Poll: What would you pay for the N810 (USD)?
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What would you pay for the N810 (USD)?

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Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
While the unit is packed with gear (GPS, Wifi, etc.), it's still not a UMPC. That price point is getting dangerously close to the laptop range. I think $399 would be a fair price for it. They seem to have software that they'll sell features for (such as extra maps for the GPS software) and that could offset the discount on the unit.

*Edit: I'm a fair consumer (and a bitter punk rocker on the side). I'll pay what I think something's worth. Worth and what I'm willing to pay go hand in hand.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ India
I didn't hesitate paying $400 for Nokia N800 so I wouldn't have minded paying $480 when HW keyboard, GPS reciever and 2GB of storage are also thrown into it. Only that I can't afford to throw away ~$1000 on similar devices in less than a year.

Those who don't own a Nokia tablet yet, I think $450 to $500 is a fair price, but it would never hurt to be a little on the cheaper side if the company can afford it and can dare to be aggressively competitive.
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Last edited by efb; 2007-10-18 at 19:20.
=DC='s Avatar
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I think it's about $100 too high. $379 would be quite a reasonable price for the N810 seeing as it is so similar to the N800 which is around $279 now. Sure, the N810 gained some cool features and slick design, but it also lost some, which in my opinion puts it at the same level with about a $100 difference for the "new hotness" factor. However, my 770 is nowhere near "old and busted", and if Nokia wishes for most current tablet owners to upgrade, it appears they have to come one better than the N810.
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YoDude's Avatar
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Why bother.

Two other incarnations are due out and 8 - 10 months seems to be the frequency.

Each time another one drops, retailers deep discount the previous version to make shelf space I suppose.

Even if the WiMAX version turns out to be a Sprint exclusive, knowing how the US Cell service providers operate, it will have a $150 - $200 subsidy discount for a two year contract commitment.

This version is not for existing N800 owners. As stated elsewhere, an itty bitty slide out is no substitute for a BT keyboard and for under $50 you can always add a BT GPS receiver that can be positioned independently for the best reception.

Besides, it seems to be positioned for head to head competition with this Christmas' market for in car navigators which is expected to be huge in the US.

Why pay $500 for anything that is "just" a navigator.

Last edited by YoDude; 2007-10-18 at 22:49.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2007
N810 was announced in San Francisco for US$479 and EU$400 for Europe customers.
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Montreal, Canada

As I can see from the replies its the consumer who set the price not Nokia.

I too would pay between $350-$370.

I have a feeling Nokia will surprise us at CSE 2008 with another model.

As for all the Montrealers here in this disscussion room, it would be great to have a N810 Meetup in Montreal.

Would everyone agree.

Regards Robert
Texrat's Avatar
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Well, consumers can certainly strongly influence price, but of course a manufacturer can only go so low before making it is no longer worthwhile. Cost efficiencies are usually discovered and implemented during a product's lifecycle that allow the manufactruer to drop price-- but they tend to hang onto the status quo as long as possible to boost profits.
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Originally Posted by RobMtl007 View Post
I have a feeling Nokia will surprise us at CSE 2008 with another model.
Can someone tell me some more about this CSE 2008 event ?

About the price, me after seeing a fFinns store selling it at 469€ make it hard to decide whether this or N800 which is 200€ less.
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Below $400.00, and I'll buy one the day it comes out.
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ home
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Below $400.00, and I'll buy one the day it comes out.
Bellow $300.00, and as will I

(That's assuming that I find a job between now and November :-/ )

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