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Posts: 137 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Drama, Greece
if you read the next links you whould end up on this page 2008 Greek riots 2008 that started when? When an officer shot a boy namde grhgoropoulos. These riots were huge more huge than anything has greece senn. Even we high scool students left scool to attend these demonstrations. But from my point of view most of the demonstrators didnt care about the luck of the child and the police man that killed him. They were just expressing their rage to our goverment for other issues not connected to this incident. I would also like to add that people who vandalised and burned al lot of things at this time (sorry for my bad english) were anarchists, moreover the media and especially cnn and foreing media wont adopt anything possitive about my country.

the other article is refered to the junta during the period of 1967 to 1974. Things have changed WE HAVE DEMOCRASY BTW these police officers are either dead or eiter in prison. A lot of crimes took place during this period but police officers were just following orders from 4-5 psyco military leaders that desided greece would be better if they took over. Whats more i strongly dislike it when people post a link and say nothing more Thank you for your reply
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for those of you suggesting police dont use bullying and intimidation actics, its like saying it never happens in school because you weren't bullied there. trust me, it happens. i'm sure it varies from place to place and person to person. but if ur face doesn't fit or you know the wrong people police will abuse their power to extreme extents to make your life misery. in my youth i was stopped and searched daily, for no good reason other than the police wanted to harass me. they knew i wasn't carrying anything from the previous 200 searches but would still stop me, ridicule me infront of whoever i was with and try to intimidate me into lashing out so they could arrest me. i got a small car with a spoiler and alloys and body kit, which meant i got pulled over at least once a week for an impromptu mot and unnecessary abuse. just because you havent suffered dont think for a second it doesn't happen.
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

its a sad day when i can't slip at least one hitchhiker reference in somewhere.

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riceboy's Avatar
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Rota Land
maybe if OP is willing to pay for it, devs might take him up on the request no?
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Without going into all the political babble here..

It might be pseudo-handy to make a "wire" / "bug" application to record audio and upload it somewhere in real time (ish - I don't see a problem with ~ 5 sec delays), along with a dead mans switch that automatically publishes the recording somewhere (fbi / parents) if a "safety" code is not entered.

The nontrivial portion is the server side & publishing.
'QtDone'. Getting things done (GTD) was never this cheap!

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efekt's Avatar
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 320 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Israel
I think OP made this whole concept of this application just to b*tch about him being caught watching porn

The simplest and best solution to police brutality is just put your vote to a party who'll suite best to your point of view and way of life.
You should be thankful for being able to vote and that your vote actually counts and reflects your views - this is being taken for granted by you, but in some countries in this world, having a mind of your own is considered a crime...
As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it...
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 418 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I vote for a rape whistle app.

Think about it, you get pulled over by a cop, just start yelling rape and he'll probably freak out and leave.

And if you have your N900 screaming rape with a female voice out your stereo system (with the FM transmitter?) then the cop would more than likely just leave.

Just have it yell "Please officer, don't rape me! Rape rape!"


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Posts: 343 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Sep 2010
The app would automatically record video and audio and upload the video (and a backup) to a server in real time and send an email and sms to your lawyer with your gps location.

This app would have to be bluetooth linked to your phone triggered by an external camera that you wear near your neck and the camera would have to have a recessed button which you would have to hold down for 3 beeps in order to activate. The camera should probably have a small red light to indicate it's on.

The officer may act nice seeing that he is being recorded by you and can't place his back to the video camera in his car window so he can't be seen.

This is not just an app but a small camera too so you could make a lot of money.

The app must be triggered by an external camera near the neck so you don't get shot by the officer reaching for your phone.

The app must give you a ten minute window to cancel the video and sms to your lawyer.

The app must have an extensive setup and testing procedure and the person writing the app should probably go interview defense lawyers to ask what is the preferable methods to protect their client.

This app must lockout the officer (by auto 2 hour lockout) that tries to delete your video by threatening you are taking your phone.

This app must auto upload every 30 seconds or so in case the officer destroys your phone.
This is a really stupid, and demanding, request. Police brutality, get over it. Next.
efekt's Avatar
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 320 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Israel
Originally Posted by slaapliedje View Post
I vote for a rape whistle app.

Think about it, you get pulled over by a cop, just start yelling rape and he'll probably freak out and leave.

And if you have your N900 screaming rape with a female voice out your stereo system (with the FM transmitter?) then the cop would more than likely just leave.

Just have it yell "Please officer, don't rape me! Rape rape!"

Researches has shown that the best way to fend off rapists and draw people's attention to help you - is actually scream "fire!"
Just FYI
As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it...

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Originally Posted by andreas.k View Post
if you read the next links you would end up on this page 2008 Greek riots 2008 that started when? When an officer shot a boy named grhgoropoulos. These riots were huge more huge than anything has Greece seen. Even we high school students left school to attend these demonstrations. But from my point of view most of the demonstrators didn't care about the luck of the child and the police man that killed him. They were just expressing their rage to our government for other issues not connected to this incident. I would also like to add that people who vandalised and burned al lot of things at this time (sorry for my bad English) were anarchists, moreover the media and especially CNN and foreign media won't adopt anything positive about my country.

The other article is referred to the junta during the period of 1967 to 1974. Things have changed WE HAVE DEMOCRACY BTW these police officers are either dead or in prison. A lot of crimes took place during this period but police officers were just following orders from 4-5 psycho military leaders that decided Greece would be better if they took over. What's more, I strongly dislike it when people post a link and say nothing more Thank you for your reply
I have read both these pages. My point actually is that there is less police misconduct in Greece than in some other countries:
I hoped the link would tell its own story.
Posts: 889 | Thanked: 537 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ scotland
yes i think the necktie camera is a step too far, the audio video realtime upload is a good idea though.

honestly if you've never suffered from police harassment then lucky you, but please don't belittle or disbelieve those who know how much misery it can be. the police can and do make peoples lives absolute misery with the power they have, and theres little or nothing you can do about it. i'm not a criminal (actually i just served jury duty last week, which having a record would prohibit me from doing) and i have seen first hand the extent of police bullying. i'm not saying its all or even most of them, but its enough, one facebook status from an officer out this way on friday - "cant believe i'm working hogmanay (new years eve in scotland) , first person to annoy me is doing a weekender" (weekender- arrested on friday for any reason and after the working week is done its monday morning before they can process your release)
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

its a sad day when i can't slip at least one hitchhiker reference in somewhere.

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saturn in, uranus

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