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Thanks for all the input guys & gals. I have ordered up the DQC-160.
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just get a martin fields screen protector and call it a night. its the best of the best
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Got both of them, the DQC-160 and the ARMR200. I installed the ARMR200 first. I really like the matte finish now, no fingerprints visible whatsoever. However, that comes at a price: The screen is really not as clear as before. The matte finish refracts the light coming from the backlight of the screen (prism or rainbow effect). This is especially visible with small black text on a white background. It is not as bad as on those cheapo screen protectors, but I guess I will be switching to the DQC-160 soon.
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I have tried both AMR 200 and DQC160 and must say DQC160 is better for N900: AMR is great. No fingerprints or scratches but it doesn't do justice to display of the phone and is always a pain to use outdoors in sun light. 160 is more prone to smudges and maybe scratches (mine has none so far though) but results in better overall experience.
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Tried using 3 DQC-160 and every time the same result :
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Originally Posted by evilJazz View Post
Got both of them, the DQC-160 and the ARMR200. I installed the ARMR200 first. I really like the matte finish now, no fingerprints visible whatsoever. However, that comes at a price: The screen is really not as clear as before. The matte finish refracts the light coming from the backlight of the screen (prism or rainbow effect). This is especially visible with small black text on a white background. It is not as bad as on those cheapo screen protectors, but I guess I will be switching to the DQC-160 soon.
Yup thats so true. I tested both the ARMR200 and the DQC-160 each more than a month on my N900. Here the test results for the undecided:


Like the name says its a f****in armor. No really, its durable!

The feeling when you slide the finger or the stylus across the surface is really good, very slick!

Fingerprints are visible, but not as good as on the DQC-160. They look kinda blurry and with the fat from your skin the protector film makes colour spectra like the surface of oil. You know those red and blue and yellow shimmering spots...

The screen gets sooo damn blurred because of the matte and "anti fingerprint effects" of the film its reaaally annoying . If you like the sharp and brilliant display of your N900, trust me bro: you WILL hate the ARMR200 since it really reduces sharpness and cleanliness of your screen.

Now to the DQC-160

Extremely light penetrable, very clear -> nearly invisible on your screen. The image quality is really good.

Fingerprints can be wiped of easily of the film.

No fingerprint protection, its basically like the original N900 screen

Not as ARMOR as the ARMR. But trust me if you occasionally have some coins in your pocket with the N900... no prob. The DQC-160 offers good protection against most stuff, its just a bit thinner and softer than the ARMR200. Still sufficient though...

I'd really buy the DQC-160! Its better than the ARMR200 for everyday use. Looks just so much better and fulfills the purpose.

Last edited by istarskyypsilon; 2010-04-10 at 16:10.
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Originally Posted by NokiaRocks View Post
Tried using 3 DQC-160 and every time the same result :
If theres dust already: Do it again

If its fresh: Take some water (or justsome spit) it will crawl in the cavities and adhere them. Plus press the film down using a credit card in the direction to the rim. I pressed very hard, but be careful not to damage your display

You may have to repeat this process 2 or 3 times then it should be adhered and clear.
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I bought 3 of those protectors and tried really everything to get rid of this bubbles.
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Same problem here. I even tried to apply the screen protector in the bathroom with the shower running hot in order to raise the humidity and to wash all of the dust out of the air. Better results, only bubbles on the corners - probably caused by the bad deburring of the rough edges.
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This is a repost of my opinions from a previous thread

I know some people don't like the Vikuiti ARMR range, but consider this a recommendation.

I ordered both the ARMR200 and the DQC-160 for my own personal shootout (er...touchout?). Initially I spent a week with the n900 naked, the following week with the ARMR on (knowing this would be the most noticeable shift), and then finally switched over to the clearer DQC-160.

The DQC only lasted a day on my n900 before the ARMR was back on.

While there is a *slightly* noticeable screendoor effect with the ARMR, I feel the benefits far outweigh this minor defect. Fingerprints are almost non-existent and I can't remember the last time I had to wipe the screen when I was using it (like I felt to the need to with both the DQC and a naked screen). I've also grown very fond of the surface the ARMR has, with the matte protector giving a paper-like feel as well as reduced glare in direct sunlight.

If this comes off as being a sales pitch that's because I'm sold on the ARMR technology. I can't imagine ever having a touchscreen device that doesn't have this film on it. I'd love to hear if anyone else feels the same way so I know I'm not crazy.


After several months I'm still as happy as I was when I first posted this.

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