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pppppppppp, I wonder what phone you are using now that supports all of this that would warrant your negativity towards nokia?
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Pocket Informant is by far the best PIM for mobile devices. It is the closest thing to desktop Outlook. They started off from Windows Mobile but are now supporting BlackBerries and iPhones. iPhone version should be up to scratch by the end of the year.
At the moment I use a WM phone. I have to have a slide-out physical keyboard so iPhones and BBs don't qualify. Android is a little young on the app side.

Nokia is good at cameras and unique at SIP clients.
I would love to switch to Nokia but it doesn't let me because of its' thick wooded skull. I would also love to praise Nokia but it doesn't let me for the same reason.

Nokia's sickly PIM saga is at a stage that is beyond ridiculous.
Adjusted Korganizer or Evolution ports might get there before Nokia does. Until then there's a 2 meter lead wall between Nokia's bank account and my wallet.
pelago's Avatar
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I certainly would appreciate categories for Contacts, which doesn't appear to be there, so that I could separate business and personal contacts, for example. Or maybe a tags system, like the interesting one I've seen in the photo browser.

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I think you are going to be tied to Pocket INformant for quite a while as I do not foresee any other PIM app coming close in features. It seems PIM is going in the opposite direction; there is a search for the lowest common denominator of necessary pim fields on now as more and more phone users seek cross platform 'cloud' type syncing.

I think your only hope of getting to use nokia's great hardware is if Pocket Informant comes to Symbian or Maemo.
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Post removed.

Please feel free to criticize devices, features, standards, technologies, and whatnot, but at the same time, please refrain from insulting people. Thank you.

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I would also appreciate syncable categories.

Do the multiple calendars sync or can only one calendar be set up for syncing?

If the latter, maybe one could imagine a solution where different categories where represented as different calendars? I.e. sync like there was only one calendar but put different categories in different calendars.. Would that be possible?

If the former, then one could at least have the option between syncing several calendars without category support OR syncing just one and do the above.

Hope I'm not missing the point...
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Sep 2009

Adding custom field support is not difficult and solves all possible problems. Don't want to use them - don't use them. Need them - have as many standard and personalized ones as you want.
Even Windows Mobile doesn't support them and i will never understand why not...

Anything to do with categories is impossible in relation to brand name "Nokia"
N900's Calendars can be of three types.
local - syncs (should be called external)
private - stays on device only (should be called internal)
smart - birthdays and other special cases...
There is no way to set things up to sync one set of calendars at work and a different set at home(or one set on one device and a different set on a different device)
ragnar, sjgadsby and anyone else employed by Nokia,

It has been more than a 8 years since Nokia first released their Symbian Communicator. Pre-Symbian Communicators have been around since 1996 - MORE THAN A DECADE of "No Category Support":
There are no more excuses. Nokia should be sued to its' bone marrow for such genocide.
Dear Fellow Nokia Employee,

Please, paint a picture (as detailed as you can) of what the hell is going on. Conclude your novel by explaining what it is that you personally are going to do about this.
Adding a field is simply not a big ask. Especially if this ask has been around for more than a decade.
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 67 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Finland
Originally Posted by ppppppppppp View Post
There are no more excuses. Nokia should be sued to its' bone marrow for such genocide.
Yeah, the way to get things done, sue people. It is not against the law to make less than 100% of people happy. US way of suing people seemingly out of habit is one of the saddest thing I know in North American culture.
That that doesn't kill you, is going to hurt like hell. Or leave a scar.
I am not a coder, not a tablet heavy user, N900 is first one for me.
My only asset in here is cool head and common sense.
Stupidity is the thing I hate the most.
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Originally Posted by ppppppppppp View Post
There are no more excuses. Nokia should be sued to its' bone marrow for such genocide.
Wow... I don't think a category field is what you need, friend.
Posts: 199 | Thanked: 144 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @
I have limited experience with Google Calendar but doesn't it support multiple calendars? Would it be possible to sync those 1-1 with N900's multiple calendars?

That could simulate categories, at least to the extent that I would need (I basically like colour-coding different entries based on their category).

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