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With Kaspersky Mobile AntiVir, you can set up an "anti-theft", where you you can block the entire phone with 1 SMS & track it down with the GPS system. It's pretty sweet! But it's not compatible with the N900.

Maybe there should be some sort of software available for the N900 similar to that. (Maybe there is?)

Edit: Oh and sorry to hear that you lost it! It sucks. I've lost 2.
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Same here, just want to express my regrets. Fortunately you have a new one soon and most likely will not loose any identities.

Best regards,
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The problem with an SMS triggered solution is it relies on a thief not swapping SIMs. The odds of them being linux-savvy enough to spot a daemon looking for notification the device has been lost/stolen are, I reckon, slimmer.
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Originally Posted by x61 View Post
Could you write a step by step approach to doing this?
I put it here:
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38) No matter how badly a spaceship is attacked, its internal gravity system is never damaged.
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Originally Posted by f2thak View Post
i want to remotely access my n900 also, mainly to acces system files, anyone able to help me???? thanks
o Install a ssh server on your N900
o if you want to be more secure follow this guide to change to public key based login:

This step is not absolutely mandatory, however when not configuring to login a user on the N900 but as root (which is the default you get after an install of ssh-server), your files on the N900 will always be owned by root and you need tho chown them so the user does not encounter possible access right problems.

o install sshfs on you computer (no idea what to do for that on windows, I only have linux since years)
o mount any directory from the n900 to your computer by running on the computer:

If you have not configured to be able to login as user on N900 ( is the ip of my N900 atm):
user@Laptop-> mkdir ~/N900
user@Laptop-> sshfs root@ ~/N900

Now you should be able to access MyDocs on N900 via ~/N900 on your computer.

If you have configured user access to the N900 via ssh, the commands are:

user@Laptop-> mkdir ~/N900
user@Laptop-> sshfs user@ ~/N900
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sms triggered solutions might be an additional safety, but i'd actually prefer something wlan based. Chances are that someone just connects the device to some local wlan(which is still possible after the sim card is blocked e.g.) and then I'd have the connect i want.
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I read all and INMHO this is the best solution:

A daemon running in background embedded in the OS, checking periodically (hours, days, can be setup by user) an address, sending IMEI, receiving answer. If answer is not OK then starts GPS, sends coordinates by any means.

I doubt that the thief will hold this phone off. Even if he will sell it, the buyer can be tracked by police and you will get your phone back.

But this must be enabled by default on the OS, not a daemon running or installable app. That will be very easy to turn off. And don't think that thieves today are ******s... they know very well what they are doing and this phone is not for anybody. The guy who will buy this from a shady person will for sure try to turn the feature off.
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Originally Posted by nex View Post
eyn that really sucks, I feel for you. Ordering a new one so quickly is probably one of the better examples of device loyalty out there. I wonder if Nokia marketing reads this forum .. ;-)

If I were you (knock on wood), I'd probably wait to order a new one until after Thursday's announcement of a new device (?), mostly out of curiocity.
@everyone, thanks for the kind words. Anyways I didn't want to wait long for a phone. I'm basically from WM phones, so HD2 is my next target. if anything just for the 4.3' screen.

For now I had to get one that is available now and not something in spring. I hate android (it's almost not a smartphone) and I don't fancy being 1 in a million with the iPhone. Anyways, I love that you need to spend time even for petty things like arranging the menu or making a wallpaper. So for now there is no other I would buy...

So I don't think its device loyalty (I have never owned a Nokia before) but that I simply love the OS. And the deciding factor was their SW update, it looks like they do look at things we crib about and that's pretty impressive.
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Came across this i dont know if it could help. Happened to me twice lost brand new phone left in the cab on my way to airport and another time in a coffee shop last one i got back theres still a good people out there. Horrible feeling like got mugged or something.
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Just to let y'all know, that I am currently developing an application that can do this very thing. It's intended for far more than just finding your phone, however one of the features is that you will still be able to find the location of your phone and secure your data remotely. As I mentioned it's in the process of being developed and tested so I should have it ready for the public in a month or two.

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