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Originally Posted by heron61 View Post
I'm not that concerned with the speaker volume, but now that CES 2008 is over and there is still nothing to compare to the n810, I'm strongly considering getting one and one of the major uses (other than web browsing) that I'll have for it is as a portable music player.

I have a very nice pair of headphones (Koss Pro-35A), if I attach them to the n810, can I expect to (at or near maximum volume) to get music that is fairly loud. At minimum, I want a volume that will block out noise around me in airports or on planes and city buses.

Is the low volume problem primarily with the included headphones or will a good quality pair of supra-aural headphones also suffer from low volume problems? I don't need to rattle my skull, but I am sometimes interested in music being pretty loud. Can the n810 manage that?
I have a very expensive set of in ear plantronics headphones, custom molded to my ear canal (well worth the money if you use headphones a lot). That being said, it is still not easy to hear on a noisy subway car.
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I'm going to be building one of these little amps to run inline between my N810 and my car stereo input. Maybe with a little volume control, or just a set volume with a "boost" switch if needed. We'll see once I get it prototyped. I'll put it in a little box and stick it inside the dash.

I have to crank everything all the way up to hear it with any decent volume when driving. My car can be loud at times (great exhaust), but its not that loud when cruising. Having to crank my N810 all the way up, and my stereo all the way up is just not cool.
Owner of an N770, now with 100% more N810!
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Originally Posted by BatPenguin View Post
You meant "when I shovel my snow", right? Heh, no need to rub it in, winter here....
Ha! Just saw this... Yes, I'm shoveling my snow here too.

Originally Posted by geneven View Post
You can mow your lawn with an iPod? What will they think of next??
Well, duh!

If I had sprung for the iPhone, I'd be doing more than just mowing my lawn!


Last edited by timsamoff; 2008-01-22 at 19:16.
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I, too, find that the volume of my n810 is not loud enough even with the headphones. I hope someone finds a solution.
My other complaints are 1.the mini SD-why not use the more common and cheaper std SD. there is room! 2. the micro USB - again why not the more common mini USB plug? again-there is room 3. Why not charge thru the USB connection instead of having another non standard plug to deal with.
The above changes to the "n820" would save me packing around 2 extra cables/adapters. My Motorala A1200 cell uses mini USB for connection and charging. I need to carry my a1200- Come on NOkia- make me WANT a n820!!
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The micro usb question has been answered: that is the new standard.

As for mini SD, my question was more like: why not go all the way to micro SD?
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I compiled and installed aumix and it shows the status bar volume control applet has a maximum of 93%. Using aumix I took it up to 100% and this was audibly louder - confirming the KDE results.

I searched for a config file for the volume control but I couldn't find any so I'm guessing the 93% limit is hard-coded. It should be possible to write a replacement volume control, though, if Nokia don't modify their one (I think it's a closed source component - - at least I can't find the source).

I'd like to try doing this but I'm not sure if I'll ever have time... probably wouldn't take long for an experienced Maemo developer though.

I've attached my aumix package - md5sum is:

To use it run aumix from an xterm or from the LoadApplet run command. I haven't tried creating a menu entry yet.

Just noticed that Application Manager doesn't like my package for some reason. You have to install it as root with dpkg -i aumix*deb. Sorry, this is the first time i've built a package for the nokia. i'll try fixing it tomorrow.


Attached Files
File Type: deb aumix-gtk_2.8-17_armel.deb (85.1 KB, 456 views)

Last edited by sydb; 2008-01-29 at 02:25.

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I've got a solution for this problem.
At least for music.
A friend of mine has written a small rhythmbox like music player called Youamp.
It comes with replay gain functionality for all and for single titles.
By setting the replay gain for all titles to about 1.0 the sound gets a good volume, I did not test out how much is possible
Here's a link to his page:Youamp
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Versatile x audio player (xmms) is very loud compared to the built in media player. If wayfinder was this loud then I would not have problems hearing directions. Has anyone used wayfinder over their cars bluetooth so they hear directions over their car speakers?

Last edited by jandmdickerson; 2008-01-30 at 05:50.
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2007
I tried to connect my N810 to my Nokia CK-15W bluetooth carkit. The pairing works but unfortunately the audio transmission does not. Neither does the N810 recognize that the Nokia CK-15W supports HFP and HSP nor does the N810 support the audio gateway profile yet :-(( Very bad experience. This should really be fixed by Nokia.
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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
I can confirm this result as well... I too use KDE on my N810 and if I use the builtin Media Player while in KDE the volume can be adjusted (using KMix) to very, very, hurting your ears loud. So I agree that it is a software problem that is causing your volume issues.
I can confirm this too. Xmms and mplayer can get much louder than default mediaplayer.

My main problem is severe distortion / crackling at almost all volumes with all players.

I have compiled a replacement esd daemon and upon startup (/etc/init.d/esd restart) it gives perfectly clear beep tones.

The low volume issue is just with mediaplayer, afaict. The distortion problem is with all players, at least on my device.

If anyone has good ears and an N810 please run a variety of music on a variety of players to confirm distortion issues.

Given the kdm beeps being clear, it might be a software issue, or it might be the speakers distorting with low frequencies.

If it's the latter case, a simple capacitor in front of the speakers would filter out low frequencies.

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