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I'm having issues watching .avi files on the N800 using Orb. It loads just fine, but then I get a "Video Resolution not supported" error. Anyone else?
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How orb works is by using your PC to recode files (when necessary) on-the-fly, and then streaming it to your device. Now, in order to recode, it needs to have the CODECS installed. For the N770 and N800, I believe Real Video and Audio format is the one to select on your PC setup screen for Orb. To get there, you need to log into the webpage.

Now, I think...I've not upgraded mine yet, that the new orb service for the N800 is that it detects and presents an easy to navigate screen on the N800. I hope that is what it means, cos my older version already works, just that navigating around is quite painful. But anyway, if you have problems streaming, try installing K-Lite Mega Codec Pack from here

Then reboot and try again. Use at own risk!

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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
I'm having issues watching .avi files on the N800 using Orb. It loads just fine, but then I get a "Video Resolution not supported" error. Anyone else?
I used Orb perfectly on the 770 lots last year.

When I switched to the N800 it started off fine at the settings I was using (sorry, I forget the bitrate), then all of a suddent I got the Video Reolution not supported error too.

I could get around this by using a (much) lower bitrate, but then I wasn't happy with the quality so stopped using it.

I have no idea why it suddenly stopped working. I'll give it another go when I get a chance.
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I have the same problem as rcadden, I created an .AVI with irriviter that has a resolution of 400x240 and tried playing it through orb (as well as a DVD that I had on hard disk) and get the same message "video resolution not supported". It looks like it works if I browse to mycast via a browser on another PC, so at least it is getting through my firewall ok. There is a reference from luketoh about installing a K-Lite codec pack, would this address the "video resolution not supported" issue or another issue. Also, I take it, that the codec pack would be installed on the Orb PC, correct?
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Originally Posted by luketoh View Post
Now, I think...I've not upgraded mine yet, that the new orb service for the N800 is that it detects and presents an easy to navigate screen on the N800. I hope that is what it means, cos my older version already works, just that navigating around is quite painful.
Actually, it just picks the home theater skin by default.
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OK, I uninstalled my old version of ORB, and installed the one that's supposed to support the N800.

I then noticed that the version claimed during the download and the actual installed version is different. Secondly, this newer version doesn't work on the N800, but when I tested on my wm5 handphone, it works.

So, I blame Nokia and ORB. Both marketing teams launched something that doesn't work on the N800 as claimed. Come on, the version doesn't even tally! So if anyone manages to get it to work, please let me know!
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Hi, i have video and music working on orb, but the pictures don't display exxcept as thumbnails to pick from. Any ideas?
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I was able to figure out the resolution. As mentioned above, you have to have the codec install on your PC. I used Real Alternative (google it) so I didn't have to install the full-blown Real Player on my PC.

Also, I have the bitrate set to 96, which sucks, but allows me to play a widescreen episode of The Office successfully.

My next question: Orb has a setting to setup a uPnP server on the home network. I did this, and use Media Streamer to pull it up. I am able to browse my folders, but the same video that plays fine through the web interface will not load through the uPnP setup. Anyone else wanna give it a go?
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last i read about orb and upnp video is that it doesn't work yet...

btw- the latest version of orb appears to work much better than before. i was able to watch an episode of bsg last night streaming from my computer at work w/ a very decent picture and few buffer stalls. So maybe they did do something to the program re. the n800?
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That issue with the uPnP server is something that never worked for me in the previous working version that I had.

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