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tolou's Avatar
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2006
gimageviewer and ROX Filer ofcourse (now with a debian toolbar button), both through the Synaptic pkg mgr in diablo. I've also managed to just cp parts from the good old WmBar in penguinbait's ROX pkg, e.g. see my avatar.
Changed time format to 24h in the taskbar, and a network monitor besides the CPU. Also set my personal background. Tip: the help file in the start menu is really at help here.
~/.icewm $ more toolbar
# This is a default toolbar definition file for IceWM
# Place your personal variant in $HOME/.icewm directory.

#prog FTE fte fte
#prog Netscape netscape netscape
#prog    "Vim" vim /usr/bin/gvim -f
prog    "keyboard" /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/devices/input-keyboard.png xvkbd
prog    XTerm xterm x-terminal-emulator
#prog    "AbiWord" /usr/share/pixmaps/abiword.png abiword
prog    "ROX Filer" /usr/share/rox/images/rox-show-hidden.png /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/rox"
prog    "WWW" /usr/share/pixmaps/iceweasel.png iceweasel
sh-3.2$ diff preferences /usr/share/icewm/preferences 
<  TaskBarShowNetStatus=1 # 0/1
> # TaskBarShowNetStatus=1 # 0/1
<  NetStatusCommand="x-terminal-emulator -name netstat -title 'Network Status' -e netstat -c"
> # NetStatusCommand="x-terminal-emulator -name netstat -title 'Network Status' -e netstat -c"
<  NetworkStatusDevice="wlan0 ppp0 eth0"
> # NetworkStatusDevice="ppp0 eth0"
<  TimeFormat="%R"
> # TimeFormat="%X"
< DesktopBackgroundImage="/home/user/MyDocs/.images/qgn_indi_startup_nokia_logo.png"

Last edited by tolou; 2008-07-11 at 10:13.
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Installed Dillo, NetSurf and Midori (apt-get install).. all of them are working very well on the tablet.

NetSurf might be the best choice for the N8x0: it's light, fast, can be run fullscreen and support CSS (Dillo doesn't).

To install:
apt-get install netsurf

Note: you might need "libwebkitgtk0", which can be found right there:

dpkg -i libwebkitgtk0d_0~svn27674-4_armel.deb

Last edited by Maxoueb; 2008-07-11 at 15:59.

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Gnomesword is working great. Not full-screen, unfortunately. Mirrors found here.
Attached Images
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Frozen-bubble works quite well. After following the earlier discussion for setting up gnome-alsamixer, the sound works on frozen-bubble now too. Thanks guys.

Frozen-bubble is a little bit ponderous on the N800, but then I can always use a little time to contemplate my place in the Universe. Setting the graphics to medium quality helps a lot. It plays very well though and almost no stutter with the sound.

Supertuxkart, on the other hand, seems to work but slows to a near halt.

Last edited by Makurosu; 2008-07-11 at 20:23.
qole's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Makurosu View Post
After following the earlier discussion for setting up gnome-alsamixer, the sound works on frozen-bubble now too.
Hey, do you mean my instructions to get regular alsamixer working, or did you manage to get gnome-alsamixer working (because I still can't)?
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Originally Posted by doctorbri View Post
Not full-screen, unfortunately...
You can always pull up a Debian chroot prompt, type
wmctrl -r sword -b toggle,fullscreen
If that doesn't work, type
wmctrl -l
and look at the list of windows until you find the right one, then substitute a part of the actual window name for "sword" in the above example.

You can also just use IceWM to run it...
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
You can always pull up a Debian chroot prompt, type
wmctrl -r sword -b toggle,fullscreen
This worked great, thanks. Is that all your "Make OO Fullscreen" app is?

Originally Posted by qole View Post
You can also just use IceWM to run it...
I originally tried to, but I get the error posted below. Why would an app work in the chroot but not via Ice? I have also tried running via the '/root/debian hilda' and 'cp .desktop' methods, but neither work. Gnomesword only works via chroot and closes automaticly when the chroot is closed (this may be normal behavior, I don't know).

** (gnomesword2:1600): WARNING **: can't create bookmarks dir
empty document
I/O error : Permission denied
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/user/.gnomesword/settings.xml"
Document not parsed successfully. 
empty document 
Segmentation fault
Benson's Avatar
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Well, you should be running it in the chroot either way; that may just be confused terminology on your part, but I suspect you're not doing it that way.

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Originally Posted by doctorbri View Post
This worked great, thanks. Is that all your "Make OO Fullscreen" app is?
<blush> You've caught me!

Originally Posted by doctorbri View Post
I originally tried to, but I get the error posted below. Why would an app work in the chroot but not via Ice? I have also tried running via the '/root/debian hilda' and 'cp .desktop' methods, but neither work. Gnomesword only works via chroot and closes automaticly when the chroot is closed (this may be normal behavior, I don't know).

** (gnomesword2:1600): WARNING **: can't create bookmarks dir
empty document
I/O error : Permission denied
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/user/.gnomesword/settings.xml"
Document not parsed successfully. 
empty document 
Segmentation fault
I recognize this. This was one of the reasons why I made the "hilda" command. You ran gnomesword as root the first time (in the chroot prompt), and now you can't run it as user (which is what happens with all of the other methods). At the chroot prompt, you have to do the following:
chown -R user:users /home/user/.gnomesword
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Posts: 35 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Originally Posted by qole View Post
Hey, do you mean my instructions to get regular alsamixer working, or did you manage to get gnome-alsamixer working (because I still can't)?
Sorry, no. Gnome-alsamixer doesn't work for me either, but fiddling around with it got all the right packages installed so that sound started working. I really don't know what I'm doing at all, but I'm learning a lot doing it. It's like getting a new gadget. Thanks for making this possible, Qole.

BTW, frozen-bubble is a seriously addicting game. Beware!

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