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It is very flat, the keys are smaller than normal, it doesn't lock in the middle, and it feels good if put on a hard flat surface, doesn't work well on one's lap in the car while driving. :-)

Since the keys are smaller than standard, it does take some getting used to, but at least it works well with the 770.
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Chicago, IL
I picked up a Nokia keyboard at Fry's a few days ago. I also have the Think Outside Stowaway bluetooth keyboard. They both have their pros and cons and I see myself using both.

The Stowaway locks in the middle, which is quite nice. The keys feel a little more bouncy compared to the Nokia keyboard.

I like how the Nokia opens and closes; it's also more streamlined and portable than the Stowaway.

The Nokia's keys feel smaller and closer together than the Stowaway. Like eskin wrote, it will take a little time to get used to.

I think both are good keyboard with minor differences.
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2005
For anybody that's still interested in this thread, I just got a Think Outside KB today (Christmas rocks), and it works entirely better than it has any right to. Numbers and other non-alphabetic characters work fine, except £, ¥ and € for some reason (they don't work on my Powerbook, either, so it's not a 770-specific issue), and even some of the function keys work, though not really how you think they should. For example, "Memo" opens the drop-down menu (which you can navigate with the arrow keys) in pretty much every application, "Apps" and "Menu" zoom in and out, respectively, in AbiWord (but not, apparently, anywhere else) and "Send" toggles full-screen mode in AbiWord (but, again, nowhere else). There's probably some other functionality that I haven't discovered yet.

I don't have a Nokia KB to compare to, but the ThinkOutside works at least as well as you'd hope.

EDIT: Forgot to mention: the ThinkOutside KB also works nicely with VNC, which is fantastic.

Last edited by shonk; 2005-12-26 at 06:31.
paden45's Avatar
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ NH USA

Is there a specific model i should consider when purchasing the ThinkOutside keyboard? I was just wondering which model you have that works well with VNC.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Returned the Nokia BT keyboard, bought a Think Outside Stowaway, and the only issue I've had with is the inablilty to enter numbers and symbols into large text entry forms in web pages. Single line text, like for Google, no problem, but for our Exchange server email, its a bit problematic, but I can live with it. Ergonomically, the Think Outside keyboard is much better for me, with larger keys, longer key travel, and locks into place. Also, the supplied removable stand will support the 770, while the Nokia would not. Additionally, the Think Outside keyboard has a fully supported driver for my Treo 650, while the Nokia while it worked mostly, was somewhat problematic also in web text areas.
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2005
Originally Posted by paden45

Is there a specific model i should consider when purchasing the ThinkOutside keyboard? I was just wondering which model you have that works well with VNC.
Sorry, didn't see this until just now. I should have said I was talking about the Stowaway keyboard; though, given this thread, the VNC issue is presumably now moot (haven't yet downloaded the new client myself; I'll post something here if I have any problems).
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
Originally Posted by eskin
Returned the Nokia BT keyboard, bought a Think Outside Stowaway[ ...] with larger keys, longer key travel [...]
Wow, if the Stowaway trumps the Nokia KB in those areas, the Nokia KB must be very bad. Would still like to fondle one, even though I have a different BT KB on order. (See )
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Originally Posted by eskin
Also, the supplied removable stand will support the 770, while the Nokia would not.
Your's didn't work? Mine was fine... the stock little stand worked perfect for me. The 770 was on the left side but no complaints.

I wish I could have tried them all but the Nokia keyboard seems fine to me - a little small, and you need to get used to it's layout, but I figure if any keyboard is going to be supported, it will the Nokia. And I'd bet the bugs are shared by all (seems to me that BT is still a bit iffy).

I'd love to try others, but for now I'm happy. You could easily do worse. I'd suggest trying before you buy if you can, of course.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
The stand would work if I took the 770 out of the sleeve, otherwise, it tended to slide on the rounded edge. I really liked the Nokia keyboard, but I like the Think Outside one better and needed the Treo 650 compatibility. The real killer for me with the Nokia was that it doesn't lock into a solid unit, which mean forget about using on your lap. Pretty much a deal breaker for me, as my usage is usually sitting at an airport or waiting in my car.

Last edited by eskin; 2005-12-30 at 07:02.
Posts: 128 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
I thought the Stowaway BT KB was messed up - but it only has a problem in web text arrays AKA multi-line textboxes. Kind of a drag, but it is a bug in either the Opera browser or the KB plugin.

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