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Posts: 52 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
hi !

this is really a great release. this is the killer app.

so, i upgraded from previous one, that i never patched or so...

the first time i started mapper, everithing works well. but the second time i needed to reset conf with the xterm trick.

after the rest everything goes well, but when i wanted to start again the app i needed to reset it again...

i hope you can do a little update.
(please with a .deb installer because i have not sudo acces... or please explain me how to gain root because i really don't understand...)

nice job !
i you have paypal, i will send you some bucks to help you !

Originally Posted by gnuite
And to those of you that are now unable to start maemo mapper at all, resetting your gconf settings may help you. From an xterm:

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset "/apps/maemo/maemo-mapper"

NOTE: You will, of course, lose all your previously saved settings, although your maps will still remain where you had previously downloaded them (in order to see them, you may have to set your repository's cache dir after resetting your gconf settings).

If you do end up resetting your settings, let me know if you experience further segfaults or other errors. It is possible that some of these issues are cropping up due to maemo-mapper 1.2's attempt to "upgrade" from the 1.1 settings layout.
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Maemo Mapper v1.2.1 is released and available for download on the Maemo Mapper Garage Files page. It should also now be available in the garage's extras (aka contrib) repository.

This release fixes the silly g_free error and a couple other cosmetic bugs. There may still be crashes, but I need more info before I can fix them.

Also added is support for recognition of the "disconnect-when-off" flag.

Thanks for the feedback so far, guys; it is always welcome.

Repository Reminders:

maemo-mapper and flite are in the Garage Repository:
Web address: (formerly "contrib")
Distribution: 2.0
Components: free non-free
(maemo-mapper is also available directly from the garage page; flite can also be downloaded from

The libsqlite0 package on which maemo-mapper depends is in the GPE repository:
Web address:
Distribution: mistral
Components: free
(it can also be downloaded directly from

Last edited by gnuite; 2006-10-21 at 21:47. Reason: Maemo Mapper v1.2.1 is now in the garage repository
maxilogan's Avatar
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Hi Gnuite! thanks for your work up to now. I haven't tested the new version yet, though I let flite say something.

Is there any hope to include the local pronounce of the voices such as in the regular linux festival version? I'm talking about these:

Bye, Omar
Does life seem worthwhile to you?
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by maxilogan
Is there any hope to include the local pronounce of the voices such as in the regular linux festival version? I'm talking about these:
Unfortunately, it's not that simple for flite. I think the festival-based vox files have to be converted into some C structure-based format. It would require recompiling flite, at least. I don't have the expertise to try.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
hi gnuite !

you are so fast !

just tested the update. it seems working now.

but i must be clear : because of to much test (i think)
my app manager refuse to manage anything.
i wasnt able to see any installed app, see the repertory
or install anything.

so i just decided to reflash a new os.
after that i have just installed lib, and mapper
and it is working fine.

now, no need to erase conf with xterm
it is working fine, but i can't affirm now that the previous
problem was comming from the update...

the most important i that it is working.
i will take this during my trip this week. i think it will be usefull !

thanks tyou and all actors helpin and developping his app !

Originally Posted by gnuite
Maemo Mapper v1.2.1 is released and available for download on the Maemo Mapper Garage Files page. It should also now be available in the garage's extras (aka contrib) repository.

This release fixes the silly g_free error and a couple other cosmetic bugs. There may still be crashes, but I need more info before I can fix them.

Also added is support for recognition of the "disconnect-when-off" flag.

Thanks for the feedback so far, guys; it is always welcome.

Repository Reminders:

maemo-mapper and flite are in the Garage Repository:
Web address: (formerly "contrib")
Distribution: 2.0
Components: free non-free
(maemo-mapper is also available directly from the garage page; flite can also be downloaded from

The libsqlite0 package on which maemo-mapper depends is in the GPE repository:
Web address:
Distribution: mistral
Components: free
(it can also be downloaded directly from
Posts: 373 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Ottawa, ON
Originally Posted by gnuite
And to those of you that are now unable to start maemo mapper at all, resetting your gconf settings may help you. From an xterm:

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset "/apps/maemo/maemo-mapper"

NOTE: You will, of course, lose all your previously saved settings, although your maps will still remain where you had previously downloaded them (in order to see them, you may have to set your repository's cache dir after resetting your gconf settings).

If you do end up resetting your settings, let me know if you experience further segfaults or other errors. It is possible that some of these issues are cropping up due to maemo-mapper 1.2's attempt to "upgrade" from the 1.1 settings layout.

Thanks ... this did the trick. I also used the -a option to dump the original gconf settings to a file before I wiped them. So if you want a copy for debugging purposes, let me know your email address at michael.wiktowy (at) However, it seems that you have put out another version that may have fixed this problem to begin with.
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2006
Thanks, gnuite for a great app - but 1.2.1 just isn't working for me. My GPS (Nokia LD-3W) was rock-solid under 1.1, now 1.2.1 loses connection, the /dev/rfcomm0 trick doesn't work, and more often than not 1.2.1 segfaults on startup. A clearing of the settings with

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset "/apps/maemo/maemo-mapper"

means it starts again, but then errors immediatly. It also can't scan for my GPS.

I've kept the 1.1 binary, but this now seqfaults when I run it. So how do I gracefully downgrade ?

Also, flite just segfaults immediately - any ideas?

Last edited by madbob; 2006-10-22 at 20:50.
gigabites's Avatar
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Sep 2006
wow, nice bit of kit! worked right off wih my Rikaline GPS module. No muckin' about needed.

Where you you put the icons for pois? I still can't get winpoi to work. Used google earth pro, selected my area (portland), right-clicked saved as kml file. Worked thru the steps in winpoi, it said it was done, put the resultant db onto N770. MM says it's either encrypted or not a db. um, ok. There 's got to be an easier way of doing this?
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by gigabites
Where you you put the icons for pois? I still can't get winpoi to work. Used google earth pro, selected my area (portland), right-clicked saved as kml file. Worked thru the steps in winpoi, it said it was done, put the resultant db onto N770. MM says it's either encrypted or not a db. um, ok. There 's got to be an easier way of doing this?
Icons should be placed under your Map Cache directory, in a sub-directory called "poi". You can provide icons for categories as a whole or for individual POIs (or both - the most specific icon found is used). The name of the icon file should be "[category-name].jpg" (all lower case) or "[poi-label].jpg" (even if the icon is a PNG file).

Not the most intuitive system in the world, I know, but it works.
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by madbob
Thanks, gnuite for a great app - but 1.2.1 just isn't working for me. My GPS (Nokia LD-3W) was rock-solid under 1.1, now 1.2.1 loses connection, the /dev/rfcomm0 trick doesn't work, and more often than not 1.2.1 segfaults on startup. A clearing of the settings with

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset "/apps/maemo/maemo-mapper"

means it starts again, but then errors immediatly. It also can't scan for my GPS.

I've kept the 1.1 binary, but this now seqfaults when I run it. So how do I gracefully downgrade ?

Also, flite just segfaults immediately - any ideas?
I'm sorry the new version isn't working for you; there is a lot of new code. Although... the fact that you are having flite segfaults too is worrysome (has anyone else had flite segfault issues?).

To downgrade, you should uninstall the old version, run the gconftool-2 --recursive-unset command, then install the 1.1 deb (downloadable from here).

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