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-23 at 14:08.
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Maps upon zoom in and out, the screen works 'funny' in a full screen mode, it continues to work in a 80% screen rather than a full screen. It does NOT bother me that much, just reporting.
I use Maemo Mapper and I am not sure what you are talking about? Do you mean the built in mapping program?

Kmenu>Settings>Desktop setting wizard>steps 1, 2 goes fine, on step 3 screen, the shortcut for window moving is NOT working. And when I set to less effect for slow processor, far left, the KDE crashed. Is this a political statement, far left is NOT acceptable ? LEFT OK WITH ME And when I return, I lost the zelda theme...........
Is it possible to cut down some eye candy to make kde go faster, or it has to be right at 50, like godilock, not 2 fast not 2 sloo, just right.
When I created my theme, I used the slide bar all the way to the LEFT. I then changed individual settings to create the theme it installed with. I saved the theme, so just look through the themes list, I do not recall what I named it at the moment

How can I get Zelda back? I am now using the kde classic, the one with the throbbing red light, I tried to get rid of it by changing the mouse theme, Kcontrol center crashed, and the throbbing red dot persisted..........

Time to go to work



Bun, sometimes, I think you need to set the Red Bull down. I imagine Bun talking 90miles per hour sometimes
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.
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Yes, I mean the built-in map, not maemo mapper.
I saw PB in the theme thing, I guess that must be the Zelda. I will give it a try.

Thanks PB. I start to use KDE more and more, very soon, you goin to see PineCushionbun


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-23 at 23:48.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2008
Some windows are so large, that thay get cut off and you can't see the whole window and it is difficult to resize.
Use the move window, This again I cannot fix
I've tried this, and had no success. It seems darn near impossible with the stylus and I've never been able to make the top of the window move beyond the upper boundary of the screen. This is inconvenient, and has prevented me from being able to select an OK button, so is definitely frustrating. You say this is not something you can fix... are default minimum window sizes hard coded in KDE?

Finding that the Home button activates and deactivates the right click has made some other things easier too.

Over all, still impressive.

many thanks.
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Posts: 538 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Seattle
Originally Posted by CpuFixrMan View Post
I've tried this, and had no success. It seems darn near impossible with the stylus and I've never been able to make the top of the window move beyond the upper boundary of the screen. This is inconvenient, and has prevented me from being able to select an OK button, so is definitely frustrating. You say this is not something you can fix... are default minimum window sizes hard coded in KDE?

Finding that the Home button activates and deactivates the right click has made some other things easier too.

Over all, still impressive.

many thanks.
This is a quote from one of my previous posts

While there is no way to permanently change the configuration dialogues & forcing the windows to resize only ends up cutting off the most important part of the window (ie: OK Apply Cancel) - you can assign a button to "Move Window" command, which will at least allow you to move the window up so that you can get to the bottom part of the screen.

To assign "Move Window" -> Open Control Center -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> scroll down until you find Move Window -> select it -> make a custom shortcut.

Now if you've got an N810 then you have a ton of possibilities on which button or combination of buttons you assign to the action. If you've got a N800 then your choices are much more limited. You might search the forums to see if any N800 users posted successful button assignments if you need help there.

I personally have my N810 "Home" button assigned to "Move Windwow" because I use it so frequently (for Kalendar entries) and then I have Ctrl + "Home" assigned to "Right Click".
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.

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