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Someday a Linux Guru Genius may come up with an iphone emulator ...only to discover that most apps won't work coz the N900 won't support multitouch screen functionality.

Now, wake up and go buy an iphone if that's what you need.

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Caballero's Avatar
Posts: 89 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Apr 2009 @ Somewhere out West
Some clever Maemian might want to hack this

Last edited by Caballero; 2010-04-21 at 07:30.
felbutss's Avatar
Posts: 579 | Thanked: 286 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Australia
Forget the iphone OS.

i would rather someone figure out how to make iphone apps run on the n900. i know for a fact there are a few apps on the iphone which will never come to the n900. and i know for a fact i will never want to own a iphone (and be a sheep).

maybe just extract the IPA file and figure out how to run them. they are written in C++ right?????

also some smart bugger will need to implement fake multitouch.

LOL wow what a job this would be.
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 241 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Singapore
C'mon! Let's do a Maemo/Meego emulator for the iPhone instead!
My Maemo Apps:
- Flashcard app
MobiTifo (which was formerly known as QSportsEvent) - Sports leagues tracking (mainly football).
2disbetter's Avatar
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I'll go out on a limb and state that the N900 can't do it.

Not unless somebody can come up with a VMWare/VirtualBox method.

You sir, would be wrong then. As with other threads, the N900 hardware is more than capable of running the iPhone OS. It is ONCE again a software issue. One that in and of itself is not too large of a mountian to climb, but with Apple's fanatical staff and policies at every ledge is not even worth the effort.

Apple while pointing the finger at microsoft for it's monopoly problems, has become what they have mocked. They use a locked down system, which can only be used on locked down hardware.

To those not blinded by extremely clever advertising, it appears as though Apple is in fact the real evil in the room. (Pretty smooth of Jobs to come out against DRM, good way to keep the attention away from the real issue)

Imagine if Microsoft took a similar tactic? Imagine if every program designed for windows had to kick back some amoutn of money to Microsoft.

Now realize everything running on an iPhone (besides free software which no one is getting paid for) is in fact paying Apple a portion of it's proceeds.

With all that said there are benefits to their regime. The integration of software and hardware leads to way less glitches and bugs.

But that is why Windows will ALWAYS be more versatile.

SO long story short. You can like what is availible on the iPhone. But support other OS's longer, and your option will be way more plentiful.

Caballero's Avatar
Posts: 89 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Apr 2009 @ Somewhere out West
Yes!! Screw Jobs and his one size fits all mentality. F'him, Live free or die trying is my motto
Posts: 242 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Sep 2009
hmm, i like the live free or die trying thing .. prettty cool .
so i guess the the lesson learned is: "if you want a thing done well, do it yourself"
ZogG's Avatar
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and ps3 emulator and also i want it to make me coffee at mornings
Caballero's Avatar
Posts: 89 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Apr 2009 @ Somewhere out West
Originally Posted by magnuslu View Post
C'mon! Let's do a Maemo/Meego emulator for the iPhone instead!
No!! we can't have Fanboy trolls hanging around. Me no likes them,The only way me likes them is char broiled over an open flame.

Last edited by Caballero; 2010-04-21 at 09:35.
ysss's Avatar
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Apple is no bogeyman. They won't disappear by (shunning) words alone.

If you hate them for getting all the media attention*, then think of why they're getting it (and able to sustain it) and how to make your platform of choice get some of that love* too. If you hate them for getting the marketshare*, then try to understand how they can reach the non techie users out there and get paid handsomely for that. Think of what that kind of resources could do to your platform of choice.

At any rate, do rationaloze your negative feelings and try to convert that to positive changes to your causes.

* that you obviously think they don't deserve.
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