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Originally Posted by 222 View Post
try this Call-Locker
what does that exactly do?
I looked the web page and installed it, but do not quite see how the system differs now.

I have also had lots of call answering problems with N900, both with pr1.1 and pr1.2.

Iīd like it to be fixed (user optional configuration) so that I only could answer, reject or silence the phone call IF I FIRST switch the physical slide button matter what light meter or proximity sensor would say. If I could configure N900 that way, it would solve most of the annoying call answering problems for me. The current system just do not work in so many ways.

Also, with double press with a power key, I would want to answer the phone calls, without activating the touch screen - or some other way by using only physical keys which are available withouth opening qwerty. That would enable to use phone and answer calls with and inside of different carrying cases like waterproof ones or Nokia CP-402 wrist case, which now is difficult to use withouth handsfree or/and with custom headphones.
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To get basic functionality like "phone" working on this "computer" we should not be installing third party application. How hard can it be to make the accept and reject buttons swipe enabled. It just shows the lack of commitment this product has on Nokia `s portfolio. In a couple of months it will be a year since I got hold of the phone.. and the basic functionality of a phone isnt bug free.. And for the record must of the phone hanging related bugs are "wont fix" on the bug jar..
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Could you please link these wontfix bugs here so we can see and they got attention from people who are having these issues.

And about issues. Iīm not having them after I reflashed my phone with PR 1.2 and stopped using apps from testing and devel and minimized usage of any daemon(background service) like apps.

And phone works for me as it should. I can answer and make calls.

Last edited by slender; 2010-08-24 at 08:32.
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Just search for hildon-home being unresponsive bugs...

As for the phone bugs the screen glitch is always repeatable if you take it from your pocket, the other bugs can be reproduced if you run any resource hungry app and then get a call.. Try running open-arena and then call the phone.. see the phone app jump all over..


Originally Posted by slender View Post
Could you please link these wontfix bugs here so we can see and they got attention from people who are having these issues.

And about issues. Iīm not having them after I reflashed my phone with PR 1.2 and stopped using apps from testing and devel and minimized usage of any daemon(background service) like apps.

And phone works for me as it should. I can answer and make calls.
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Jakarta, Indonesia
also experiencing this bug (maybe)

at some point i could end up with several missed calls which i didn't even felt it vibrate or never heard it rang (i put my phone inside my pants pocket)

sometimes i even notice a call coming by looking at the screen and before i can answered it, the call stops and registered as missed calls
(eventhough the person trying to call me didn't intend to stop the call)

lately its happening quite frequently...

unfortunately i haven't been able to determine the cause nor reproduce this bug in exact steps/conditions

Last edited by adhrie; 2010-08-24 at 10:07.

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Iīm very very aware of bug reports, but please. To give them attention link them here and do not make statements that they are wontfix. (so there is many of them. Please again link and show that you have facts)

I have read quite many bug reports and i have to say that too many of them SUCK. I cannot reproduce them and people think that they do not have to list all the points what they are asked for and they seem to think that because they have that problem also other people have it too.

Because i have too much time so letīs try to search and see.
Search unresponsive in comments

One is wontfix
Bug 8723 Items in hildon-home can be non-responsive for several minutes

I feel pity when i read those comments.
Nokia engineer asks for simple things and people fail to provide basic information.

I really doubt that people read and understand what is being written there.

Last edited by slender; 2010-08-24 at 10:16.
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Originally Posted by vijayv View Post
If it was so simple why is this bug still not fixed... just read the whole list on how much user input has gone into it. I have not seen another bug report with a more detailed response...
Quantity != quality. I see many many comments that should be deleted and user banned from bugzilla :|

And if you read those comments it becomes quite true that 3rd party widgets/apps are fck system up.

This bug was much worse in PR1.1 it improved so it means something can be done about it.. and then the only thing which changed is the status to wont fix.
Hmm. I do not follow. Was much worse? To me everything has been quite a same on regarding this bug on factory flashed device.

I had clearly told you what bug I was referring to and you did find it too and still you ask me for facts ???
!!!!!????? There. Pick some more.

- You have not CLEARLY told what bug you were talking about
- You were talking about wontfix bugS in phone application. Because of plural i thought that you are referring to two or more bugs.

Did you read the reason why it was a "wontfix" because you could reproduce it by deleting some file on the fb widget which half the people who see this bug have not even installed.. I stopped discussing this bug in this forum since the status was changed.
Wontfix in that bug is after all because it was not clearly reproducable and quite vague. As you can see people started to mix what bug was about. Do we read same bug report? Do not read rantīs. Give much bigger attention to people who are trying to get details and really trying to find reason. What I see when i read that quickly trought and ignore rants is that people report constantly widgets causing problems.

So by making statements like the bug report is pathetic is hardly factual by your own standards.

Since you are keen on standing by nokia engineers tell me how much time does it take to implement a swipe on accept and reject buttons . If at least the telephony app was open the community would have fixed it long before.
IMO swipe to reject & accept should been out of box. And about implementing stuff. I do not know. But itīs freaking hard and takes time.

Bugzilla is not yelling contest (votes are for that). Its good tool if itīs used properly and people behave.
natedog400's Avatar
Posts: 294 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Since i enabled landscape mode in phone turning control, all bugs have gone. no missed calls, phone always rings and no screen glitches. Its annoying that the volume is now the opposite way around but on the whole... it works fine now. I've actually noticed an overall improvement in the phones behavier, the screen doesn't lag like it did before and seems faster. Definately something wrong with portrait mode.
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2010
@ Slender: The key is to separate the third party widget process from hildon home. Right now the user has no clue on which widget if at all its a widget issue, is causing hildon-home to hang.

As to yelling and votes.. there has been enough votes and user input on the bug.. more than enough. It wouldn't be so bad if it was admitted it was hard to fix and it wont be fixed but to give a lame excuse and say that the bug is not nokia`s problem is just not right.

The bug is reproducible as explained by nokia staff itself. read the comments again. As it is now any widget can cause hildon-home to hang and by looking at top we cant make out what widget is causing it.. uninstalling widgets one by one was done by many users.. each coming up with there own version of what was wrong. Still there is no clear solution.

And lastly I have not done grammar checks on the post , didn't think that was a criteria. Don't bother to reply if you don't have anything useful to say about how the bug can be fixed.. I don't want another lecture on plurals and quality of bug reports.And for the record I have voted for incremental bug fixes instead of PR releases in the brain storm, but nothing has come out of it even though there is a majority favoring that decision in the brain storm.

@ nate: yes, the screen glitch goes away in landscape mode, but if you are like me , using the power button to start the phone app and calling someone using just one hand, the landscape mode is hard.


Originally Posted by slender View Post
Quantity != quality. I see many many comments that should be deleted and user banned from bugzilla :|

And if you read those comments it becomes quite true that 3rd party widgets/apps are fck system up.

Hmm. I do not follow. Was much worse? To me everything has been quite a same on regarding this bug on factory flashed device.

!!!!!????? There. Pick some more.

- You have not CLEARLY told what bug you were talking about
- You were talking about wontfix bugS in phone application. Because of plural i thought that you are referring to two or more bugs.

Wontfix in that bug is after all because it was not clearly reproducable and quite vague. As you can see people started to mix what bug was about. Do we read same bug report? Do not read rantīs. Give much bigger attention to people who are trying to get details and really trying to find reason. What I see when i read that quickly trought and ignore rants is that people report constantly widgets causing problems.

IMO swipe to reject & accept should been out of box. And about implementing stuff. I do not know. But itīs freaking hard and takes time.

Bugzilla is not yelling contest (votes are for that). Its good tool if itīs used properly and people behave.

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