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free's Avatar
Posts: 739 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Germany - Munich
A looong time ago I tried to port things to have aptitude working but failed.
Anybody tried ?
Andre Klapper's Avatar
Posts: 1,665 | Thanked: 1,649 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ Praha, Czech Republic
For the records, is the request about being able to install several packages at once.
Please vote for this bug (Log in, Click "Vote for this bug", set your cross and confirm again) if you want it to have a higher priority.
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qwerty12's Avatar
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Originally Posted by free View Post
A looong time ago I tried to port things to have aptitude working but failed.
Anybody tried ? - but only for DIABLO_X86... I tried building for ARMEL, but failed. Maybe I'll do it on device, as aptitude is something I do wish to have on a tablet (unlike synaptic).

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free's Avatar
Posts: 739 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Germany - Munich
Well, there's the question about the logs. IIRC (and no debian around here to check), aptitude puts a lot of history in /var/log
Actually I like it to track problems, you know what was last updated...
I've done a simple script to grep through it

[[ $1 == -h ]] &&  { echo "

# version: 0.5
# date: 2009-03-05

# usage:
# ./script will display packages status of the current day
# ./script <regexp> will display a summary of packages status with line containing <regexp>
# examples:
# ./script 2007-04-13          lists changed package statuses on this day
# ./script locales             lists changes on package locales
# ./script 2007-04-12.*upgrade lists only upgraded packages on the day before
# ./script ^2007|less -R       list the history of the year
" ; exit ; }
pattern=${1:-`date +%Y-%m-%d`}
for i in `ls -1r /var/log/dpkg.log*` ; do (
	zcat -f  $i | egrep $pattern | \
	awk ' BEGIN { RED=31; GREEN=33 ; BLUE= 34 }
	 { f1=" "; f2=" "; f3=" "; }
	 /upgrade\ /       { stat="  U" ; col=GREEN; f1=$4; f2=$5; f3=$6; }
	 /not-installed/ { stat="- D" ; col=RED ;  f1=$5 }
	 /config-files/  { stat="- C" ; col=RED ;  f1=$5; f2=$6 }
	 / install.*</   { stat="+ I";  col=BLUE ; f1=$4; f3=$6 }
	   if (f1!=" ") printf("%s %s: \033[0;%dm%s\033[0m %*s %*s %*s\n",$1,$2,col,stat,30,f1,40,f2,40,f3); 
	' | uniq
Displays nice colors

Last edited by free; 2009-04-22 at 18:05. Reason: upgrade becomes upgrade\
qwerty12's Avatar
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