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You said you already reflashed right? If so, you have a clean system, since doesn't install anything into the system and doesn't touch the underlying rootfs, so unless you did something weird on the side, it shouldn't make a difference.

Don't understand why it would segfault.

Are you running it as user, i.e. not as root?

Where did you extract the apps to, which directory?

Just to see, try xbindkeys and all the apps, as root:
mkdir -p /media/0/
chown user:users /media/0/
then as user extract all there and them. Then export the ~/.profile via
. ~/.profile
as user. No need to reboot. And see if xbindkeys runs now.
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Running it as "user"

I first had them installed at /home/user/

moved them to /media/0/ and it now works but when I press shift + enter, it does not make the application full screen, the prompt turns white when pressed though and in some apps the key area of the window does light up but does not go full screen. let me test some more.

When I type vi ~/.xbindkeysrc

This in the contents.

"wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen"
shift + KP_Enter

I also have your wmctrl from applications installed !

Last edited by bpe; 2010-03-22 at 10:11.
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Did you run xbindkeys from the terminal, before attempting to Shift+Enter maximize an app?

What happens when you execute the following in the terminal?
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen
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Originally Posted by 白い熊 View Post
This is because you installed as a regular user, [lengthy post removed]
Thank you, just one question, should I remove everything and do it again? What would happen if I right now removed all files and reboot, would something break? I was thinking of reflashing anyway, but I want to try it out first.
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why not pack all this stuff in deb (imagemagick and everything)?

why everyone has to suffer instead of just one suffering making a deb?

or am I missing something?

It s*cks to use the terminal and copy 1000 files...
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Originally Posted by ToJa92 View Post
Thank you, just one question, should I remove everything and do it again? What would happen if I right now removed all files and reboot, would something break? I was thinking of reflashing anyway, but I want to try it out first.
Don't do this. That's why I designed so that if something is wrong, you didn't mess with the underlying system, you didn't change any files, so you don't have to reinstall anything and reflash etc.

If you installed it as user, then run as user. If you want to use it as root, use as root.

If you want to completely remove it for any user, if you ran setup as a regular user it created /home/user/ and /home/user/ which are just directories of symlinks which get exported on login from the /home/user/.profile file. So to completely remove it, just delete these two directories and delete these lines from the end of your /home/user/.profile
export KUMATUXBIN=/home/user/
export KUMATUXLINKS=/home/user/
export KUMATUXROOT=/home/user/
Now when you relogin/reboot you have a clean system, just like you started with.
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Originally Posted by ivnvir View Post
why not pack all this stuff in deb (imagemagick and everything)?

why everyone has to suffer instead of just one suffering making a deb?

or am I missing something?
Yeah, you're missing something man: that's exactly what was designed for, so that you wouldn't install stuff from debs pulling all the dependencies in, potentially messing up your system, removing system parts etc. That's what happens actually in the N900 if you install some sdk, devel stuff etc.

This way, you just extract the compiled package anywhere on your system, you can put it in /media/trash or whatever, and just run and can use it.

Sure, you need to take care of the dependencies, like this xbindkeys stuff, but if something goes wrong you don't have a bricked system, you don't need no reflashes, you are guaranteed all system files are untouched and can easily go back via just

And most stuff I compiled has no dependency hell, this xbindkeys stuff is by far the worst...

Guess, it depends on what you consider suffering. I'm not a beginner in GNU/Linux I'd think, but I had to reflash this damn Nokia more than a hundred times, when I was compiling stuff, installing it into the system, or pulling in SDK dependencies etc. So came up with this super-clean solution, even enabling users without root access to use any app anywhere.

Think it's quite potent, just requires so CLI work, but I think it's well worth it.
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When I run wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen into terminal nothing happens.

I was meant to use wmctrl from your applications right?
zoner's Avatar
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well, I've read this thread 30 times, before I screw something up, someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

1-copied to /home/user/
2-copied 3 files from n900 tools directory to /home/user/
3-in /home/user/ directory, run

~ $

I get
-sh: Permission denied

I know I can run as user, but it sure looks like it wants root.

I moved kumatux all over the place, tried running the bash from the bin directory, no go for me. I've tried with & without the tilde's like the source instructions. help? chmod? chown?
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Originally Posted by bpe View Post
When I run wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen into terminal nothing happens.

I was meant to use wmctrl from your applications right?
I find that hard to believe, you should be getting some response, either it should fullscreen the window, or you should get some feedback.

What is the response to:
which wmctrl
wmctrl --version

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