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also, do you think something like this

could ever be accomplished with the N900?
joppu's Avatar
Posts: 780 | Thanked: 855 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland
Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post - i am a fan of electronic music. I have not downloaded any standard podcasts from the gPodder list. maybe try to download the latest episode on one of your devices and try to walk me through this... thanks.
1. Go to
2. Go to "podcasts"
3. Select the one you want
4. Click "subscibe"
5. Hold "MP3 feed" button and select "Copy link address"
6. Go to gPodder -> subscribe ->"podcast feed/website URL"
7. Control+V
8. Add
9. Select it -> download
10. Easy, wasn't it?

Also,do open it via the Media Player.

Last edited by joppu; 2009-12-30 at 22:58.

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I stopped reading where you said adding music was ''less than desirable''. If you can't manage to copy/paste a folder you probably should get rid of the N900 and get an eyePhone...
skalogre's Avatar
Posts: 327 | Thanked: 249 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Λεμεσιανός, ρε!
Copy your music over with a file manager/Windows Explorer - or just use MediaMonkey. Better than iTunes (especially on Windows) and much more flexible.
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Philadelphia, PA
Originally Posted by Arif View Post
I stopped reading where you said adding music was ''less than desirable''. If you can't manage to copy/paste a folder you probably should get rid of the N900 and get an eyePhone...
C'mon folks - let's be nice and help him w/out the sarcasm. We want iPhone users to come over to the Maemo side. If they need a bit more help than normal let's be cool and give it. I have to run out now but will check this thread tonight and help you if you still need assistance.
Posts: 488 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Asgard / Midgard / London
Originally Posted by joppu View Post
1. Go to
2. Go to "podcasts"
3. Select the one you want
4. Click "subscibe"
5. Hold "MP3 feed" button and select "Copy link address"
6. Go to gPodder -> subscribe ->"podcast feed/website URL"
7. Control+V
8. Add
9. Select it -> download
10. Easy, wasn't it?

Also,do open it via the Media Player.

Very simple and easy to do. You can even use the built-in RSS feed (probably). I've started using Panucci, a podcast player that will remember the last podcast you played and you can restart from that point if you have to exit the podcast. It also has portrait mode support, although I find it annoying when it automatically rotates and the podcast pauses while it re-orients. The accelerometer must be very sensitive.

Oh and get Panucci from Extras repository. That one is ok for everyone to use.
bastler's Avatar
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
I'm going to go on a minor rant. Please let me know if this sounds absolutely crazy or if there is a giant piece of information that I missed about this tablet/phone.
You asked for a beating, you're good for one. I'll try and be nice, though...

Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
I am not a developer, I am not a Linux user ... I'm a one touch kind of guy. I want to download something, open it, and have it WORK! Is that too much to ask?!
Then why on earth did you buy a Free Open Source Software-Phone?? This is not what linux is about. Linux is about having the freedom to manipulate your phone in whatever way you want and only be bound by your personal skills and creativity, not by someone else telling you what you may and may not do with it.
What you just did here is like buying a box of lego and then complaining that you have to build the model first before you can play with it. It's not about playing with the one model that's pictured on the box. It's about being able to build the pieces you get into whatever you want.
If you just want out-of-the-box point & click experience go buy an iPhone. It can only do what Apple thinks is profitable for them, but the few things it can do work right out of the box...

Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
Is there any piece of software that syncs with iTunes?
You mean one that works right out of the box? My guess would be a definite no.

Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
if not, WHY?!
Because Apple has no (financial) interest in you syncing your music to anything but an iPhone or maybe the newest generation iPod Touch. To achieve this, they lock their music and their protocols with DRM and explicitly prohibit any attempt to be creative in the use of their soft/hardware in the EULA.
Bottom Line: it's probably doable, but Apple made sure it's illegal to enlarge their profits.

Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
Also, I can't get ANY Podcast I've downloaded (in gPodder or otherwise) to play in my media player. It acts like it's going to open, then closes my media player. NO warning, NO error, NO info. I have read about other people having trouble with playlists and syncing their content. WTF?! WHEN IS THIS GOING TO BE RESOLVED?
Again... DRM-protected content won't play out of the box on linux. My personal guess is it won't play ever, but from a technical standpoint I think generally it will not play for a while.
This is because the license proprietors think linux being open source is a danger to their business model, because it lets people see how their DRM-locks work and might give them a chance to sabotage them, so they simply refuse to give linux players the proper blayback licenses. Not even for money...

Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
I thought I joined a community (Nokia) that would excel in surpassing expectations in a timely manner and keeping their customers happy. I am not happy. I am SERIOUSLY close to selling this thing on eBay and getting an iPhone because it has EVERYTHING that's cool that people could want to use or show off. I spent $650 on something that doesn't do HALF of what an iPhone can do OUT OF THE BOX!
I don't mean to be rude, but please don't blame the community when it is you who has made an uninformed decision and ended up buying something you didn't want.
If it's an iPhone you wanted all along, why didn't you just go and by one? The N900 was never ment to do all the things you describe, and probably a large majority of the people active in this forum knew that long before purchase and actively decided for themselves that they can happily live with that. In fact I'm pretty sure half the people on this forum wouldn't want to use an iPhone even if they were getting paid for it! The N900 is not a toy, it's a tool. You wanted a shiny new toy (nothing wrong with that), and are now disappointed that the supercool tool you bought instead doesn't have the blingbling you expected. That's understandable, but not our fault...

Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
Have you even so much as glimpsed at the extras-devel repo? I certainly wouldn't recommend for you to try any of the things that are being prepared there, but... The thing hasn't been released for 3 weeks and I can play all the games I spent my weekends with as a kid on my phone! How cool is that? These things were never designed to be played with accelerometers via WLAN on ARM-processors.... Yet the community had a blast and ported them. Just like that! Awesome!

Originally Posted by thedeucecake View Post
I can't wait for a new firmware upgrade for MMS!!! CATCH UP NOKIA!
If you want it so bad and still want to show off with your device then why not just crack out your programming skills, sacrafice a weekend and code the damn thing! Imagine telling your iPhone friend: "Like what I did with the keypad? I wrote that! A thousand people around the globe are using it every day and there's my name in the credits!" Because THAT's what this phone is all about!

Happy new year, although it's not quite time yet

Last edited by bastler; 2009-12-31 at 10:20.

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