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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I'll still quibble with that, with the qualifier that professional bloggers SHOULD be able to size it up in that amount of time. Folks that deal with such devices on a regular basis should have that skill IMO.
Many people are just looking for the N95-like gadget: all-in-one.
I was one of them until I encountered the Nokia 770.

That changed all. I like to have a phone to make calls and act as modem when needed and the tablet for everything else.

The key is the screen. To make calls you don't need a huge screen. But you probably want to carry your cellphone almost everywhere, almost always (Saturday nights with friends, for example).

But you do want a larger, crisp screen to surf the web, to guide you with clear directions and bla bla that you can carry in the backpack (that you might not want to carry when going out with friends).

You simply can't have both. Or if you do, you have to sacrifice something: screen for the N95, GSM with the tablet. And you can try to help in both cases (zooming and panning in the N95, VoIP calls on the tablet). Kudos to Nokia for providing both. Apple got it too: they're planning a new PDA. The real IT competitor.
We'll see.
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I have a phone, small and cheap which I constantly drop, forget at home, or lose. last thing i want to do is bust out this brick to make a phonecall at a club and have it fall to the ground in my drunken haze. which is the reason why i'm glad it's not a phone.
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Well he went to a event and played with it for five minutes. One might argue he wasn't paying attention. Another might argure Nokia marketing not working so well!!

Nokia designs great hardware, if only the rest of Nokia could catch up to that greatness.

Last edited by penguinbait; 2007-10-26 at 14:28.
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Gotta agree with penguinbait here. I didn't know this Mitch Wagner, but I guess there are a lot of people out there who do listen to what he has to say, so overestimating his intelligence is deadly. I can understand the disappointment of Texrat and others, but it is nokia that is trying to get a message across, so it is nokia that should put in every effort to influence the opinions of people like Mitch.

For some reason the N810 is just not as impressive as the Iphone at first sight. Anybody who first sees an Iphone is immediately impressed by what it can do (or in case of IT owners, what it can't do ). My experience with showing my N800 to my friends is that it takes some time and convincing to get them to see the value.

For a mass market product this is a big flaw! Just think of how many people bought Windows Vista for the Aero interface (looks cool, something to show to other people, but totally useless).

I think nokia doesn't realize that their product doesn't have this natural 'coolness'. Else they would double up on their convincing efforts and Mitch wouldn't have walked away disappointed.
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Fadsjeik, Exactly!!

I think that part of the problem is that Nokia has not played up the fact about all the available software for the IT. This seems to be changing, and they are trying to promote well polished opensourced projects for the masses, but they need to step up the list so people dont have to go looking. These projects are a major asset for this platform, maybe the biggest asset for those who know what they are holding in thier hands..
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The article reads:
An expensive, limited-function device with no clear purpose.
He just described my life!
sachin007's Avatar
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I totally agree nokia sucks at advertising products... especially the tablets. I equally loath the way apple hype there products. As texrat mentioned there should be a sweet middle spot somewhere in between and nokia should strive to hit that spot. Considering that nokia was always like that which some people attribute it to finnish attitude(being modest) i would take modesty any day for hype. That is because as a techie person i do my research and do not fall for hype. But unfortunately the remaining 95% of the people just fall for hype just because their preferences are different and cannot spend that much time on analyzing technology.
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Originally Posted by anidel View Post
So you don't want you tablet to be a phone, do you ?
Nope, but I use it as one.
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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
Nope, but I use it as one.
I think nokia should sell two versions of it one with a phone functionality built in and another without. SO that we have a choice..

Can someone make a poll for the inclusion of with/without phone??
penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
I think nokia should sell two versions of it one with a phone functionality built in and another without. SO that we have a choice..

Can someone make a poll for the inclusion of with/without phone??
I personally like the fact that I can have a phone be a phone, yet still provide me access to internet. I want my phone to make calls, my IT is a computer. Why dont we put phones in laptops? its the same concept isn't it?. With phone capabilities this would be the ultimate hacker tool, not that it isn't already...

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