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rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
New Version 0.8.

Some bugs squashed. Database Stats screen.

See homepage.

As usual any bugs enhancements etc. are always welcome

Posts: 197 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Just wondering if you could post a step-by-step tutorial on how specifically to use this app. Please lay out how one installs the app to a PC and specifically which files need to go where. I assume one has to create a poi.db for MM on a PC and then transfer it back to the 770 or 800.

Posts: 73 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2007
As one who is new to N800 and whole world of linux type stuff that would certainly be welcome for all apps...
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
There is a new version on the website now. Recomended the previous version is buggy.
There is also a semi complete zipped Instructions.pdf its OK for basic operation the Datbase Operations screen still needs some explanation but it should be reasonably self explanitory.

Please feel free to highlight any bugs / enhancements.

Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2007
I cant seem to get 0.81 to install, It gives me the error:

Setup cannot continue because some system files are out of date on your system. Click OK if you would like setup to update these file sfor you now.
You will need to restart windows before you can run setup again. Click cancel to exit setup without updating system files.

I've hit OK, I've Rebooted after its done more stuff and when I go to run Setup again I get the same message again.

I'm using Windows 2000pro Service Pack 4
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
Is this your first install of Poi_Loader. If not did you uninstall the previous version first. The program was written using a windows 2000 machine and I have also installed on XP. The only time I have had anything like the message you report was when trying to install over a previous version.

Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2007
First Install of the program.

Can I provide any other information that may be useful in diagnosing this issue?
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
My previous post was not entirely correct. Developement was started on a 2000 box but for the last several versions on XP ( I forgot a box change ) I no longer have access to the 2000 box

The problems you are getting sound like a problem with the installer over which I have no control. You could try a manual install. The following files should end up in the indicated folders.

If you open the poi_loader.CAB file with the file manager and drag/drop (creating folders where necessary) it should work ok.

As usual with these things you do this at your oun risk.

If you still have problems and you have a Linux box there will be a Linux version in the next week or so. Also sometime after that there should be an N800/770 version ( tcl/gnocl - the biggest problem will be porting gpsbabel and libtclsqlite3 )

libexpat.dll into c:\windows\system32\
sqlite3.dll into c:\windows\system32\
sqlite3.def into c:\windows\system32\
Mscomctl.ocx into c:\windows\system32\ probably allready there
MSSTDFMT.DLL into c:\windows\system32\ -------------"----------------
comdlg32.ocx into c:\windows\system32\ -------------"----------------
gpsbabel.html into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\
Help.txt into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\
cont.jpg into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\images\
cont4.jpg into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\images\
cont3.jpg into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\images\
cont2.jpg into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\images\
cont1.jpg into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\images\
COPYING into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\
Changelog.txt into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\
sqlite3.exe into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\
GPSBabelGUI.exe into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\
gpsbabel.exe into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\
poi_loader.exe into c:\Program Files\Poi Loader\

If anyone else has had better luck with 2000 please speak up.
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
New Version 0.82 now on website.

The last version had a couple of obvious bugs which have now been squashed. The saved output file is changed, instead of _MM.gpx files it now output as <filename>.mmp. This file is a gpx which holds the category info so can be pulled straight into your poi.db ( It does give the option to change the category ).

If anyone has any enhancements or bug reports these would be very welcome.

Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Originally Posted by rcull View Post
New Version 0.82 now on website.

The last version had a couple of obvious bugs which have now been squashed. The saved output file is changed, instead of _MM.gpx files it now output as <filename>.mmp. This file is a gpx which holds the category info so can be pulled straight into your poi.db ( It does give the option to change the category ).

If anyone has any enhancements or bug reports these would be very welcome.

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