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strategy completely wrong , can not foresee , lack of marketing skills ...who?nokia employees from türkei....
just ISTANBUL is over 15 million people.Most of the population of a country of young people ...we want N900 to TÜRKEI....(3g brand new system in türkei)we need just n900 not apple iphone!!!!
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another tactical point for the market is that Nokia was not expecting N900 to generate this much hype and preorders.

N97 is supposed to be its flagship device, and Nokia is in a way going to cannibalize on its N97 sales, when they introduce N900 to new markets.

Keeping N900 out of Turkey might be just one way of getting rid of the N97 stock as all of you have pointed out, there is a high population in Turkey interested in high-tech cellphones, and N97 will keep on selling there (even though iphone dominates the turkish high-end market, with RIM possibly coming in at 2nd place).

As I'm also Turkish, I know that more than 80% of this demand is for social status purposes (which happens everywhere around the globe). However, there's also an upcoming generation of developers, and tech-enthusiasts, who would like nothing more than to get an N900, and possibly start enjoying & contributing.

Sadly, it's going to take while until N900 enters the Turkish market (and there's no guarantee for this either, as the internet tablets did not enter the Turkish market through legal means either).

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Thanks smage, your "getting rid of the N97 stock" theory makes sense in commercial logic, but then I wonder what's the stock condition of other lucky markets receiving N900, and if N900's going to enter Turkish market after enough N97s has been sold or not while Nokia Turkey clearly points that they won't import. What's really weird is that they're totally ignorant to the high demand.

I guess I could sell really good amount of N900s by preordering (or any possible way) until Nokia Turkey decides to do it; as they are supposed to, not me.
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
Strange laws from a western perspective, indeed. I never knew about them. It's certainly something they'd have to change if they'd seriously wanted to join the EU (which I doubt meanwhile).

OTOH, we're not here to judge but to find solutions. We will not find a solution for a Nokia marketing decision based on whatever factors we don't know.
But the community can provide a Turkish UI and even several Turkish keyboard variants for the onscreen-kbd to make the N900 more enjoyable for those Turkish speaking people who live in countries with more liberal laws. (Or to make it more attractive to import the device to Turkey.)

Once a framework is in place, you could use the standard mechanisms already in place to translate third party software.

I realize there's more ppl than I thought here who speak Turkish as their first language. If one of them could just set up a project and do the coordination work, I'm sure it could be done in relatively short time. Sooner than MMS-support, I'd guess.
Benny1967, this is not a suitable place to talk about your political understanding of Turkey as I understand from the few remarks you have made that your knowledge about it is very limited. It is kind of irrational to label Turkey’s legitimate and rational policy about electronic imports as inferior to that of EU. Don’t you know EU is inventing whatever rule is necessary to cut down exports to its market???

Nokia had to be clever and launch N900 into Turkish market from the start. But they don’t know what they are doing. Even the call center of Nokia does not know about the future of N900 in Turkey.

Maybe they think they can’t beat Blacberry and Iphone right now, maybe they are waiting for the next Maemo device to introduce to Turkish market.

Let me say, they are late and mid to high income consumers are buying iphones like cakes. Such a shame for Nokia when Turkish market has always been favouring it.
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Originally Posted by God View Post
Es gibt viele Ländern die das N900 nicht bekommen.
Es wird alles mit der Zeit kommen, die können nicht überall sein.
Du musst ein bisschen verständnis haben.
Well, how much understanding do you expect to see with no official & senseful reason is announced to Turkish community about why we can't get it, though many smaller markets get it?

It's a shame that Turkish market is excluded from N900 joy, while there are even some lucky markets which has smaller market than the local market of the city I live in (as expressed above, Istanbul has a population about ~15 mil)
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also Es gibt viele Ländern die das N900 nicht bekommen.ja .klar aber Türkei ist nicht wie viele andere Ländern,nur ISTANBUL's wirtschaft ist wie 13 eu Ländern groß!fast 80 mio einwohner..das heist das ist ein sehr großer markt.
ich glaube sie kennen und wissen über Türkei überhaupt nichts (wirtschaft , potenzial) , .Türkei ist nicht wie 3. welt Länder..
bis jetzt hatten fast alle nokia's türkische sprache,Estonische sprache ist vorhanden obwohl Estonisch nicht unkomplizierter als Türkisch ist.warum ist jetzt türkische sprache nicht vorhanden?
deshalb kann ich nicht verstehen warum diese änderung jetzt ist.....
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@ God
nicht zu vergessen in der eu leben über 6 mio.türkisch sprachige einwohner!
Es leben in Estonien 1.3 mio menschen!
ich bin in mathematik nicht gut, aber ich meine zu wissen das in der eu 6fach mehr türkisch sprachige leben als die ganzen einwohner von estonien!
daraus lässt sich verstehen welche zahlen vorrang haben.
warum einfacher wenns auch umständlicher geht!!!!
nokia beachtet ein land mit 1,3 mio menschen aber vernachlässigt ein land mit mehr als 75 mio menschen +6 mio menschen die in der eu leben. wie konnte das aus den augen gelassen werden??
welches verhalten kann das rechtfertigen?
sie werden den großen teil vom kuchen versäumen dies wird dann iphone und andere marken einnehmen.
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Originally Posted by gecebekcisi View Post
On a second thought, you might be right. Nokia Turkey really sucks when it comes to marketing, there were many people (including some phone retailers) asking me if my N82 was a Chinese phone since they didn't know it or seen in any media.

But then Nokia should investigate it's Turkey office's efficiency if Turkish sales projections were low, instead of not producing devices.
When I worked in Nokia global logistics, I recall Turkey as being one of the "quietest" sales regions. Maybe THE quietest... no wait, that was Japan (which subsequently lost its Nokia sales office).
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Originally Posted by smage View Post
another tactical point for the market is that Nokia was not expecting N900 to generate this much hype and preorders.

N97 is supposed to be its flagship device, and Nokia is in a way going to cannibalize on its N97 sales, when they introduce N900 to new markets.
The N900 has already been formally identified as the new flagship... but your other suspicion about stock sounds reasonable.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
When I worked in Nokia global logistics, I recall Turkey as being one of the "quietest" sales regions. Maybe THE quietest... no wait, that was Japan (which subsequently lost its Nokia sales office).
That's clearly a result, instead of being a reason.

As I said above in post #20, I believe it's Nokia's Turkey office's (will shorten as NTO from now on) fault if competitors break sales record in the same market that Nokia fails though (as I and Cetera expressed) Nokia was strongly favored for a long time.. Possible reasons should be:

- NTO's marketing division is really useless. You can hardly see any efficient advertisements for Nokia products (I don't count boring, unexciting ads) or informative activities from Nokia (just like Sony -not SonyEricsson-, but interestingly Sony doesn't need advertisements as much as Nokia to sell their products)

- NTO's PR division is either unaware of local Nokia Call Center's insufficiency (as stated by Cetera above) or they are aware and don't bother to fix it or they are insufficient to fix it, whatever. I am sure as hell I'll have a lot more information about a Nokia specific issue than any CR answers a call (I've experienced that many times, even had to teach them about some stuff while on call).

- Current official distributors of Nokia suck in a lot of ways, people don't want to buy Nokias to avoid messing with those distributors when they need any technical support.

- Besides all those disadvantages, Nokias are mostly overpriced when compared with competitors.

Turkey feels like an abandoned market for Nokia for a long long time and N900 was the last example proving it. Nokia HQ has to review NTO, if they really want to sell more devices here.
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Last edited by gecebekcisi; 2009-11-13 at 18:41.

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