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An utility tool that would record the total CPU time and total network activity used by executables would be handy. Though it could be the one at the top regarding CPU time...
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Originally Posted by naabi View Post
An utility tool that would record the total CPU time and total network activity used by executables would be handy. Though it could be the one at the top regarding CPU time...
on an other hand it would use a lot less power compared to removing and installing random packages plus monitoring if battery consumption changes...
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So I've been trying to clean up my packages list, and am not having any luck. As root I've tried the following commands:

apt-get purge, autoclean, clean

as well as apt-get purge with the specific package listed.

It just keeps saying the package is not installed and is therefore not removed.

So how do I clean up the packages list? Or is that just the way it works?


Ps: I'm also certian that the bug mentioned earlier in this thread is the culprit for my increased battery drain. I've been monitoring hildon.desktop and it is spiking and almost always running at 1-4% cpu cycles.

After killing the process it returns to normal, however as soon as a menu item is accessed the activity returns. I really hope they come up with a fix for this bug, because it is killing my phones productivity.


Last edited by 2disbetter; 2010-08-03 at 07:53.
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If you are adventurus you could install PowerTop. It will give you good information if you can understand it.

I uninstalled the fmtx widget as i saw it drew battery. Noticed a little change. And did my own fmtx widget with the help of QBW.

1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get install powertop

you will not find it in app manager and you run it from terminal.

1. sudo gainroot
2. Start PowerTop.. during the count down
3. Close all program and the keyboard
4. Lock the screen and wait a minute

If you want it to save to a file..
2. powertop > /path/to/the/file.txt

Last edited by AlMehdi; 2010-08-03 at 09:00. Reason: forgot that you need to be root

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Posts: 365 | Thanked: 98 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
If you are adventurus you could install PowerTop. It will give you good information if you can understand it.

I uninstalled the fmtx widget as i saw it drew battery. Noticed a little change. And did my own fmtx widget with the help of QBW.
what repo is powertop from, dev?

Also I don't have the fmtx widget installed, but thanks for the tip.

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It's in extras-devel so you'll need to make sure it is activated.
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Originally Posted by 2disbetter View Post
Where do you think the polled data concerning your battery usage is just coming from? Something has to be recording it. Open up top or htop and you'll see both of those activities in your processes list.

i saw these 2 apps only once in my htop/top.
And both were not consuming any % of cpu.
so hw can it be possible if they were recording the usage?
but i also thought the can only plot the graph or give us the detailed usage info if these info were prerecorded somewere....
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Originally Posted by s33 View Post
i saw these 2 apps only once in my htop/top.
And both were not consuming any % of cpu.
so hw can it be possible if they were recording the usage?
but i also thought the can only plot the graph or give us the detailed usage info if these info were prerecorded somewere....
Yep. Just becuase they were not using any CPU then, does not mean they don't. How long where you monitoring Htop? The entire day? But just so you know, it's not speculation or a theory, they do infact use battery juice. Just making sure that is clear.

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Over the past week or 2 I've also had battery problems. I ended up reflashing and thought it was all good and started installing apps. but the problem started again.

I can't help but think its the titan's kernel doing something OR conflicting with something cos ever since I uninstalled it 3 days ago, the mysterious battery drain disappeared.

I used powertop to see what's going on. It turns out that the kernel is doing something weird. The process:
<kernel core> with function tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick kept the phone in C0 state all the time. Battery drains to 0 in a few hrs. It's completely random and it takes a few restart for the problem to go away.

Anyone else have the same problem?

I'm gonna have another crack at reflashing and installing apps one by one and testing it slowly this time.

On a side note the scim package used for for chinese input also drains battery.

Once I start scim-panel-gtk, it keeps n900 from sleeping fully and keeps waking the n900 up. This can be confirmed by running powertop. n900 will spend approximately 30% of the time in C3 state and cannot go fully into C4 state.

The process cannot be killed, it just respawns. A restart is needed to unload it. If anyone can figure out a good way to stop it from respawning let me know!
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hi guys, i've been viewing this forum for a few months now picking up useful tips and tricks on pimping my n900.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a list of apps and settings used by the power users to keep their n900's running nice and smooth?
if not would someone come up with 1 for the new guys like me... thanks

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