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Hi, if there is something you suspect it's a bug please file it at

Originally Posted by Odd_gunnic View Post
Don't know much about what been open sourced, but an app, much like hermes would be awesome for collecting album art...
At least there is in Extras-devel, a very rough repository for development that we don't recommend to end users. Feel free to contact the developer to know if he needs testers and whether he has plans to push it to Extras.
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Germany
the N900 does recognise jpegs, and not only embedded tags

it creates ".mediaartlocal"-folders in which it stores album art. And these files also appear in photos, which is pure nonsense!

I think it copies album art tags from the mp3-tags to the mediaartlocal-folder.

any way to fix this in a smart way?

Last edited by J0ph33; 2010-01-17 at 21:53.
Posts: 488 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Asgard / Midgard / London
Originally Posted by Laughing Man View Post
I believe yes, the media player only interprets what's correctly embedded in the mp3 so those folder.jpgs or cover.jpgs are what's being picked up by tracker and placed into images. However, (I haven't looked at tracker's config yet) if you tell it not to scan the music directory then it won't pick up the media files when they're added. Yes, you could move the album art to another folder and not have that indexed but once another media player arrives and uses those images, what now.
The tracker recognizes cover.jpg, but in some cases I've had the tracker pick out a jpg file (if cover.jpg doesn't exist) in the same folder (seemingly at random?) and associate it with the songs in the same folder that have no embedded art. Invariably it picks the backcover (probably an alphabetical selection) but the tricky thing is to remove the album and break the association. If I delete the folder and move in a new in a different location on the storage, it still associates the old picture with the album. There must be somewhere it is saving these thumbnails.

The solution most will prefer is to embed album art (the freeware mp3tag makes it easy to download and embed album art) however I don't like having unnecessary multiple copies inflating the music files, as well as the problem of non-ID3 tag formats.

Please look at this link for more info:

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