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Yay, thanks to all and happy hols!
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I'd like to correct what I believe is a glaring omission in this list : the numerous and hyperactive Brazilian community (first and foremost at INdT of course, but not only there)...
These guys 'n gals have brought us the hildonized Python environment for the tablets (an essential part of the Maemo platform IMHO), many of the first games available for the 770, minimo and lots of other good stuff.
To this day they continue both to make development on the tablets more accessible (with Eagle, Easy etc.) and to innovate, pushing the platform forward with Canola2 and its development tools. Go team ! :-)

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Fpp you're damn right!!
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A big THANK YOU!! to Serge, without mplayer I would have sold my N800 a long time ago

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Nice thread but so many people to thank to...for making my experience with N800 one of the best so far. I will try.

First comes the itT community, and Reggie for creating and maintaining it. Without itT, it would have been far less fun to buy and use my N800.

My favourite applications on N800(OS2007) are Mauku(Henrik), MH-Shot tool(Santtu/inz), x11vnc(Michael), EBoard(Tom), FBReader and media server/tablet-encode(Andrew). Big thanks go to all those who have created/ported the above apps.

It wouldn't be much fun using Nokia tablets without tips/hacks/opinions shared on the jaiku channels by texrat, zerojay, rcadden, atmasphere, barneyc, cintra, dkwatts. Thanks to Henrik for inviting me in the first place! Ricky and Jonathan get additional thanks for their weblogs.

I don't know whom to thank for maintaining Planet Maemo and Maemo Garage and WoM. Thanks to Marcelo for making Maemo SDK VMWare appliance, Joerg for excellent repository site, technut for all the hack tips,...I know I am missing many..., yerga, Pete Savage, Josep Torra, Mike(TVersity), Urho Kontorri, Daniel, Krisse, Admira, Derek Coleman and Ty of iTablet etc. for their excellent blogs/apps/ports.

(Sorry if I got any of the names wrong.)
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I can't put these in any kind of order, so on to my usual state - - stream of consciousness:

Reggie and RogerS for leading the charge with this site - - I stumbled here when googling "Linux PDA" and was inches from saving up for an old Zaurus... only to find out the device I always coveted was soon to exist.

Thoughtfix for all the experimentation, blogging, and community building. I bet a lot of people do the things Dan does, but I know for a fact they don't compile instructions, answer questions, and do more to get their newfound information out to the public. The contest attracted a lot of new blood and attention to the tablets too! That was generosity beyond generosity. Kudos (hah).

aFlegg for being an awesome source of info from the early days up til now.

ArnimS for madly compiling our wildest dreams. I had a C64 running on my 770 the other day. A #&$*#& C64!!!

Serge for the work on mplayer and (Bet you didn't see this coming) Star Control 2 (along with ArnimS). I had SC2 running on my 770. #$&#*$ SC2!!!

Gnuite for maemomapper. Though I don't have a GPS unit and only installed it once to see what it was, I know this is a core app that has brought many into the fold. Please consider my ideas for subliminal message implants. ("Free Beer For Hedgecore" or something of that ilk.)

TexRat / Karel. The jabs have been priceless, you guys 'get' sarcasm and can play with it with the best of 'em. I get the feeling that if we ever found ourselves in a bar together there'd be a lot of soaked tablets and pissed off wait staff.

Konttori: I watched 5 hours worth of movies on my 770 on a train ride to Ottawa 2 years ago. It's your fault and you're awesome for it.

INdT: I always cackle when I show people Canola running and watch their face light up. Then I stop cackling to tell them where they can buy one of their own because they want one now. Excellent work on a very useful app.

Penguinbait: You don't think outside the box, you set it on fire and make a new one. I might get a new tablet just to try setups like the ones you're pulling. And like I said about Dan, you're sharing all your work and going the extra mile to document/disseminate it.

fPP: You've always had answers when my simple mind's been boggled. One day I'll look up a bunch of nonsensical Zen questions but even then I bet you'll answer 'em.

Milhouse: Again, lots of answers and information for everyone. My favourite was when you were slinging mud at that stupid kid a while back. You served him his a** on a plate and man I laughed.

My friend Jay who has never shown up here, but said "Hey lets go to Michigan today to get that tablet thing you want."

The Department of Homeland Security for pushing back the passport requirements and allowing me to cross the border 2 years ago with just my birth certificate and drivers license.

And the Academy for - - sorry wrong list.

On a side note, I got my 770 2 years ago on Dec 17th. Woo!

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Crap, I forgot you Hedgie! The guy who makes me laugh harder than anyone these days. EDIT: second place goes to fpp, but (insert gratuitous French slur by Craig Ferguson here).

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Last edited by Texrat; 2007-12-21 at 17:11.
Posts: 245 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Well, like most of you, I have too many to thank individually, but there are a few that come immediately to mind that need singling out.

1. Gnuite, for maemo-mapper. Definitely a "killer app", and 2.x is even better.

2. penguinbait, for constantly amazing me with what these tablets can be made to do.

3. Fanoush, for many utilities, especially the bootmenu. I am a lifelong dual-boot addict, and don't think I've ever had a device (including a PalmPilot and Zaurus 5500/5600) that I didn't try an alternative OS on. Between him and penguinbait, I'm set!

Also many others, including Reggie and the forum admins, for keeping this place organized and a superb resource.

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Originally Posted by Hedgecore View Post
I can't put these in any kind of order, so on to my usual state - - stream of consciousness:

fPP: You've always had answers when my simple mind's been boggled.
Wow, am I flattered (*flush flush*) -- but not deluded: unworthy of being included in that Gotha list...
(or is it the other way around ? :-)

One day I'll look up a bunch of nonsensical Zen questions but even then I bet you'll answer 'em.
Well, if you don't mind nonsensical zany answers, fire away...

PS: here, see what you get for being so profligate and and wasteful with your keyboards, what with that double-space nonsense and all ? Now your cApSlOcK key is stuck :-)
Karel Jansens's Avatar
Posts: 3,220 | Thanked: 326 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ "Almost there!" (Monte Christo, Count of)
Okay, clearly something has gone horribly wrong somewhere. A thread in which I'm being thanked?? By Texrat??!! WTF???!!!

Can we all please just go back to normal mode, people?

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