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Originally Posted by jpramlak View Post
Guys, I need to pee!
I'm not surprised; you've been in that car driving forever.
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My box advertised things I've never been able to deliver either. Useless piece of junk, I am.
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Originally Posted by Jobester View Post
Eight hours of battery life depending on usage (over a day in standby mode!)
Useless! I want unlimited battery life and standby mode, with fries and large coke.
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
I'm not surprised; you've been in that car driving forever.
Ah ha hah, LS (laughing silently).
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Originally Posted by bousch View Post
Well..., that's it really. It's friday, I need a beer...
OK carry on, nothing more to see here...

Or was this too off topic? I just wanted to ride the wave of useless posts...
Let's wait a year and then try to see if we can get some use out of him.

If nothing else, we can sell him to some unsuspecting rube.

I'M a fool? That's rich! You sirs, are the aforementioned fools!
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Originally Posted by blowfish23 View Post
Truejournals everytime i'm scrolling down quickly and see your picture, i always think it's a picture of blagojevich. You don't happen to be his son do you?
makes me question how true his journals actually are :-P
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Last edited by JayOnThaBeat; 2009-04-05 at 03:31.
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First of all... That took a lot of posing, and I still don't think it looks quite right. Secondly, no relation. Thirdly, I apologize for crappy webcam quality. Finally, the only reason you people think that is because I'm from "Chicago-ish" :P
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I'm from "Chicago-ish" :P
That's a good term. I knew a guy at college who was from Joliet IL and he would always tell people he was from Chicago. I was like "Dude! You live like an hour from Chicago." And he would say "But who the hell knows where Joliet is anyways?" And then I was all " . . . I know where Joliet is." That was about it really.

Where did Bousch go anyways?
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Well, I suppose "the (greater) Chicagoland area" would be the more proper term, but... Chicago-ish is more fun And, yes, saying "Chicago" is a LOT easier than saying tthe town, then taking five minutes to explain where that is :P
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Originally Posted by TrueJournals View Post


First of all... That took a lot of posing, and I still don't think it looks quite right. Secondly, no relation. Thirdly, I apologize for crappy webcam quality. Finally, the only reason you people think that is because I'm from "Chicago-ish" :P
its not that u look like him... its more the hair-to-face ratio in your avatar picture.

blagojevich = scumdog million-hairs
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bousch being useless, chicago-ish, i just sh*t myself, spam, truejournals=blago?

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