Poll: What do you think about n900 price
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What do you think about n900 price

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Posts: 397 | Thanked: 99 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ Toronto, Ontario
Price is high, being subsidized is a good option (other than being on contract). Does anyone know who would carry this in Canada (and what networks it would work on)?
Posts: 968 | Thanked: 974 times | Joined on Nov 2008 @ Ohio
I can't vote in the poll:

1) The price is probably reasonable in comparison to other high end phones out there. Whether the overall price structure is reasonable is a different argument.

2) I personally wouldn't pay more than $300-$400 for it (unlocked), as I wouldn't intend to use the phone features. If I'd even consider getting it.

3) It'd have to be <$99 subsidized, for me to even consider it, and have a minimum contract of <$25/month for 2 yrs.
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imperiallight's Avatar
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Its quite cheap if you consider phone prices in Europe. We are regularly used to buying unlocked mobile phones for $1000+ when they come out.

Instead of a symbian/win mo OS we are getting a desktop computer with fantastic hardware to boot.

Like people said the phone is also heavily subsidized by carriers as its a mobile.

I could be wrong but I heard form an American that a reason why the latest phones don't reach the USA is that consumers are unwilling to pay unsubsidized prices.

Last edited by imperiallight; 2009-08-28 at 15:47.

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zerojay's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Nelson L. Squeeko View Post
Price is high, being subsidized is a good option (other than being on contract). Does anyone know who would carry this in Canada (and what networks it would work on)?
Most likely Rogers in Canada.
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Jan 2009
$700 makes sense unsubsidized but if it is more than $400 (okay maybe $500) from T-Mobile it won't sell but to those few people who adore the N8x0.

If it's not too bulky, sign me up.
ysss's Avatar
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Yeah, the pricing is in line with the market. Unfortunately.
I'd shell out $7-800 for an unlocked N900 set.
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$700, it's not possible for me. let me dream that " 2000RMB " is acceptable for me. DAMN!!! exchange rate.
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I paid like $400 for my unlocked E71, so $600-700 or so for an unlocked N900 doesn't seem out of line to me. T-Mobile sucks in my area, so I wouldn't buy it through them if I can at all help it.
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It has a lower official start price than the N97 had. I think that says everything for me.
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Originally Posted by andrewfblack View Post
Thats another problem, unless they sell them from my carrier that wouldn't help me also I would also have to be able to upgrade my phone which would be almost 2 years for me since I just got a new phone.
That's the problem I have with the n900, and what's going to stop me from purchasing it unless there's either a developer discount program that I can actually get in to, or a "cell-less" version, which would be cheaper.
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