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Originally Posted by GenD
I stay away from Apple and ITunes. I don't like how secretive Apple is -- they keep their devoted fans in the dark and then make some big showy announcement. It makes their customers look pathetic.
Actually, it makes Apple a TON of money. They have successfully pulled off marketing ferver time after time. Apple loyalists and newcomers alike have been drawn to their announcement events. Long time Apple fans may disagree with this new direction, but it has ensured that Apple will be a player for a long time to come. It's the way of the world - money and profits talk.

Originally Posted by GenD
And I don't want iTunes DRM. I prefer to buy CDs and rip them legally than to relinguish my freedom to play my files on any player and operating system I choose within my home and mobile devices. (You do realize that once you start buying DRMd music from Apple you are committing yourself to being an Apple customer forever, right?)
Yes, Apple DRM is a closed loop. However, it has been circumvented and conversion to unrestricted MP3 is very easy. Besides that, as you point out, you can just buy CDs and rip them. I've had an iPod since the first gen and have bought less than 10 songs from ITMS in all that time. You can use iTunes and iPods without ever buying a song from ITMS.

Originally Posted by GenD
Compare this to Nokia's openness with regards to the 770. For months they've provided information about it and showed the device at consumer electronics shows, allowing for some early reviews. They are sponsoring an open source project to develop the platform and are welcoming contributions and feedback from the community. I much prefer this openness.
That's great. There's only one problem - it doesn't matter a bit until the product starts shipping in quantity. You want to know something else funny, I'd bet some serious money that all the stuff you mentioned hasn't generated nearly as much interest for the 770 as Apple does with one of their surprise events.

By the way, I don't plan on cancelling my order. I'm getting a 770. But Nokia's performance on this has been less than stellar.

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In the beginning of selling mac mini I ordered one and after 10 weeks of waiting cancelled!

Apple had such problems in past too, perhaps I shouldn't order such things?
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Completely off topic but interesting just the same. I'm going up to Manhattan next weekend and I just found out that Wired magazine opened a holiday store in SOHO. One of the items they are selling and have on display is the OQO 01+. I've been curious about this sucker for a while so I'll probably swing by to check it out in person.

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From everything I've heard/read about the OQO it's pretty impressive, with features I'd love to have on the 770. But then I wouldn't want to add $2000 to the cost of the 770 . . .
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I'm not really interested in buying the OQO, but I do want to check it out in person. For the price, I'd have to be using it as a laptop replacement and its weak processor and limited RAM don't make that a viable option. It is cool, though.

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I'm still in the dark ages computerwise, using a MSNtv(formerly WebTV) device. I'm happy with it, but I'm hoping the 770 will be a cheaper replacement for it, as I can get rid of my land line and dial-up ISP. I'm into travel and camping, and the 770 looks good for that. What I'd really like is a notebook type device where the screen is a LCD televison, with wi-fi capability to surf the 'net. With a built in dvd player. Preferably with a 17" widescreen display. I guess I could spend alot of bucks for an expensive multimedia laptop, but I don't need that kind of computer firepower or the cost. I'd settle for a MSNtv device with tv, dvd, wi-fi, cable ready. Hopefully somebody will look at the RV market and realize there's a need to fill.

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