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Originally Posted by ioan
I downloaded a BIG part of Oregon for the zoom levels from 4 to 16 (you can see all the streets and the names for the highways) in about 200 MB.
I have to study the code and maybe with help from gnuite I will make a windows app to download the maps... and then copy them on the card when you need them...
My concern with this was just the copyright issues with creating an application with the specific goal of downloading mass amounts of maps from private commercial sources. We get around that in Maemo Mapper by not providing a URL, and since it's not solely a map download program (but a map display program).

I think the "Download by Area", "Download by Route", and "Auto-Download" options should be enough for all but the most extreme of needs, and since I can't officially support those extreme needs, I don't think I'll be attempting to build an application to fulfill those needs.

Plus, I hate programming in Windows.
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Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by fredoll
Wonderfull work !
Thanks a lot !
I have a little problem downloading routes : Error parsing GPX file
It might be due to accentuated letters (France sorry )
Accented characters shouldn't pose a problem. Anything that works in Google Maps (or, more accurately, in the GPS Driving Directions web service, should work in Maemo Mapper. If it doesn't, it's a bug (and that sounds like what this is). I'll look into it.

Originally Posted by fredoll
It would be nice to keep in memory the last addresses entered ...
Valid addresses [em]are[/em] saved in memory using auto-complete. As you tap in an address, it should display a list of all matching addresses as you tap. I tried to make it a combo box, but I had serious issues with the GtkComboEntry widget on Maemo, and besides, as the list gets large the combo box becomes nearly useless - autocompletion is more effective in this case.

Originally Posted by fredoll
It would be also very nice to interface that with the GPE Contact database ...
Would you like me to help you on this matter, I've already played with this database (phonelink) and I'm sure it would be a nice improvement ...
The idea of including GPE Contact information (perhaps as part of the autocomplete feature mentioned above) is not a bad one. I'll add it to my TODO list... If you want to add it yourself, I'll accept (and possibly modify) any patch that you submit toward this end.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Originally Posted by Robert Newman
I downloaded the program, since I don't have a GPS I set it to 00:00:00:00:00:00, set the URI as in the sample, and Voila! a map of the world appeared. I zoomed into San Antonio, Texas and right down to street level in my neighborhood. I was amazed! But once I ended the app, and later ran it again, it does not work. All that I get is a progress bar saying "downloading maps" but it is just a black screen. I can zoom up or down but still only see a black screen. I tried removing, and reinstalling the app, with no success. Any suggestions, Ireally want this to work. I am OS X savy, but limited Linux knowledge. Thanks.
The application starts you out at your last GPS position, or 0 degrees latitude, 0 degree longitude if you don't have a GPS receiver. Try zooming out all the way to see if you can get back to the world view.

If it still doesn't work, run this command in XTerm (which will clear your settings in GConf) and re-start Maemo Mapper:
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset "/apps/maemo-mapper"
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006
Originally Posted by gnuite
Accented characters shouldn't pose a problem. Anything that works in Google Maps (or, more accurately, in the GPS Driving Directions web service, should work in Maemo Mapper. If it doesn't, it's a bug (and that sounds like what this is). I'll look into it.
I also have the same issue. I wrote a couple of direction in the GPX site and get the routing file. When loading it in the nokia it gives to me a parsing problem.

If I tried also to write the direction in the nokia with the same result.

Maybe it is related with maps out side of US... I'm triying a route in Spain

Great app!!!
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2005

thank you... this is simply awesome....
IMHO this is the best app I've seen for the nokia 770...

thank you once more!
I hope the guys at gmaps don't shut the doors on this!
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by gnuite
The application starts you out at your last GPS position, or 0 degrees latitude, 0 degree longitude if you don't have a GPS receiver. Try zooming out all the way to see if you can get back to the world view.

If it still doesn't work, run this command in XTerm (which will clear your settings in GConf) and re-start Maemo Mapper:
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset "/apps/maemo-mapper"
And, if you want to make it start out somewhere else... and you don't have a GPS receiver you can do something like this:

gconftool-2 --type float --set /apps/maemo-mapper/last_longitude -- -115
gconftool-2 --type float -- set /apps/maemo-mapper/last_latitude 45
Just make sure the app isn't running when you do this.

(It took me a bit of time to figure out how to enter a negative value for longitude... so I included it in the example above.)
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Great app

can the maemo mapper show hybrid maps of google?

Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
I played around with the maemo-mapper yesterday and today... and is great!
I tried once to download map along the route, and it did download, but the wrong maps (this is the only problem I saw). Here is the screenshot:

What I think will be useful in future versions is to be able to mark a point, for example "My House", or "My Office".. etc. Anyway less features means stable application and I prefer stable!

Thanks again gnuite.
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2005
GPX route importing doesn't work for me either.
I also get "Error parsing GPX file"

Can it be because my "actual" position in Maemo Mapper, and the starting position in the gpx file differ?

Just a few notes:
without a gps, when I restart the program, it always defaults to 0:0 a the previous zoom level... and not the previous manual LAT/LONG selection.

It would be nice, in the Maps/download Area, if we could copy the actual view center LAT and LONG with "copy" button.. without having to type the actual numbers...
It would be nice, if the previous inserted values could stay in memory, for example, to set the top-left, and the going to the map, defining the bottom-right, and comming back to the Maps/download Area, and set this final value (without loosing the previous top-left entry).

Also, GPX Driving Directions Webpage, uses port 8080.
this makes it impossible to use this feature from certain firewalls/mobile services that only allow port 80...

Posts: 139 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Sep 2005
A high quality application, thanks a lot gnuite. There aren't too many of those for Maemo yet.

Originally Posted by gnuite
The application starts you at ... 0 degrees latitude, 0 degree longitude if you don't have a GPS receiver.
This is not fun -- A "home lat/lon"-preference would be great.

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