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I looked at it last night at CompUSA and honestly I wasn't particularly impressed. I liked how the curvy case feels in the hand, but I found the new stylus to suck big time (feels like a big chunk of cheap plastic and the chrome on it, WHY?) I don't like all the silver and chrome on the 800 in general. The new zoom/fullscreen buttons are chintsy. I also don't like the feel of the back, menu, and home buttons.

The built in stand has a nice click to the two positions, and I can see how it'd be useful. The screen was nice with the harder surface, but didn't seem particularly different than the old one. I tried launching some apps and moving around in the interface, and it didn't seem all that much faster than my 770, certainly not enough of a difference to matter that much to me. The extra memory would be great I'm sure, and the SD cards are nice, but other than that I feel it's not that much better. And I know it can be changed, but I hate the new theme for OS2007, I think it looks amateurish compared to even some of the 770 themes.

OS2007 didn't seem any different to me, but I'm sure that'll change when new apps are written for it and not for OS2006. Mostly, I'm concerned that Gtalk won't see any updates for 2006 but will for 2007, that sucks.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
As I've said here before: don't make any such assumptions based on those photos. They've misled a lot of people into thinking the real thing "looks sort of cheap". It doesn't.
You forget the device is already on the market.
Meanwhile, we make our assumptions based on photos and on the reports from those who already bought one.
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
You forget the device is already on the market.
Meanwhile, we make our assumptions based on photos and on the reports from those who already bought one.
I'm referring to something specific, benny: the judgment based on photos.

I have 3 myself and have had my hands on hundreds. The overall construction is anything but cheap, I don't care what anyone says, including those who have bought one. Don't confuse fact with opinion and emotion... the latter of which are running rampant right now. I think you're on intimate terms.
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The way it looks the way it feels, that might all be opinions, but if a lot of people think the chrome buttons are cheap and bad designed then it probably is. Besides, you don't have to hold it in your hand to say something "looks cheap"

The reason I'm not getting one...yet... is probably because I can't justify spending another 400.

And the way nokia treat the 770 users, they won't support 2007 os on 770 that tells you something about what's going to happen to the 800 when the 900 comes out in a year or so.
Nokia 770/1gig sandisk
Nokia N800 2gig Kingston/1gig sandisk
"less is like more but better"

Last edited by NokNok770; 2007-01-09 at 17:33.
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I'm not gonna split the hair any further, NokNok-- just saying making snap decisions from photos can be misleading. That's it.

Last edited by Texrat; 2007-01-09 at 19:08.
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--- CrossBow

Mobile Linux? Got That.
Pepper Pad 3, Nokia 770, GP2X, Motorola A780

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I'm still rather curious as to who exactly Texrat is since I've rubbed shoulders with them here for around a year now... but anyway, I digress.

Brand loyalty? This may be the silly kid with bright red spiked hair and patched up clothing from days gone by speaking here, but what exactly do these corporations owe you? You bought a product, a new one came out... your lips are quivering and your eyes are welling up because how dare they come out with a new product they intend to sell for more market share.

Guys. Your moms are supposed to call you 'slugger', pat you on the head, and give you a pudding pop when things don't go your way. Nokia will only give you the chance to buy something bigger and better and put more cash in their pockets.

I look at things from an impersonal level, because really, I'm not inviting the Nokia board over to dinner anytime soon. They brought a WiFi capable Linux based tablet to market. Right on!

Will I be getting an N800? Probably not. While the speed/memory card improvements are great, the lack of a case is a huge detractor as is the $400 expenditure so soon after buying the previous model. The webcam... I admit it, I'd use the thing. I just don't care if it's really there or not.

The 770 is running a flavour of Linux. Development for it will be going on years from now... look at the Zaurus.
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Originally Posted by Hedgecore View Post
Will I be getting an N800? Probably not. While the speed/memory card improvements are great, the lack of a case is a huge detractor as is the $400 expenditure so soon after buying the previous model. The webcam... I admit it, I'd use the thing. I just don't care if it's really there or not.
I'm happy to see more and more people mention the metal case. - I was beginning to think I was totally mad making my decision over such a high-tech toy partly depend on its cover

How about this:
  • rebuild a case very similar to the 770, but wide enough to hold the electronic parts that are inside a N800. It should be black, have large, good-quality buttons, and of course the good old metal case.
  • sell the new case through obscure channels, which will as a side effect earn us enough money to take over the world.
  • put a step-by-step instruction on the web (including pictures) that allows even unexperienced users to take apart the ugly duckling, put all its valuable giblets into the new case and connect all the buttons/ports.

The print on the new case reads Nokia 870.
Posts: 286 | Thanked: 259 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Cambridge, England
Originally Posted by Hedgecore View Post
I look at things from an impersonal level, because really, I'm not inviting the Nokia board over to dinner anytime soon. They brought a WiFi capable Linux based tablet to market. Right on!
A lot of strong feeling, but reading this thread, to me Texrat, Hedgcore and Karel, put it all in context. I think this is positive move by Nokia, by continuing to release another Linux based tablet. I'm going to get one.

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I only bought my 770 a few months ago; it does everything I need it to do. Don't require any webcam and the processor speed is sufficient. So no upgrade for me.

Hopefully, by the time my 770 breaks down, we might even be looking at the N900 or whatever. It's good for everyone that Nokia keeps building on the concept, of course...

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