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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
So you will never own any phone other than the N900? That's what is means to say none.
Correct. The N900 is what I want... a mobile computer with a minimal phone.

For me Nokia's useless customer services and the usb port issue and the millions of bugs in the N900 made me decide months ago that I would never buy a Nokia phone again.
Customer service??? Why would I want to deal with customer service(of any company?)??? The product works. If it doesn't it gets returned. And so far the only times the N900 failed in any way was due to my own messing around.

However, I started getting into the modifications you can do on the N900 and got really addicted to it. So if Nokia releases a meego phone as open as the N900 that will be my next phone. Unless someone other than Nokia releases a very open phone then I would get that instead. Would likey be less buggy and there would probably be better customer services.
Again what does customer service have to do with you using the device? If you are unable to then don't buy it. If you have issues with the device that go beyond mere read the manual return it.

As for meego no thanks. That's a phone centric UX. Totaly useless for any serious work(personally). I'm hopping someone will make a m5 like UX for it sometime.

If no one comes up with a very open meego device then will go for a HTC android phone. Don't think you can go wrong with that.
Suurrreee. Someone at work got it. They wanted to connect to IMAP and AUTH smtp server and exchange... Guess what the default mail app from that specific device(updated to the latest droid) is BROKEN. It is incapable of doing SMTP AUTH and fails to connect to exchange. So in other words USELESS.

Gotta love devices like that ;) For me N900 and I might save up some more cash for a second one. Though considering I was using a nokia 5110 for 6 years and had no probs I doubt it'll be an issue. Nokia builds these things to last. They could use some better people for the software though.
For any repos or anything else I might have working on my N900 see:
A quick list of what I have in the repos

Last edited by ruskie; 2010-10-31 at 12:52.
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Originally Posted by ruskie View Post
Nokia builds these things to last
I gotta agree with that During the last 10 years I've had several Nokia phones and only one of them broke, whereas my old Sony Ericsson became unusable due to buttons not working anymore, my old Samsung's motherboard melted, and so on, and they lasted only about a year each. I still have several of my old Nokia phones in the drawer and they're working fine even after all these years.

Hardware has always been Nokia's strong point. Software hasn't :P
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My Next phone is going to be the Nokia N9 - no questions asked. Don't care what Android can do. And i'm not even considering iPhone - ever.

However there is a specific reason why I get Nokia vs Android brands. When I hear Nokia N-series this is what I think:

Good quality microphone, good quality speakers (for speakerphone), good build quality, good camera i.e. sweet hardware, with Nokia good quality hardware is pretty much standard! Sure there are other brands that also make good hardware (e.g. Samsung).

The thing is I don't even need to think about the h/w I KNOW it's going to be good. Thats why I get Nokia N-series.

However I don't hold much for the software, I'm not sure how much Nokia can get in the next 5 months or so till they release the Nokia N9 and what they will decide to do. I highly doubt they can compete with Android on their first release it'll be at least MeeGo 1.3/4 til they have enough software similar apps to Android/iOS. To keep the numpties happy that is - I'm happy with the open source OS i shall be able to get on MeeGo anyway.

All in all though it's a waiting game..................

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For me.
I would like the N900 in an new package:

Big Screen > 4" with a res of 1280x768 or better
600mhz or better Dual core CPU
USB 3.0 (with OTG)
HDMI out
OS: Maemo, ubuntu etc..
with the big size due to the screen, the battery for once can be very big, the keys can be bigger or there could be more of them.

size doesn't matter for me, since this would still be better than hogging a 10" laptop around

i love my N900 since it does everything i really need in a computer/phone, and mine will get bigger with the additional homemade battery's im building + a lot of extra stuff that can fit in the mugen cover, like wireless power charging

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Originally Posted by dr_frost_dk View Post
Big Screen > 4" with a res of 1280x768 or better
IMHO even the current 800x480 is quite fine for such a small screen. I'd just like the screen to be 5 inches so that you can really enjoy all the multimedia content on it. Oh, and it'd absolutely have to be multitouch.

600mhz or better Dual core CPU
I'd prefer single-core myself. Why? Well, I have a dual-core phone from before and almost NONE of the software available for it actually used threading so they only ran on one core. It seems the trend still hasn't changed and all mobile software are optimized for single-core. Thus, a 1Ghz or higher single-core CPU would be a better way to go.

HDMI out
This. But with one exception: when using HDMI output actually use the higher resolution instead of just scaling the stuff up from the phone's own resolution. It's easy to do, yet most companies seem to rather just upscale the stuff and going the lazy route :/

OS: Maemo, ubuntu etc..
Atm I'd prefer Android because of its humongous amount of software. MeeGo perhaps in the future, but only once it's actually useable for day-to-day tasks for the general populace.

the keys can be bigger or there could be more of them.
The keyboard could use some work, yes, but I'd like to add a virtual projected keyboard to it: if you have the device sitting on a table or connected to external display via HDMI you could enable an infrared keyboard that is projected on the surface in front of the phone. This would increase its usability by miles.

But oh well, since I am not in a position to actually manufacture the devices myself nor does anyone in such a position wish to listen to female audiences it's unlikely there'll ever exist my dream device.
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i will have no new phones after n900.....but the next internet tablet with a little phone capabilities will be awesome!!
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

"The best way to break a Spell is to prevent it from being cast in the first place"

N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;

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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Yeah when the usb port falls out and Nokia has to give you a new one.
never happend to me and i am really not careful when plugging the thing in and out

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My one is now a Dell Streak ! and the n900 is for testing and game a little bit with it ;-P
(n900 _Switzerland)
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For my next phone I'm going for the phone that i fell in love with more than my n900. I'm looking for a used sendo x since they don't make them any more its gonna be hard ... call it nostalgia but i miss my sendo x.
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I have completely lost faith in Nokia phones after having the N900. I work for Nokia Siemens Networks, and a surprising number of us have iphones. Too funny. I have no enthusiasm or interest in Nokia phones anymore. My big problem is that I cannot visit a customer and pull out a Samsung or iphone. I would replace it with a better Nokia phone, but this is the best they've got currently! Sad state of affairs for Nokia.

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